Guide To Raising A Supporting Male Lead

Chapter 26: The Dean"s Office

Chapter 26: The Dean"s Office

At this time, Wu Anan opened the door and entered the hall; she wore a sailor dress with the exact same style that Lin Xin was holding, along with s.h.i.+ny black leather shoes. She was like a little girl who walked out of a j.a.panese manga–cute and full of youthfulness.

"Elder sister, I changed to this dress. Does it look good?" Wu Anan twirled around to show off her new clothes.

Wu Pingping smiled and replied, "It looks great."

The two sisters were joyful and sunny, now that they were finally reunited. After they distributed some gifts, they happily gave their farewells to everyone in the orphanage. The children saw them off to the gate, with Lin Xin being part of the crowd.

"All of you can go back, you don"t need to send us off." Wu Pingping waved to everyone and said, "Our car will be arriving, so everyone can head back now."

After hearing Wu Pingping"s words, the children no longer followed them. They slowly made their way back to the orphanage, one by one, until finally, only Lin Xin and Zhao Qiang were left at the scene. Zhao Qiang yawned in boredom while Lin Xin worriedly waited for a chance to speak with Wu Anan. But how should she tell her that one day, her elder sister will betray her in the future? Would she even believe her words? Obviously, her warnings would be futile.

Lin Xin pushed away her thoughts and decided to abandon the matter. After Wu Pingping got in the car, Lin Xin suddenly hugged Wu Anan who had yet to enter the car. She whispered to her ears, "An An, the world is very cruel. Don"t be too disappointed."

Wu Anan couldn"t understand her words of caution. She a.s.sumed that Lin Xin was reluctant to part with her and had actually considered her as a friend all this time.

Wu Anan hugged her tightly and replied, "Okay." She also whispered in her ears, "Lin Xin, the Dean"s mood seems to have changed. Make sure you don"t provoke him."

"I know."

The driver suddenly shouted, "Get in the car quickly! We"ll be leaving." Wu Anan let go of Lin Xin and finally entered the car that was headed for S City.

Lin Xin knew that her words were of no use at all, but she felt relieved after sharing them. She looked up at the blue sky, then walked into the orphanage with her small footsteps.

Zhao Qiang followed her closeby and asked her curiously, "What were you and Wu Anan whispering about?"

Lin Xin said, "Nothing much, I just told her to take care of herself."

Zhao Qiang rolled his eyes. "I don"t believe a word you say."

Lin Xin felt that this kid was getting more annoying; he seemed to follow after her a** everyday and ask about her business like a woman craving gossip.

Lin Xin scolded him, saying, "What"s your problem?"

Zhao Qiang was so upset that he chose to shut his mouth without asking any more questions.

As the two of them made their way back, Lin Xin suddenly remembered that she hadn"t seen Lin Xinyu for the whole day. She asked Zhao Qiang, "Why haven"t we seen Lin Xinyu since morning?"

Zhao Qiang said in irritation, "The Dean asked him to go to his office."

He stayed in the Dean"s office all morning? Lin Xin was stunned. A hundred possibilities flitted through her mind and she suddenly hurried towards the orphanage. When she arrived at the building, she discovered that behind the so called "office" was the Dean"s bedroom. Basically, the room was divided into two sections: one side was the Dean"s office while the other side had a bed.

Lin Xin anxiously walked towards the Dean"s room. The door was closed and the curtain was drawn over the window, blocking the scene within the room. Lin Xin twisted the door k.n.o.b, then tried to open the door with brute force. After pus.h.i.+ng two or three times without success, she lifted her foot and was about it kick it open.

Zhao Qiang quickly stopped her. "What are you doing! If the Dean is inside, he"ll just end up punis.h.i.+ng both of us all over again."

Lin Xin suddenly felt that she was being too impulsive. Most likely, what the Dean did to Lin Xinyu was not the first time. If she doesn"t stop him, it won"t be his last offense either. Her heart pierced with pain when she remembered Lin Xinyu"s wide, teary eyes. Lin Xin couldn"t just leave this matter alone.

I need to rescue Lin Xinyu as soon as possible. I"ll deal with the consequences later, but for now, this is what"s most important.

T/N: I wish I could go into that novel and kill that Dean. It"s sad that our world actually has people like him, and sometimes even worse. ED: Me too!

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