Great Demon King

Chapter 919

GDK 919: Pleasing to the eye

The bald highG.o.d saw that Sanguis, Bollands, Gilbert, and their forces were much weaker than theirs and therefore planned to exterminate them altogether. If none of them could live to tell the tale, no one would know who had killed them and avenge their deaths.

As soon as the bald man coldly gave the command to attack, everyone in his gang charged forward. Bollands, Sanguis, Gilbert, and their divine guards became even more tightly surrounded. They had sealed every inch of s.p.a.ce that they could escape from.

“Slaughter away!” commanded the bald highG.o.d in a sneer. He and the other late-stage highG.o.d of wind, however, did not get into action. Perhaps they thought that Bollands, Sanguis, Gilbert, and the others can easily be taken care of by his minions.

Five or six highG.o.ds and more than a hundred midG.o.ds swarmed at them. Those highG.o.ds were at early to mid-stages. Sanguis and Gilbert gritted their teeth and charged forward, each intercepting a highG.o.d.

Bollands quickly followed behind them and unleashed his incisive flying sword. The atmosphere was filled with killing intent so intense that they had coagulated into matter. An early-stage highG.o.d who got too close to Bollands was startled by the terrifying killing intent. Sword radiances flashed. During the split moment he lost focus, he received deep wounds across his chests.

“Sanguis, Gilbert, we will look for an opportunity to escape!” shouted Bollands as soon as he forced his opponent to retreat.

A chilling light flashed in Sanguis and Gilbert’s eyes and they started attacking their opponents more fiercely. They made powerful but risky attacks without any regard for their own lives. As their opponents were unwilling to sacrifice their own lives to kill Sanguis and Gilbert, they had no choice but to take defensive measures.

However, Sanguis, Bollands, and Gilbert had to face not three but six highG.o.d. When all six of them had gathered and began attacking together, the trio immediately lost their upper hand. They would have perished in just minutes if not for their risky defensive maneuvers.

While the six highG.o.ds had surrounded Sanguis, Bollands, and Gilbert, the more than a hundred midG.o.d Fringedwellers encircled the House of Han guards in chilling smirks. Then, suddenly, they simultaneously began their a.s.sault on the House of Han guards.

Although the House of Han guards were outnumbered at least two times, their team combat strength was still much greater than that of the Fringedwellers. They abruptly spread out as though a giant machete. They had not only evaded most of the attacks, they had managed to cause tremendous casualties to their enemies.

After the two forces exchanged their first blow, of the House of Han guards, five were injured and one killed. Meanwhile, of the Fringedwellers, thirty were injured and ten were killed!

Although the combatants of both forces were all in the realm of midG.o.d and the Fringedwellers outnumbered the House of Han guards, the latter nonetheless managed to gain the upper hand with just one blow. The bald highG.o.d’s face jolted when he observed the unusual phenomenon. Immediately, he instructed, “Divert two highG.o.d to kill those guards!”

The six highG.o.ds who were jointly beating up Sanguis, Gilbert, and Bollands immediately realized that their minions were losing when they heard the instruction. One early-stage highG.o.d and one mid-stage highG.o.d dropped their attacks on the House of Han trio and charged at the guards. The two highG.o.ds had managed to immediately turn the tide of the battle. The House of Han guards went from having the upper hand to losing. Casualties were gradually mounting.

The trio of Sanguis, Bollands, and Gilbert immediately felt the pressure on them reduced. Originally, if Sanguis or Bollands still could not find an opening to escape in the next few minutes, they would all be doomed. But after two of the highG.o.ds were redirected away, despite being injured, the two of them now had a chance to escape.

But it appeared that the bald highG.o.d who had only been watching wasn’t going to let the battle drag on any longer. Seeing that his minions could not destroy these members of the House of Han straightforwardly, he sneered and said, “It seems that the rumors are true. Those of the House of Han is not to be belittled! Humph, but even so, you will not escape your fate of death!”

Upon finis.h.i.+ng those words, he along with the late-stage highG.o.d of wind gradually approached the House of Han trio who had been surrounded. He was going to make the battle end in the shortest time possible.

“Leave now, Sanguis! Or we will never be able to!” shouted Bollands hastily when he saw that the two late-stage highG.o.ds were going to intervene.

“But, what about them?” Sanguis took a quick glance at the House of Han guards. His red eyes were filled with reluctance.

“Uff!” The split second of distraction had allowed a bone spear to pierce Sanguis’ chest. Blood immediately started flowing out from the wound.

“We need to leave in order to avenge their deaths!” Bollands got anxious when he saw that Sanguis was being indecisive. He knew that when the two late-stage highG.o.ds joined the battle, they might not even have the chance to deploy their demonic escape technique.

“Hehe, wanna escape? You can’t!” said the bald highG.o.d in a mocking smile. as he spoke, he had raised his hand and launched an attack.

