_nao_ v. i., to lead; _nao tala_, lead the way; _eta inao_, to lead. S. _nao_.

_naofa_ (_na_) n. eldest, first, _naofana mwela_, eldest child, _naofe mwela_.

_nare_ 1. v. tr., to roast on the embers.

_nare_ 2. v. tr., to prepare, make ready, serve, wait upon.

_nau_ 1. pers. p.r.o.n. sing. 1. I, used by itself as subj. or follows _inau_; _nau gu ote nau ni_ lea, I do not want to go. V. _nau_.

_nau_ 2. as _nau_ 1. but suff. as obj. to verbs and prepositions.

_nau_ 3. _fanau_ educate. S. _nanau_.

_ne_ 1. demonstrative, there, that; _a mwela ne_, that person, he.

_ne_ 2. interrogative p.r.o.n. follows the interrogative _ati_, who; _ati ne_? _e uta ne_, how is it?

_ne_ 3. v. i., to speak, make a sound.

_nee_ v. i., to be still, silent.

_nena_ demonstrative p.r.o.n., that, follows the noun; _doo nena_, that thing.

_neneo_ charcoal.

_ni_ 1. genitive, of, belonging to; (a) used mainly in construction; _fote ni fera_, a native paddle; _baea ni sugela_, words of deceit, _mwemwedua ni lalano_, wild honey; (b) expressive of purpose, _si gula ni lea inia_, a place for him to go to; (c) expressive of condition, _rosuli ni manatai gami_, hear us in mercy, _gera mou ni oli_, they feared to return; _fasia muka manata ni bae uri_, think not to say thus; (d) added to verbal suffix giving transitive force _foaa_, _foaataini_. S. _ni_. Cf. M. L. p.


_ni_ 2. personal article used with the names of females, both native and foreign; _ni Alida_, also used with certain nouns which denote women where in Sa"a _nga_ or _a_ is used, _ni te nau_, my mother; _ni mwaimwane_, a man"s sister or a woman"s brother; _ni aia_, female relations; _ni doo_ the woman; _ni mwela ne_, that woman; is not used with _afe_ wife, nor with _geni_ female; is not used with plural. Duke of York _ne_, M. L. p. 566, _Gilb_. Is.

_nei_, Efate _lei_, S. _kei_.

_ni_ 3. interrogative used to (a) call attention; _ni ai_? I say, you! (b) in the sense of, is that so? S. _ni_.

_ni_ 4. demonstrative attached to _ta_, one, a; _tani aiai_, some people; to _oto_; _tani oto ni saiai_. S. _ni_ 3.

_ni_ 5. a detachable prefix; _doo nifai_, _doo ifai_, what thing?

S. _ni_ 4.

_ni_ 6. transitive suffix to verbs; _mou_, _mouni_. S. _ni_.

_ni_ 7. pers. p.r.o.n. sing, 3. it, used in explanation; _na light fuana noni ni maa_, the light of the body is the eye; _e uta ro si lio ni amu_, why are you of two minds?

_ni_ 8. suff. p.r.o.n. pl. 3. neut; _i talani_, in their place. S.


_nia_ personal p.r.o.noun sing. 3. he, she, it; used by itself as subj, or follows _inia_. S. _nge"ie_.

_niania_ v. tr., to deny, repudiate.

_nifai_ interrog. p.r.o.n. what, follows noun; _doo nifai_, what thing?

_nima_, _ninima_ 1. (_gu_) n. hand, arm; _ninimana tala_, corner of the way, beside the way. S. _nime_.

_nima_ 2. for _lima_ five.

_nina_ v. i. to be accustomed to, be able. S. _nina_.

_noabu_ sparrow hawk.

_noni_ (_gu_) n. body, shape, fashion; _noni fii_, to suffer; _noni fiila_ v. n., suffering; _nonilau_, to be safe and sound. Mao _tino_.

_nono_ v. i., to place the face against, to sniff, to kiss; _nono faini_, to kiss.

_nonoi_ v. tr. S. _nono_.

_nue_ v. i., to be foolish, dumb.

_nuela_ v. n., folly.

_nui_ (_na_) n. a nest. S. _niui_.

_nuku_ v. i., to be wrinkled. S. _nuku_.

_nunulu_ v. i., to wither. S. _nunulu_.


_ngado_ 1. v. i., to be firm; _ngado fua_, to trust, _manata ngado ana_, to rely on; _too ngado_, to remain firm.

_ngado_ 2. i _aena ngado_, at the very bottom. S. _i ngadona aena_, at his feet.

_ngae_ (_na_); _adala i ngaena maa_, envy. S. _ngae_.

_ngaini_ transitive suffix to verb; saw, _saungaini_. S. _nga"ini_.

_ngali_ 1. v. tr., to take, to receive.

_ngalila_ v. n., burden.

_ngali_ 2. canarium nut. S. _ngali_.

_ngangarea_ adj., deep rooted.

_ngasi_ v. i., to be firm, hard; _bae ngasi_, to speak sternly.

Florida _ngasi_, hard.

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