Gratifying The Royal Family

Chapter 5: Yunfu"s Arrival [R18]  

Chapter 5: Yunfu"s Arrival [R18]  

The newly commissioned cultivation pavilion by the benevolent Emperor for his beloved sister was both exquisite and cosy.

It stood in the centre of an expansive lake completely covered in green lotus leaves. The cultivation pavilion was eight stories high and could overlook the entire residence.

Xu Mo knew he was well versed in both literacy and martial arts but she did not expect it to be so outstanding. He effortlessly carried her across the lake and directly into the top floor.  

Although this was her first time here, she was unable to conceal her delight at the exquisite architecture.

The scenery could be viewed from the long corridor and the interior room was fully equipped with furniture. It would not be a problem to stay a few days here during rest days.

During the past year, Xu Mo had seen plenty of scenic views at Hanshan Temple but due to her ill health, she did not have the pleasure to appreciate it.

Consequently, she turned to the person beside her and said, "Please admire it more for me, I want to rest for a while."

Li Rufeng smiled and shook his head then carried her inside, "I will stay with Mo-er."

Xu Mo was not accustomed to interacting with the opposite s.e.x so it was awkward at first but it was not so difficult when she put her mind to it.

When placed on the bed again, Xu Mo became scared as she had developed a fear of beds especially when he was in the same room. The two past times, she had accompanied his delight in pain but his needs are frequent and she felt incapable of taking it.

The young lady"s body became stiff and she looked up at him while his big hand rested on her waist.

Li Rufeng used his internal energy to ma.s.sage the area and burst out laughing. He did not expect her to be fearful of him and had only wanted to ease her pain.

Xu Mo began to relax once she realised he was only giving her a ma.s.sage. She closed her eyes and enjoyed it peacefully.


The young lady smiled and moaned a few times in comfort making her soft delicate frame particularly attractive. The man"s eyes darkened and a fire gathered within, his initial intention was leisurely forgotten.

He bent down and sucked gently on that cute white earlobe while the tip of his tongue lightly wrapped around it.

Her body shook and she tried to move away but her movements were too slow. He had her already firmly pinned down.

Xu Mo laid still, afraid to arouse his enormous l.u.s.t and pitifully begged, "I still hurt there!"

He smiled, "Let me have a look." Last night, he had already applied on the best blood-circulating medicine and things should have recovered as original within four hours.

Xu Mo tried to prevent it but she was still stripped naked in the end. The past two times, it had happened in the night but it was another thing to be able to do such an obscene act in broad daylight.

He was greeted by the sight of her snowy white body. It was beautifully marbled with tiny marks left by the madness that occurred last night.

The man was delighted and his mouth felt particularly dry. His desire was easily aroused by pa.s.sion.

He lowered his head and slowly trailed down her neck while his leg pushed apart that tightly shut pair of legs.  

Under the bright daylight, that bare tiny pink flower was tender as before and one could easily pry into it to reveal its alluring view.

Like a shy virgin, she tightly closed her legs.

Under her stunned gaze, the man flashed a devilish smile and lowered his head to suck on that tiny delicate flower.

The inexperienced girl was unable to resist and trembled violently as if there was an electric current flowing through her body. She gently moaned intermittently, "No……it"s dirty……"  

But the man ignored her wishes and refused to give up this blessing that was solely his. Now he could have her all to himself, he wanted to taste all of her sweetness, to give her an unforgettable ecstasy so even if someone else becomes her husband in the future, he will have a place in her heart.

The warm and soft tongue compared to that fierce big thing was entirely different. The latter made her tremble in fear but the former felt extremely good like being thrown into climax again and again.

When the man removed his lips, the bedding had been soaked wet and the girl"s eyelashes trembled with her eyes closed. Her face and body was a tempting shade of pink like a captivating peach blossom demon, airy and charming while soft and boneless.

He could not control it anymore as he quickly shed away his clothes and dived back into the place where his lips were.

The girl awash by climax was sensitive and fragile. After last night, her slender beautiful legs were unable to cling to his waist and could only dangle on the sides while her ten cute translucent toes were curled tightly.

Suddenly, he charged in and she let out a cry. As if encouraged by her sound, the bed trembled fiercely while the man"s movements became even wilder. The girl wanted to beg for mercy but was unable to form sentences.

Every time he had her, it was always not easy to let go.

Xu Mo could only grasp his broad shoulders so she would be not be reduced to fragments from being knocked around. She contemplated internally, do all the men in the Jing Kingdom have powerful appet.i.tes for desire.

Once finished, she was just about to rest when a cus.h.i.+on was placed under her waist. Her legs were slung over his shoulder and that place was again openly presented in front of his eyes.

Suddenly Xu Mo was no longer tired and her face was now red as a cooked shrimp. She protested repeatedly, “No……this position.”

The man sank in then leaned over and kissed her. “You will like it.” He spoke in a low attractive voice then began to move quickly.

Xu Mo"s mind was blown by him, she did not realise that her fragile body could be so flexible and placed in various positions.

That honey cave tightly wrapped around the beast. It seemed to push away while also reluctant to let go, the sound of water rippled from where they were joined.

Ji Rufeng knew that she was exhausted but how could this be enough. For many years, he has seen many beauties in court and was known to never indulge in desires of the flesh. And of all people, only his appet.i.te of desire towards her failed to be satisfied again and again.

He gazed at the cute figure beneath and wondered when she will permit him to touch her again. He felt she had a docile personality and figured if he had been more forceful, she would have resisted a while but still put up with it.

At sunset, the man carried the girl out of the cultivation pavilion.

They naturally felt happy after a full stomach.

Just then a person quickly appeared from the darkness and stood in front of them. He had a tall stature and wore a white mask but could hardly conceal his indifferent temperament.

The smile quickly faded from Li Rufeng"s face and he sternly said, "Mister Yun, it is impolite to turn up uninvited."

That person"s gaze only fell on the figure in his arm, "Give her to me."

"She is my wife."

It was self-evident what he meant by those words.

"Prince consort*, please give the princess to Mister Yun." The sound could be heard from a black masked man that had just appeared.

*TL-note: Refers to the emperor"s son-in-law or the husband of a princess.

It was without a doubt, this person was Anying.

  Chapter 6

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