_faorai_ v. i., to plot, take counsel, consult, talk together.

_faoro_ v. tr., to multiply.

_faoroa_ adj., often. _oro_.

_faqaqaoa_ v. tr., to make clean. _qaqaoa_.

_faqaqari_ v. tr., _faqaqari lio_, to comfort.

_fara_ (_gu_) n., beneath; with locative _i_, _i farana_, on the earth.

_fararao_ v. tr., to cause to stick. _rarao_.

_farifari_ n., a scorpion. S. _hariheri_.

_farodo_ v. tr., to darken; _farodo maa_, to blind the eyes.


_fasaa_; _fasaa fua_, to curse; _bae fasaa ana_, to curse anyone.

_fasi_ (_nau_) 1. prep., from, motion from.

_fasi_ 2. adv., a while; makes the diction less abrupt; _o lea fasi_, please go; _alua fasi_, put it aside, i.e., wait a while, presently.

_fasi_ 3. v. tr., to sow, to plant. S. _hasi_.

_fasia_ dehortative, don"t! _fasia oko lea go_, do not go; _o fasia oko luia lau_, do not forbid it any more. _fasi_ 2.

_fasifa_ v. tr., to sell, to hire.

_fasifala_ v. n., price, hire. _sifa_.

_fasui_ v. tr., to finish; _fasui lio_, to satisfy the mind. _sui_.

_fasusu_ v. tr., to give suck to. _susu_.

_fataali_ v. tr., to do harm to, to spoil. _taa_.

_fatai_ partic., out, clear.

_fataia_ v. n., a manifestation. S. _ha"atai_.

_fatake_, _fatakesi_ v. v. tr., to cause to stand, to set up; _fatake qaimani_, to be a peacemaker. _take_.

_fataofai_ v. tr., to cause to stumble, to offend (late use).


_fatau_ v. tr., to cause to be far off. S. _ha"atau_.

_fatemaea_ n., a wonder, a miracle; _si fatemaea_.

_fateofi_ v. tr., to cause to lie down, to put to sleep. _teo_.

_fateqa_ v. tr., to lengthen. _teqa_.

_fatona_ v. tr., to cause amazement to.

_fatou_ v. tr., to humble. _tou_.

_fe_ 1. article, a; used of things spherical in shape; _fe bread_, a loaf; _fe bubulu_, a star; _fe gale bola_, a young pigeon; _fe kakarai kua_, a hen"s egg; _fe rade_, a reed; _na_ or _ta_, or _te_, may precede; _fe uo_, a hill; _tefuana ta fe uo_, every hill; _na fe uo_, a hill; _te fe mwela matala_, an only son; used of one of a series; _fe asua_, a day; _fe rodo_, a night; used as a multiplicative; _ro fe angia_, two cryings; _fita fe ade doo taa fuagu_, how many sinnings against me? Cf. _qe_.

_fe_ 2. (a) marks repet.i.tion or restoration or continuance; is accompanied by adv. _lau_, again; _na abana e fe boeboela lau_, his hand was restored whole; _daro fe lea lau go_, they two went on; (b) used as an illative, in that case, following upon. S. _hei_.

_fera_ n., land, village, habitation; _fera fu_, heritage; _fera gwou_, a deserted village. S. _hera_.

_Ferasubua_ artificial islet north of _Fuaga_.

_fi_ illative, in that case, then, following upon, just now, for the first time; follows the verbal particles _ka_, _ko_, but a particle need not be used; _gami mi fi saitamana na tala_, and how shall we know the way?

_fi_ 2. trans. suffix to verb; _tau_, to wash; _taufia abana_.

_fidali_ v. tr., to clap the hands, to strike with the hands. S.


_fii_ v. i., to be in pain, to hurt. S. _hii_.

_fiila_ v. n., pain. _nonifii_.

_fili_; _tasifili_, alone. S. _hili_.

_filo_; _ada filo_, to choose, to perceive; _too filo_, to perceive.

_finau_ n., a hook. S. _hinou_.

_fiolo_ v. i., to be hungry.

_fioloa_ v. n., hunger. S. _hi"olo_.

_firi_ adv., always, lasting; _too firi_, everlasting; _suli dangifiri_, daily.

_firu_ v. i., to fight with weapons.

_firula_ v. n., a fight, war; _na firula_.

_fisu_, _fifisu_ v. tr., to pluck.

_fita interrog_. adv., used with _e_ 3; _e fita_, how many? _sasigu ka fita fe ade doo taa fuagu_, how often shall my brother wrong me?

S. _nite_.

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