Gratifying The Royal Family

Chapter 16: Wed Again [R18]

Chapter 16: Wed Again [R18]

In the past few days, the benevolent emperor Xu Rui had no appet.i.te. The Great General had won the battle and his prestige was high among the people. Although he was a loyal and devoted subject, the Qian family are not without beastly desires which was also the reason he did not dare to confide in him with entire sincerity.  Additionally, when his brother-in-law Ji Rufeng requested to administer the disaster relief for Qu Province it was as if his right arm had been choppped off. In the next few days, Qian Mingxue will return to court and will be t.i.tled as a marquis therefore until then his struggle"s for sleep will continue.

When Ji Rufeng said farewell to Xu Mo, he continued to linger and was reluctant to depart from her. Xu Mo also became slightly reluctant after their many intimate days but she could not change his decision and could only watch him from afar as he left.

She heard the Great General had returned and her royal brother will prepare a banquet but she had no interest to attend and was unaware that a major event will fall upon her.

In the early hours next day, the imperial decree arrived.

Xu Mo learned she had been bestowed to the Great General whom she had never met. Her whole body crumbled apart as if struck by thunder and promptly left for the palace.

Xu Mo was admitted into the hall once she had been announced and saw her brother"s relieved expression while her own was full of hidden bitterness.

Xu Rui looked at his own sister who had not spoken a word since she entered. Xu Mo"s face was puffed up cutely like a child as she displayed her dissatisfaction to him. With his heart full of tenderness, he patiently a.n.a.lysed the pros and cons with her.

Xu Mo finally understands the emperor"s troubles and agreed but her heart still found it difficult to accept. In the past month, she had received two men and now there will be third soon. It was stressful to even think about it.

Xu Rui saw she had accepted but was still somewhat depressed so he smiled, "This Great General of mine has gained the interest of many ladies of prestigious families! How come you look so miserable."

Xu Mo remained silent. If she said two husbands were enough then her royal brother will surely reprimand her again.

Xu Rui saw her look quite defeated and spoke again, "Be at ease. General Qian may have been out on campaign* for many years but he was not born out of a rough family. Moreover, you two have met before and he asked for the marriage because he cares about his old affection so he will treat you well."

*TL-note: A series of military operations intended to achieve a goal, confined to a particular area, or involving a specified type of fighting.

Xu Mo casually nodded her head. She had no mind to listen and naturally was unaware of the a previous meeting and old affection that his royal brother referred to.

Departed from the palace and inside the carriage. She had planned to visit Hanshan Temple before she married but Rufeng will not be home for another two or three months and she does not know when Yunfu will return. It will be rather boring with just her in the house.

When the carriage arrived at the palace gate, a sudden cold but firm voice was heard.

"Northwest Great General Qian Mingxue request to meet the Her Highness The Princess."

Xu Mo closed her eyes and took in a deep breath. She had stumbled upon the precise matter she wanted to forget at this moment yet she still must see him.

The servant lifted up the curtain and reached out a hand.

Xu Mo lowered her body and took the tough silk covered hands down the carriage.

Qian Mingxue stared at the figure who appeared in front of him and felt as if he were in a dream. Just a while ago they could only meet each other in a dream but now she was  in front of his eyes as clear as day. She was still so elegant and refined but in the recent year, she seems to have shed a bit of her childish nature and become even more beautiful.

Qian Mingxue looked at Xu Mo and naturally, Xu Mo also looked at him.

He stood upright like a pole with a slender but strong stature and wore a tiger patterned dark reddish purple chang pao*. Many years in the battlefield had turned his skin into the colour of wheat from the wind and sun. His sharp eyebrows, high nose-bridge, thin but tight lips and the majestic body was full of valour and vigour. She did not expect that not only this person could fight but was also born so remarkable just like the cold and cool military personnels depicted in modern fiction novels.

