_alaa_ adv. up; of direction, southeast S. _"ala"a_.

_alafana_ adv. like, just as. Cf. S. _alihana_.

_alange_; _alange gwou_, to nod the head in affirmation. _ala_. 1.

_aliali_ forthwith.

_aliburi_ (_na_) v. tr. to shorten, curtail.

_alida_ v. i. to journey by sea. S. _alide_.

_alidea_ v. n.

_alifii_ v. tr. to lament.

_alifooa_ n. blood money.

_alinga_ (_gu_) n. ear; _alinga bungu_, deaf. S. _"alinge_.

_alitafu_ n. a dung heap, refuse. S. _alitehu_.

_alofi_ v. tr. to shake off.

_alu_ v. tr. to put, bury; v. i. to become; _alu ere ana_, to burn; _alu mwela_, to have children; _salo e alu maraqai_, the sky is red; _alu fafola_, addition, increase. U. _"alu_.

_alua_, dehortative, no! don"t! _alua fasi_, wait a while!

_alula_ v. n. putting, becoming.

_alualu_ v. i. _bae alualu_, to promise.

_aluga_ partic. unloosed. _luga_.

_amu_ 1. poss. sing. 2. for thee, thee (obj.). _gera soea amu_, they asked it of thee. S. _amu_.

_amu_ 2. v i. to be dumb; a _amu_, the deaf mute. S. _amumu_.

_ana_ 1. poss. sing. 3. for him, her, it; used also as obj. _e soea ana_, he asked him for it; _e lea ana_, he went on his way; _e ita ana mai_, from there; _qaifamanatai ana too_, a teacher of the people; _e baita tasaana_, bigger than it; _bota ana_, perhaps. S.


_ana_ 2. instrumental, with, therewithal; _doo gera saungia ana_, the thing they killed him with. S. _ana_.

_ana_ 3. belonging to, from, him, her, it; _o ngalia ana ati_, from whom did you get it? _tani ai ana aigi_, some of the people. S.


_ana_ 4. time when; _ana ta maedangi_, on a certain day; _ana koburo_, in the time of the northwest wind, summer. S. _ana_.

_ana_ 5. after, by the name of; _e saea lau ana satana_, he called him by his name. S. _ana_.

_ana_ 6. of, belonging to; used in composition; _kakao ana ano_, an earthen vessel; _lea ana fera_, to go to another country.

_ana_ 7. if, for, when, because, used of subjunctive.

_ana_ 8. _tangafulu ana_, tenth in a series. S. _ana_ 8

_ani_ 1. v. tr. to eat. Mota _gana_; Florida _gani_.

_anila_, v.n. eating.

_ani_ 2. instrumental, with; _suu fafia ani taa_, clothed with what? the p.r.o.noun a may be added, _ka modea na toongi ua inao ania_, to mend the old garment withal; _liona kafi too ania_, his heart shall be glad thereat. S. _ani_.

_ani_ 3. prep. concerning, in; _e langi ani nau_, there is nothing in me; _gera ote gera ani nau_, they will have nothing of me. S.


_ani_ 4. poss. pl. 3, used of things only, for them; _na doo da soi amu ani_, the things which they asked you for. S. _ani_.

_ani_ 5. v. suff.; _ui_, to throw, _uiani_ v. tr., to throw a thing.

_aniramo_, v. tr., to do violence to. _ramo_.

_ano_ 1. n., earth; _si ano lofo_, dust. S. _"ano_. Cf. _gano_.

_anomi_ v. tr., to bury.

_iano_ on the ground, down.

_ano_ 2. v. i., to come to naught. S. _"ano_ 2.

_angai_ v. tr., to lift, to carry. S. _anga"i_.

_angi_ v. i., to cry.

_angisi_ v. tr., to cry over. Mota _tang_.

_angia_, _angila_ v. n., a cry, crying.

_angita_ adv. with loc. i, i _angita_, when? bye and bye. Mota _angaisa_.

_anu_, _anuanu_ v. i., to be shaken, to be loose. S. _anu_.

_ao_ v. i., _ao maa ilengi_, to lift the eyes, to look up. S.


_aqaa_ v. i., to be well, whole, convalescent. S. _awaa_.

_aqala_ 1. n. a ten, a tally; _aqale mwai_, ten baskets.

_aqala_ (_na_) 2. n., its noise, the sound of it. S. _awa_ 2.

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