GRSML Chapter 12: Her Warmth

Lin Xin coughed to hide her guilt and asked Lin Xinyu, "Would you like to read a book together?"

"What? I won"t let you two leave so easily." Zhao Qiang interrupted them and stepped forward to block Lin Xin.

His tall, strong body gave him an overwhelming advantage.

From a young age, Lin Xin was accustomed to striving to outdo others. When she would come across a strong opponent, she knew that she needs to win a few points, even if she loses. What was more, her enemy was merely an immature youth. Why should a 20-year-old adult fear him?

Before she could reply, Lind Xinyu spoke up and said, "Zhao Qiang, don"t push it. I"ll tell the Dean how you"ve been bullying me today."

This time, Lin Xinyu looked at Zhao Qiang with a fearless glare–a firm gaze that he had never shown before. When a man who was usually cowardly suddenly becomes fearless, that person"s bravery becomes frightening. You won"t know how he"s going to change or what he"s going to do next.

Zhao Qiang looked down on him calmly. "Do you think I"m afraid of your complaint to the Dean? I"m not scared at all. I"ll let you go this time. Hmph! Don"t let me see you dirtying my sight next time." After breathing empty threats, he bared his teeth at the pair and gave them the most hostile look he could muster before leaving contentedly.

After seeing Zhao Qiang"s fierce expression, the corner of Lin Xin"s mouth raised unconsciously. If one observed carefully, one would notice that despite his strong body, his mind was merely that of a child"s. There was no lethality to his fighting style.

As for Lin Xinyu"s "improvement", Lin Xin was quite happy. She clapped him on the shoulder and said in a more amiable voice, "If he bullies you again, just lie to him and say that you"ll tell the Dean. He"ll run away just like he did today."

Lin Xinyu blinked and didn"t dare to face her. He bowed his head and muttered "Hmm" as a weak reply. Lin Xin still wanted to talk about it but her encouragements were to no avail. Some things have to come slowly, and one"s personality was a quality that needs time to change.

She placed her hand on Lin Xinyu"s head. Because he was a half-foot taller than her, Lin Xin had to put some effort and raised her heels in order to reach the top of his head. Lin Xin was unaccustomed with her current short height, which left her a bit dissatisfied. She ran her fingers across his hair and said gently, "From now on, when others come to bully you, you should defend yourself like this."

When she touched his head, he could feel the warmth of her hand on his skin, like a gust of warm wind that rippled across a clear lake, and the quiet sound of waves that were almost unnoticeable.

Lin Xinyu raised his head slightly and smiled, his eyes curved up in a crescent shape. He noticed Lin Xin"s height and secretly glanced at her feet that tiptoed. He bent down quietly to lower his height, silently matching Lin Xin"s movements. Her touch reminded him of a mother he had dreamed of. Although he had never seen his mother, he longed to experience a mother"s care. A man"s instinct caused him to long for love.

He closed his eyes like a cat that savored the pleasant moment. The afternoon sunlight sprinkled its mottled light on his skin, allowing the warmth to spread from his skin, to his blood, and deep into his heart. "Thump thump…" His heart seemed to beat faster than when he suffered from his disease. The speed of his heartbeat accelerated his blood flow, giving him a feeling of life that he never experienced before. He was like a fish who was once trapped in water, finally attempting to jump out of his world to see the blue sky beyond the sea. As if he could have everything he wanted as long as he works hard for it.

He wanted to cry happily. He look at Lin Xin with bright eyes. His joy seemed to overflow without words to describe.

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