*TL-note: A traditional Chinese dress (or robe, long jacket or tunic) worn by men. In function, it is considered the male equivalent of the women"s cheongsam (qipao). These types of dress were widely adopted beginning under the Manchu rulers of the Qing dynasty, who required that men in certain positions wear this style.

Xu Mo felt a little scared. Rufeng and Yunfu both practised martial arts so their bodies were naturally st.u.r.dy but this person was excessively strong. She was only half his width and her height barely reached his chest therefore how many people would be able to bear married to such an iron-blooded man. Additionally, it has been said in medical books that men with straight noses are abundant and in that aspect are very valiant.

Xu Mo felt as if her life was likened to that of a bok choy*. She is going to die by s.e.xual pleasure!

*TL-note: Bok choy, pak choi, or pok choi is a type of Chinese cabbage. Also an euphemism for s.e.x.

Qian Mingxue had a sharp sense and naturally sensed her gloominess. He deliberately fixed himself up and even reserved his tough tone for today"s meeting but he still did not understand why she was this way.


Xu Mo returned to her senses, "General Qian, why don"t we talk at my residence. There are many inconveniences here."

Qian Mingxue naturally agreed.

They arrived one after the other at the princess" residence. After they got out of the carriage, they both entered into the residence together.

The small manservant stepped forward and announced the second husband have returned.

Xu Mo sighed a breath of relief. They can both talk to each other! She will stay on the side and munch on melon seeds.

Yunfu naturally knew about the marriage as he severely missed her these past two weeks. His own blessed little wife made him feel helpless but fortunately, he had the advantage to be with her an entire year and to also have the appearance of a celestial being. Xu Mo"s nature was not bad but she was still a woman who was fond of handsome men. If he were anything less than the outstanding Ji Rufeng then it would really be inexcusable.

General Qian and Xu Mo rarely interacted with each other on any occasion so love at first sight, was not possible. Why would he use his credit in service to only obtain a marriage agreement in paper and also only as a side husband? For someone with his family background, he would be sufficient to be any princess" foremost official husband.

Yunfu understood when he saw him. This person had been poisoned by the highly toxic thousand worm flower before and he had coincidentally saved one person from this poison.

"Doctor Yun"s whereabouts is a mystery and Mingxue has yet to thank you." Qian Mingxue bowed with his hands held out in front with a calm expression.

Yunfu reached out to raise him, "I was merely pa.s.sing that"s all. If the general wants to give his thanks then you should thank Mo-er! If she did not rescue you from the bottom of the mountain and force me to save you then perhaps we would not meet here today."

"Indeed. Mingxue will use his whole life to remember the princess" kindness and treat her well."

Xu Mo listened from the side and remembered she had indeed rescued someone a year ago. This person was gravely poisoned and his appearance was dark purple so it was difficult to see his handsome features. She could not believe that this person was him and in a momentary annoyance she said, "If the general is thankful to the princess then why do you turn against your benefactor."

Qian Mingxue blanked, he did not understand, "Mingxue do not understand the princess" meaning."

Xu Mo became even more gloomy, "I don"t want to marry you."

Qian Mingxue laughed and the chillness from his body lessened, "The princess only has two husbands so it"s better to be me than someone else. After all, I have admired the princess for a long time and will single-mindedly protect the princess."

Xu Mo greatly regretted she had saved this person.

When Qian Mingxue left, Yunfu went to wash and then went to find Xu Mo before his hair had dried.

Xu Mo stared blankly at his celestial appearance. Yunfu"s restored white hair draped behind his shoulders seem to add another degree of magical aura.

Yunfu picked her up from the soft couch and for a moment, her softness made his heart go soft. He smelt the fragrance of roses from her head and became even more intoxicated.

Xu Mo"s face reddened and obediently allowed him to hold her. She knew full well what he will do in just a moment……but Xu Mo still quite enjoyed this. The only four people whom she was most familiar with are royal brother, Yunfu, Rufeng, and Anying.