When his deadly attack was about to land on Sanguis, Bollands, and Gilbert, a peal of loud, macho laughter suddenly sounded and a majestic figure fell between the trio. He raised a hand and the energy of destruction formed a greyish s.h.i.+eld and intercepted the attacks of the bald highG.o.d.

“Polo?” exclaimed the bald highG.o.d and he immediately frowned. He coldly groaned and threatened, “You better not mess with my business, or don’t blame me for messing you up!”

“Nice attempt at intimidation, Luca. But I wouldn’t have shown up if I’m afraid of you!” Polo then gestured and shouted, “Brothers! Step forward!”

After hearing Polo’s cry, hundreds of figures wearing sinister faces revealed themselves from the shadows and surrounded the bald highG.o.d and his forces in an instant.

The bald highG.o.d named Luca looked around him and saw that Polo had brought more than three hundred experts and twice as many highG.o.ds as he had!

Luca’s heart jolted. He stopped taking an offensive posture at the House of Han trio but glared at Polo as he said, “Polo, you should know who I serve. You dare offend Lord Logue? You should know the consequences of doing so!”

“Don’t you f.u.c.king try to intimidate me using Logue. I ain’t afraid of him!” Polo laughed arrogantly before he said, “Oh Luca, haven’t you realized that the Fringe now is no longer the same? The Sovereigns aren’t the only ones who wield true powers. You are well-informed in the Fringe. Do you not know who I now serve?”

After hearing those words, the bald highG.o.d’s face yet again jolted as though he had recalled a recent intel, that every G.o.dhunter in the Fringe had been united by a powerful existence. As Logue’s trusted aide, Luca was very much aware of how close that person was to Han Shuo.

“You serve Han Hao?” Luca’s face turned grave and his att.i.tude was no longer as arrogant.

“Haha, so you do know about it. Now you better shoo the f.u.c.k off and leave these people from the House of Han alone. I will consult my Chief later on what to do about your transgression, but you may go free for today,” said Polo disdainfully in a smug smirk.

“They may claim to be from the House of Han, but how would you know if it’s true?” Luca complained, “There has been a s.h.i.+t ton of people traveling to the Omphalos claiming themselves to be members from the House of Han. h.e.l.l, even a G.o.dd.a.m.n monkey would claim itself to be related to the House of Han when in trouble. If we are to let everyone off, how would we keep our businesses going?”

“I don’t care, that’s not my problem. Let them go or I will make you be gone!” threatened Polo arrogantly, not bothering to argue with Luca.

Luca wore an angered face as he considered his options. He understood that he was in no position to fight but if he were to let Gilbert and the others free, when they returned to Han Shuo, he and his Sovereign might get into trouble. Therefore, he hesitated and did not know which choice to take.

Gilbert suddenly went to Polo with a smirk on his face and said, “Hey, you. You said you serve Han Hao?”

Polo took a glance at Gilbert out from the corners of his eyes before he replied in an annoyed voice, “Yes. What business is it of yours?”

Gilbert was stunned. He did not expect Polo to be so arrogant towards him. Immediately, he frowned and shouted at Polo, “f.u.c.king h.e.l.l, I have known Han Hao since way back in Profound Continent. You are just his servant but you dare speak to me like that? Where are your manners?”

Polo jolted upon hearing those words. He then took a careful look at Gilbert, Bollands, and Sanguis, and found that the auras emanated by the trio were vaguely similar to that of Han Hao. With that, Polo asked, “You really are members of the House of Han?”

“What the f.u.c.k? So you are deliberately messing with us, Polo?” Luca the bald highG.o.d immediately realized that Polo had shown up just to look for trouble.

Polo put on a mischievous smirk and replied, “Hehe, just as you’ve said, there are just too many outsiders traveling to the Omphalos claiming that they are from the House of Han. I couldn’t tell if they are lying either!”

As Polo spoke, he took out a magical mirror. He then turned to Gilbert and asked, “What’s your name? I need to report to my Chief.”

“Tell him it’s Gilbert the Dark Dragon. Although it’s been a while, I’m sure that he still remembers me!” replied Gilbert, beaming ear to ear.

Polo nodded and went to a corner. His minions had surrounded him before he activated the magical mirror and communicated with his master.

Gradually, Han Hao’s figure appeared in the magical mirror. After listening to Polo’s narration, he gave Polo a straightforward command.

Polo nodded and the call was disconnected. The smile on his face vanished and he returned to Gilbert with a dark, murderous demeanor.

“What? Don’t tell me that he had forgotten about me?” Gilbert panicked when he saw the murderous look on Polo’s face.

“Kill them all! Leave none alive!” commanded Polo in a chilling voice.

“Kill who?” asked Polo’s rather confused followers.

“Idiots, Luca of course! Isn’t it f.u.c.king obvious? Why would I kill someone as pleasing to the eye as Gilbert?”

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