_oluna_ ordinal, third, for the third time. S. _"olu_.

_omae_ v. i., to weep.

_omaea_ v. n., _omaela_ v. n., wailing. Cf. _oimae_.

_onionga_, to mock, used with poss.; _onionga ana_, mocked him.

_ono_ numeral, six; _e ono_.

_onona_ ordinal, sixth, for the sixth time. S. _ono_.

_ongataini_ v. tr., to vex, annoy,

_ongiongi_ v. tr., to deceive.

_oo_ a drum. S. _"o"o_.

_oobala_ a shed, hut.

_oofa-_ (_na_) approaching to, with child.

_ooga_ v. tr., to be tied together, to incur a debt.

_ooganga_ v. n., debt.

_oolo_ v. i., to be straight; adj. straight.

_ooloa_ v. n., straightness.

_ooni_ adv., temporary, empty, idle, naked; _too ooni go_, fleeting.

_ore_ v. i., to fail, to fall short of, to lack; _ore fanga_, to abstain from eating, fast; _ore fua_ to be lacking; _ore ana_, to be lacking; _ani ore_, to eat and leave some over. S. _ore_.

_oro_ v. i., to be many; adj. many. _faoroa_.

_oru_ 1. v. i., to blow; n. wind. S. _ooru_.

_oru_ 2. widow; _qe oru_, a widow.

_oso_ (_gu_) n. food for a journey. S. _oto_.

_ote_ 1. plural article; _ote ai gi_, you women; _ote ruana_ his fellows; _ote geni_ women.

_ote_ 2. v. tr., to fash, cause ennui to; _gera ote gera_, it wearied them.

_ote_ 3. valley.

_oto_ adv. perhaps; _oto mone_, is it so? denotes indefiniteness, used with _ni_ following, _tani oto ni saiai_, certain persons.

_otofa-_ (_na_) because of, on account of.


The sound represented by _q_ is _kw_. In the words from Alite given by Dr. Codrington in M. L., p. p. 39 ff. the sound which appears in Lau as _q_ is there written as _ku_; e. g. _kuai_, Lau _qai_, Sa"a _wai_, water; _q_ in Lau may represent _w_ in _Sa"a qato_, _waato_; _qalu_, _walu_; _Ulaqa_, _Ulawa_.

_qadangi_ v. tr., to open up.

_qae_ 1. v. tr., to beat, strike; _qae mousi_, to strike and cut off; _qae maeli_ to kill with blows.

_qae_; 2. _qae tafusi_, to strain.

_qae_; 3. _qae kudona_, guiltless.

_qai_ 1. prefixed to verbs, denotes reciprocity; _sua_, to encounter, _qaisuasuafi_, to meet; _manata_, to think, _qaifamanatai_ to instruct; _liu_ to move position, _qailiu_ reciprocally; _mani_, (Sa"a _mani_, altogether), _qaimani_, to stand together, be of help to. The action of the original verb is enlarged and the subject included.

_qai_ 2. n., water; _maana qai_, mouth of the stream, a harbor on the northeast coast, south of Aio.

_qai_ 3. v. tr., to load, to fill up.

_qaiara_ n., a command.

_qaiaraa_ n., reward.

_qaidori_ v. tr., to desire.

_qaidoria_ v. n., desire. _dori_.

_qaiduu_ v. tr., to revenge.

_qaiduula_ v. n., vengeance. _duu_.

_qaierisi_ v. tr., to command, importune.

_qaierisia_ v. n., a command. _erisi_.

_qaifamanatai_ v. tr., to instruct.

_qaifamanataila_ v. n., instruction. _manata_

_qaife_; _qaife agalo_ to drive out evil spirits; _mwane qaife agalo_ a witch doctor.

_qailangaini_ v. tr., to wag, nod, waive. _langa_, up.

_qailiu_ adv., reciprocally, used of mutual action; _manata baita fuagamu_, _qailiu_, love one another; _lea qailiu_, to walk about.


_qailiua_ adj., humble, of low estate.

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