_mai_ 2. transitive suffix to verb, ala, _alamai_; _fatola_, _fatolamai_. S. _ma"i_.

_makalokalo_ adj., in the early morning, used with locative _i_.

_makeso_ adj., weak, feeble.

_Mala_ 1. Malaita; _Mala baita_, Big Malaita; _Mala Tout_, Little Malaita.

_mala_ 2. _mala iteite_ v. tr., to wound. Cf. S. _mala masi_.

_malefo_ sh.e.l.l money,

_malengai_ coconut,

_malimali_ adj., sweet. S. _malimeli_.

_malingi_ adj., split, overturned. S. _malingi_.

_mamagu_; v. i. _bae mamagu_, to revile.

_mamagua_ n., weakness,

_mamaloni_ adv., only, merely,

_mamalu_ 1.(_gu_) n., a shadow; 2. v. i., to cast a shadow; _sato e mamalu_, it is towards evening. S. _mamalu_.

_mamana_ v. i., to be true, real; _doo mamana_, truly; _manata mamana_, to believe.

_mamanaa_ truly.

_mamanaa_ n., power. S. _nanama_.

_mana_ used of numerals over ten; _aqala mana fai_. U. _mana_.

_manata_ 1. v. i., to think; _manata suli_ to know; _manata luga_, to for- give; _manata too_ (_gu_) to remember.

_manatai_ v. tr. to pity.

_manataila_ v. n., 1. pity, mercy; 2. thought. S. _manata_.

_manata_ 2. v. i., to be quiet, tame. S. _manata_.

_mani_; _qaimani_, to help; _qaimani fainau_, help me; _fatake qaimani_, to be a peacemaker.

_qaimania_, v. n., a company. S. _mani_.

_manu_ bird. S. _manu_.

_manga_ time, occasion, place; _i kade manga_, at the time; _i kade manga_ _na_, now; _si manga uta_, when?

_mangata_ (_na_) n., midst, middle; used with loc. _i_. S.


_mangisingisi_ adj., broken in pieces. _ngi_.

_mango_ (_gu_) n. life, breath; _mango fu_, to be sad; _mango suu_, to faint.

_mangoli_ v. tr., to breathe upon. S. _mango_.

_mao_ 1. v. i., to dance. 2. n., a dance.

_maoli_ v. tr., to dance; _maoli mao_. S. _mao_.

_mara-_ (_gu_) n. of own accord, alone. S. _maraa_.

_maraqai_; _alu maraqai_, to become red and glowering, of sky.

_marigo_ (_gu_) n. flesh, body.

_matafa-_ (_na_) n., _too matafana_, to know. S. _mataqa_.

_matai_, _mamatai_ v. i., to have ague; _matai afedali_, fever.

_mataia_ v. n., disease, a sick person; _si mataia_.

_matala_ adj., lone, alone, merely; _tefe mwela matala_, only son.

_matanga_ (_na_) n., midst, used with locative; _i mangata_.

_me_ for _mai_ hither; _lea fasi me_, come here,

_mea_ 1. (_gu_) n. tongue; 2. v. i., _mea_ too, to taste of.

_meali_ v. tr., to lick.

_meafa_ (_na_) v. n., tongue; _meafana ere_, tongues of fire. S.


_meme_ in pieces; _too meme_ to break in pieces.

_mi_ 1. personal p.r.o.n. pl. 1. excl. we; used by itself as subj. or follows _gami_.

_mi_ 2. transitive suffix to verb; _ano_, _anomi_.

_midi_ v. i., to taste; _midi odonga ana_, to taste of.

_mode_ v. tr. to mend, patch.

_modela_ v. n., a patch.

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