_siramo_ used with prep. _fua_, _fonosi_, to resist, compel. S.


_sisime_ a gnat. S. _sime_.

_siu_ 1. v. i., to wash, bathe; _siu abu_, to baptize.

_siufi_ v. tr.

_siula_ v. n., washing, bathing.

_siu_, _sisiu_ 2. v. i,, to be conceived.

_soe_, _sosoe_, v. i., to call out, v. tr., to ask for, name; _soea satana_, ask his name.

_soefataia_, ecclesia, church (late use).

_sofi_ v. tr., to find.

_sofili_ v. tr., to collect, choose. S. _so"ohi_.

_sogoni_ v. tr., to gather, reap.

_sogonila_ v. n., gather, reap. Mota. _sogon_.

_soi_, _sosoi_, v. tr., to call; _soi ledi_, to question. S. _soi_.

_sua_; 1. _qaisuasuafi_, to meet. S. _su"e_.

_sua_, _suasua_ 2. n., dung; _suasuae ano_, dung,

_subi_ a club. S. _supi_.

_suda_ v. i., to root, of pigs. S. _sude_.

_sufi_ v. tr., to anoint, to rub, to shave with a razor. S. _suhi_.

_suge_, _susuge_ v. tr., to deceive; _suge fafi_, to accuse; _qalaa susuge_, to accuse falsely.

_suli_ (_nau_) prep., after, according to, used of motion towards; the locative _i_ may precede. S. _suli_.

_sulitalaa_ adj., safe, free.

_sulu_ n., oil, liquid. S. _sulu_.

_sulufou_ 1. mound of rocks, stone wall; _ui sulufou_, to build a mound (for a tomb).

_Sulufou_ 2. an artificial islet near Ataa Cove, North Malaita.

_sunga_, _sungaini_, _sungataini_ v. tr., to affirm, maintain, persuade,

_sungi_ v. i., to make a noise, be glad.

_sungia_ v. n., a cry, a noise.

_Suraina_ artificial islet South of Ataa Cove; original home of Lau-speaking people in Port Adam.

_surakena_; _bae surakena_, to prompt, _susu_ (_gu_) 1. n., breast, 2. v. i., to suck the breast, to have children at the breast. S.


_susu_ 3. v. i., to be firm; _susu too_, to be steadfast. S.


_susu_ 4. v. i., to stretch out; _susu aba_, stretch out the arm.

S. _susu_.

_susui_ v. tr., to touch with the fingers, to set on a stick.

_susubi_ n. a dry stick, a horn (late use).

_susuli_ v. tr., to know, understand, be aware of; _ati susulia_, who knows? I can"t say.

_susia_, adj. unfruitful, not bearing fruit.

_suu_ 1. a harbour. S. _su"u_.

_suu_ 2. used with prep, _fafi_; _suu fafi_, to clothe, cover.

_suula_ v. n., clothing, cloak.

_suu_ 3. v. i., to set, of heavenly bodies, to dive, go down, sink.

_suula_ v. n., a setting. S. _suu_.


_ta_ 1. numeral; one, a certain one, at all; just, only, _eta_ one; used as article, a, an, _ta si fou_, one rock; _na tasi fou_, one rock; _ta sala nia_, a friend of his; _ta si doo_, anything; _ta ola lau_, a different canoe; _ta bali aba_, one hand, the other hand; _e langi si suu ana ta toongi_, not clothed in any clothing; _ta sasina ta ai_, a man"s brother; _ta ro ai_, only two people; used with the numerals, _ta ro si lio_, two minds; _ta ro tangale_ penny, two hundred pence; may precede _fe_, _tefuana ta fe uo_, every hill; _ta ro fe lamua_, just two doves; _ni_ may be added, _ta ni aiai_, some other. S. _ta"a_; Rotuma _ta_; cf. Florida, _sakai_, M. L. p. 524. w.a.n.go _ta_ M. L. p. 511.

_ta_ 2. adv. connects, resumes narrative, and, then.

_ta_ 3. ending of verbal noun, seen in root _afuta_ meaning all, and used only with suff. p.r.o.n.; _afutagera_, all of them. S. _ta_.

_ta_ 4. adv. added to _sui_, _sui ta_, thereupon; follows negative _langi_, _langi ta_, or.

_ta_; 5. _ta mone_, perhaps.

_taa_ 1. interrog. p.r.o.n. what? _si taa na_, what is it? S. _taa_.

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