As expected, in a little while Yunfu kissed her neck and sucked on her snowy tender skin. Under the broad daylight, Xu Mo no longer resisted and simply let him.

"Mo-er" The quiet Yunfu unable to bear it anymore uttered a deep sound. He grasped her chin to face his own and deeply kissed her lips. The tip of his lively tongue pryed open her pearly white teeth to vigorously chase her tongue and wrapped around it to absorb her sweetness.

"Ah……" His long neglected needs became savage and powerful while the young lady unable to tolerate his wild pa.s.sion repeatedly uttered sounds.

Yunfu"s body grew hotter and his body trembled as he listened to her. Xu Mo came from a different world and did not have the boldness of the women in the Jing Kingdom but instead was extremely shy. He was thrilled to finally get a response when she had failed to open up in the numerous times they made love before. Unable to contain his joy, the flame of l.u.s.t was raised increasingly higher.

Xu Mo felt the pressing heat rise up between her legs and her emotions stirred. After Ji Rufeng and Yunfu"s training, she went from resistance to acceptance and although she still did not like it and was still somewhat scared but compared to before it was a huge step.

While their tongues were intertwined, a large hand lead her little hand to caress his hard chest and then moved it down to touch the huge erection between the man"s legs. Xu Mo wanted to pull back her hand but he held her hand down and stroke it up and down through his intimate underclothes.

The other large hand skillfully kneaded the young lady"s soft plump b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Xu Mo was made into a liquid mess and could only softly moan as she enjoyed the man"s caress.

Yunfu finally could not hold back any longer. Their clothes had yet been removed and before they reached the bed, he wanted her.

He rapidly removed both of their intimate underclothes then used his finger to feel the young lady"s secret garden and could not help but smile when he felt her wetness. He propped up her soft waist then directly set her down his big thing.

"Ah!" Xu Mo cried out in pain. The foreplay was insufficient and the secluded path was not fully prepared before the huge giant entered.

Yunfu also found it difficult as he was tightly bound and unable to move that his eyes even turned a little red, "Why is it still so tight?" A woman"s first time was tight but they would slowly loosen after more s.e.xual intercourse. There are some famous tools that allowed them to be tight as before but he has not researched into this area so maybe his wife was precisely this. This would be very comfortable for her men but due to her small stature and small pelvis, that area was naturally small too. Even if s.e.xual intercourse was able to make a man feel wonderful but there are often inconvenineces at the start especially for her.

Her inner walls violently contracted and continued to squeeze him. Yunfu initially wanted to wait for her to adapt but he was unable to restrain himself and began to move with a mad rhythm. His huge solid thing rapidly moved within her tightness with difficulty while the young lady called out non-stop.

The young lady"s fine hairs were scattered on the bed and her face was red with confusion. She already did not know how long it had been and was within the swamp of l.u.s.t. Her legs were placed high on the man"s shoulders and her originally pinkish place was now swollen red from his repeated acts of love. The huge thing continued deeper each time and her tiny flower hole was filled completely without the slightest room of a gap.

"No……stop……" The l.u.s.t made her lose the ability to speak and the man no longer listened to her cry for mercy. Her smooth flat abdomen twitched up and down as he thrusted inside repeatedly.

The moans underneath have now turned into the sounds of a low cry and her white skin was covered in a l.u.s.ty shade of pink. The pure beauty now an alluring woman seemed to absorb the man"s essence but little did she know the divinely handsome man on top was actually absorbing her"s.

In a sudden rush of pleasure, her body moved honestly to welcome him while the huge thing twitched in and out. A great amount of sticky fluid came out from her body and flowed out along her thighs and onto the bed.

"Oh……ah……" A low coa.r.s.e roar came out of Yunfu"s throat as he held on to her waist while simultaneously thrusting frantically into her deepest part. After a few deep thrusts, his body suddenly trembled and a thick white fluid shot into the core of the young lady"s flower which also made her tremble from head to toe……

  Chapter 17

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