_lalaoa_ v. n., a herald. Mota _valago_.

_lalifu_ (_na_) n. corner.

_laliqate_ v. i., to make an oration, to preach.

_laliqatela_ v. n. S. _wale_.

_lamua_ a dove; _fe lamua_; _ta ro fe lamua_, two doves.

_langae_, to throw; _langae fou_, to cast stones.

_langi_ 1. negative, no, not; _e_ may be prefixed; used as negative particle; _e langi nau gu lea_, I did not go; _si_ may be added, _nia langi si saea_, he does not know, _e langi nau gu si lea_, I am not going; _e langi si langi lau_, not again; _langi lau_ no more; _langi ana_, not existing, lost; _langi ta_, or, if not; _ma langi_, _ma e langi_, or not, in questions; _lalangi ana_, nothing.

_langi_ 2. sky, heaven; _ilangi_. S. _langi_.

_lao_ (_na_) n, in; _lao rodo_, at night; i _laogamu_, _amongst_ you, in you, _laona maamu_, in your eye. S. _lalo_.

_laongi_ v. tr., to cross, step over; S. _laongi_.

_Lau_ 1. name of the language spoken by the coast peoples of Big Malaita on the artificial Islets off northeast coast, spoken also at Port Adam on Little Malaita.

_lau_ 2. adv. again, anew, also; _go_ may be added, _inau lau go_.

S. _lou_.

_lau_ 3. v. tr., to wrest, abduct; _lau doola_, extortion; _lau fafi_, to deliver. S. _lau_.

_lausi_ v. tr., _bae lausit_ to compel.

_lea lelea_, v. i., to go; _lea fonosi_, to afflict; _lea isuli_, to follow.

_leafi_ v. tr., to cause to move.

_lelea_ v. n., going.

_leala_ v. n., a herald. S. _lae_.

_lebelebe_ v. i., to be weak, sick.

_lebelebela_ v. n., trembling.

_ledi_ 1. v. tr., to ask a question; _aoe ledi_, to question a person.

_ledila_ v. n., questioning.

_ledi_ 2. v. tr., to abominate, to renounce; _qatiedi_. S.


_lelefe_, a dish, bowl, of wood.

_li_ 1. genitive; _maalimaea_, enemy; _maalitafa_, channel; a variant of _ni_.

_li_ 2. transitive suffix to verbs, _mae_, _maeli_.

_lifo_ (_gu_) n. tooth; _girigiri lifoa_, gnashing of teeth. S.


_liligali_ (_nau_), prep, all around. S. _lilikeli_.

_lima_ 1. (_gu_) n. hand, arm. S. _nime_.

_lima_ 2. numeral, five; _e lima_. S. _lime_.

_limana_ ordinal, fifth, the fifth time.

_lingisi_ v. tr., to reverse, turn upwards. S. _lingi_.

_liqa_, cave, hole. S. _liwe_.

_liu_, _liliu_ v. i., to ply, come, pa.s.s by; _liu idu_, to pa.s.s by; _liliu kali_, to spread; _liu inao fuagamu_, go in front of you.

_liufa_ v. n., an epidemic. S. _liu_.

_lio_ 1. v. i., to look, seem.

_lio_ (_gu_) n., appearance. S. _lio_.

_lio_ 2. (_gu_) n., heart, mind; _lio sarofaia_, harmless; _lio bukonua_, sorrow; _ro si lio_ double mind; _lio too_, to be wise, _lio tooa_, _lio_ _toola_, wisdom; _alu te si lio_, to be brave.

_lita_ (_gu_) n., waist, loins,

_lo_ adv., there, used with _go_, and _gi_; _ita mai logo_, thence; _logo_ north west; _na ogule boso logi_, the herd of swine over there.

_lobo_ v. i., a lake, pond. S. _lopo_.

_lofo_ 1 v. i., to jump, to fly; _lofo laongi_, to jump over; _ano lofo_, dust.

_lofoi_ v. tr., to a.s.sault. S. _loho_.

_lofo_ 2. (_na_) n, in the neighborhood of, over against, opposite to; _i lofona fera_, opposite the village.

_logosi_ v. tr., to incline, bend. S. _lolosi_.

_lola_ v. i., to drown.

_lologu_ v. i., to be palsied, crippled. S. _loku_.

_lolosi_ v. tr., to bend. S. _lolosi_.

_lolou_ v. i., to make a noise, reverberate. S. _lolou_.

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