Gratifying The Royal Family

Chapter 11: Unwillingly Dropped (Part 1) [R18]

Chapter 11: Unwillingly Dropped (Part 1) [R18]

Ji Rufeng stepped into the room, walked around the folding screen to the bed and opened the curtains. His body stiffened as he watched the pampered figure sleeping soundly on the bed.

After a long while, he slowly lifted the covers which revealed her clothes were intact. If he had overlooked the red cheeks, the swollen lips and the marks left on her foot and neck then he would have a.s.sumed she just had a good night"s sleep.

He removed the recently changed nightdress to expose her blemished white skin and could already imagine how that person had possessed her. When he parted her long legs, the intimate place was covered in love bites and the violated pink flower was slightly swollen as if it was in full bloom.

The unspoken anger and desire ferociously burned inside and the eyes of a gentleman were now full of jealousy. He removed his clothes then climbed on top of the soft body and vowed to replaced that man"s marks as he continuously kissed her.

The movement on top caused the young lady to stir from her dream. Her drowsy eyes took a glance at the man on top of her and said in a soft flirty voice, "I am tired, let me rest."

The man suddenly lifted his head and his expression darkened in an obscure manner. He said in a deep voice, "Look at clearly who I am before you speak!"

"Ah!" Xu Mo"s heart jumped and dared not to look at him. She was completely unaware and felt guilty like a wife who had just been caught after an affair.

Ji Rufeng"s anger slowly died down when he realised he had scared her. He slowly picked her up and muttered in her ears, "Sorry! I scared you." He was uncertain why he could not control the beast in his heart. He wanted to swallow her inside his heart and soul so no one else can look upon her.

Xu Mo did not dare to stir from his embrace. Although they had been intimate many times, her introverted self still felt awkward from his naked embrace.

In an instant, her white tender ear turned pink and he bent down to suck on her smoothly rounded earlobe. His l.u.s.t unsatisfied from when he let her get away last night.

Xu Mo shuddered, she faced away from him and placed her hands on his chest to separate their distance to say in a weak voice, "Can we not do it today." She felt this was too immoral and did not want to do it with two men in one day

Ji Rufeng"s gentle expression instantly became icy. He forcibly detained her slender waist and unwaveringly locked with her eyes, "Now that you have him, you will not let me touch you."

When Xu Mo heard this, she was flabbergasted and repeatedly shook her head, "No, I……ah……" Her sounds disappeared into his mouth as Ji Rufeng kissed her lips so she had no chance to explain herself. His tongue ruthlessly penetrated through and intertwined with hers while his big hands brazenly kneaded on the two dumplings to make all sorts of shapes.

How could her underdeveloped b.r.e.a.s.t.s endure such a violation? The young lady wanted to call out in pain but the only sound she could let out were whimpers. However, the delicate charming sounds seemed to only stimulate the man"s mental state and be more impulsive.

The man used both of his hands to easily raise her delicate waist and took out his huge st.u.r.dy thing. The blazing fire raised upwards and it quickly became bigger at a speed only visible to the naked eye like a huge dragon head soaring high above the highlands.

Without the slightest hesitation, he stuck straight into the tiny hole in the centre of the red flower.

"Ah!" The young lady cried out. The unprepared secluded path could not withstand the abuse as the pain extended to her whole body while sparkling teardrops slowly rolled down.

Ji Rufeng was stunned by the grief in her beautiful eyes, "I……" His neck s.h.i.+vered and his body stiffened. Immediately he stopped all movements and could not believe he had treated her like this.

He reached out his hands to touch the tears then kissed the cheek and softly said, "I am sorry Mo-er! Rufeng lost control."

The swelling deep between her legs and his willingness to bow down his head, how could Xu Mo blame him?

But she was not going to give up this chance to make her own rules, "I accept your apology but you must not force me if I am not willing anymore."

Ji Rufeng"s face darkened. When is she ever willing. If he promised her then she will probably never let him touch her again.

Xu Mo saw the darkness on his face and became slightly scared so she hesitated, "Then one night a week."

"Three nights." Without a thought, he asked for more.

Xu Mo shook her head, "Two nights and no more or none at all."

Ji Rufeng wronged her first so he could only accept, "Fine! Then let us continue." After his reply, he lifted the tip of the lethal weapon and started to attack directly.

"Ah!…… Slower!" Each trust was with immense force. "Stop……it"s……too quick……stop." Xu Mo tried to stifle her sounds but her moans ringed on and off with each thrust. The delicate flower was now fully open and tight to the brim without a gap to be seen just like a pocket full of sweets about to burst.

The honey hole spasmed and contracted from the violent attack. She broke away from the pain and experienced the seven heavens of l.u.s.t when an indescribable electrical current infiltrated every fibre of her lower body. Apart from her kitten-like moans and the water snake twisting motion of her waist as it indulged in his thrusts, she was no longer able to do anything else.

  Chapter 12

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