Growing Fond of You, Mr Nian

Chapter 925: It Hurts

Chapter 925: It Hurts

In the afternoon, Yan Su finished Professor Xie’s and was about to stand up when Gao Hang, the student council president from the same course, walked over.

“Susu, it’s my birthday in two days,” he said. “Why don’t come with us for dinner and karaoke? I’m already in my fourth year. Since you’re normally so busy, there aren’t many opportunities to meet.”

“Two days?” Yan Su considered it.

She and Gao Hang had been through four years of university together. As the president of the student council, he had looked after her. Although she was famous now, she couldn’t reject all invitations.

“I’m attending an event in the afternoon that day,” she replied. “It might already be 6 or 7p.m. by the time I return to Xia City. I probably won’t be able to make it for dinner.”

“Alright, let’s just sing karaoke together,” Gao Hang said with a smile. “Just show up. I’ll wait for you to cut the cake. Don’t worry, it’s all people you know from the course.”

Yan Su nodded. When she walked out of the cla.s.sroom, her car was already waiting for her.

After she got onto the car, her a.s.sistant, Jiaojiao, pa.s.sed the program schedule to her and said, “This is the lineup for tomorrow night’s gala. Take a look. You are No. 17. It will probably be around 10 p.m. when you’re up.”

Yan So saw that were 20 singers performing. The first to perform was a well-established, diva-level singer from Hong Kong. The one ending the show was s.h.i.+ Xiag.

When she saw the words “s.h.i.+ Xiang,” her heart instantly felt like it was being squeezed by someone.

“It can’t be helped,” Jiaojiao said. “Although s.h.i.+ Xiang had that negative scandal about throwing his weight around, his fans are too obsessed. His popularity is still very high. It also happens to be K-pop style this time, so the organizers let him end the show. That way the audience has something to look forward to. This is in case the viewers.h.i.+p at night is affected.”

Yan Su stayed silent. She understood. Since s.h.i.+ Xiang had become famous, every time he partic.i.p.ated in an event, he was always either the opener or closer.

“You’re not bad either,” Jiaojiao said with a smile. “Your performance time is closer to the back. You’re very popular now. Among those performing tomorrow you’re probably in the top 10.”

Top 10…

A wave of bitterness rose as she asked, “Say, how much difference is there between me and s.h.i.+ Xiang?”

Jiaojiao was stunned for a moment before truthfully saying, “Susu, you’re treading the path of a singer with real ability. Although s.h.i.+ Xiang sings, he is packaged by those people in Korea. He cannot be counted as a singer that purely depends on ability. He can only be called an idol singer. There are more die-hard female fans now, so in that aspect, male celebrities have the upper hand. He is very popular in Asia.”

“I understand.” Yan Su lowered her head.

“Don’t think too much,” Jiaojiao said. “You’re an ability-based singer, so what’s there to compare with an idol singer like him? I heard that s.h.i.+ Xiang is even preparing to take up acting. I’m guessing he will probably be developing in other areas in the future. You’re different. Our company wants to develop you into a real diva-level singer.”

Yan Su looked out of the window. She recalled that s.h.i.+ Xiang had said he wanted to be a singer. Now, he was not only a singer, he even planned to become an actor. What happened to his dream of being a pure singer?

Susu, could it be that you don’t like the company’s plans?” Jiaojiao saw that she didn’t seem to be happy.

“No…” Yan Su shook her head. “I prefer to only sing.”

“Singing is good. Compared to acting, the circle is at least not as complicated, but singing doesn’t earn nearly as much as acting,” Jiaojiao said. “Perhaps that is why s.h.i.+ Xiang is going to act. Acting in one show would earn him more than what he would by singing for two years.”

“Yes, money,” Yan Su shook her head with disappointment.

Perhaps money was the real reason why a person would change.

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