Chapter 46

Chapter 46: Stepping on Her Dignity

When Lin Xin heard the word ‘forever’ she couldn’t help but yell, “Who do think you’re fooling? The world is so vast, do you think you can cover up the sky?”

When the Dean saw that her psychological defense was about to break, he continued on to say, “Have you forgotten that this orphanage used to be a prison? I can lock you up for life so that you can never escape from here . Have you forgotten? And…” He paused and said with a toothy grin, “I – can – let – you – die – in – here . ”

A ghastly cold light reflected against his black rimmed . His gaze was as sharp as a sword, as if to pierce her . The girl’s face turned pale and her forehead was covered in beads of sweat .

It seems that the girl was afraid of death . So she think she could climb a big tree like that family and escape from him? Her thoughts were too simple . The Dean liked to see her frightful appearance, which caused him to feel excitement .

The Dean proudly said, “So you were thinking of provoking me to hit you, then you would complain to the mistress? Do you think I’m such a fool to fall for that? And what if I tell the adopter that you have an infectious disease, surely they will stay far away from you . Then you can die peacefully in the orphanage, such a perfect ending . ”

Lin Xin glared fiercely, her lips pursed, and her back standing straight, as if wanting to preserve the last of her dignity .

The Dean removed his and wiped them with the corner of his s.h.i.+rt . “If you agree to my terms, I’ll let you go . I’m a man who keeps his promises . ” He enjoys breaking the pride of someone stubborn .

Lin Xin still refused . Her back was still as straight as a sword as she stood in her spot .

Lin Xin still refused . Her back was still as straight as a sword as she stood in her spot .

The Dean laughed and said, “You can keep standing there and I can go ahead and tell them that you have an infectious disease . ”

At this point, Lin Xin’s rebellious posture was now shaken . Her back slouched in defeat and she slowly stepped towards the man . Seeing her heavy footsteps, Dean laughed triumphantly . When she came to his side, he pointed to his foot and said, “Now, wipe my shoes clean . ”

Lin Xin stood still .

The Dean said, “Why, not willing? Then you can stay here all your life!”

The Dean said, “Why, not willing? Then you can stay here all your life!”

Lin Xin didn’t speak . She bent down to his feet and wiped the dirt off those shoes with her own hands . With each wipe, the Dean’s foot moved forward; he proudly smiled as he enjoyed the squeaking sound of his shoes whenever the girl wiped them . The Dean giggled happily until his pair of shoes were completely clean . He looked down with satisfaction as he saw Lin Xin’s teary eyes, as if she was struggling to forebear her humiliation . He ordered, “Give me a gla.s.s of water . ”

Lin Xin was obedient like a maid as she poured a gla.s.s of water to him respectfully .

The Dean accepted the cup and drank it . After placing down the teacup, he asked, “Do you know how you should address me?”

Lin Xin smiled mysteriously, her hair hanging to cover half her face, making her expression hard to see . There was a chilling creepiness to her appearance .

The Dean shuddered .

Lin Xin smiled mysteriously, her hair hanging to cover half her face, making her expression hard to see . There was a chilling creepiness to her appearance .

The Dean shuddered .

Lin Xin giggled and said with an ominous smile, “Yes, I know . ” Her posture was confident and her delicate seemed to reflect a beauty that didn’t belong to her .

The Dean’s heart tightened with fear . Before he could sit up, Lin Xin pulled out a pair of scissors and held them before his eyes .

As the sharp blades glinted, she asked him, “Do you know what this is for?”

The Dean didn’t know what she meant by those words . He wanted to stand up and grab the scissors from her hands, only to find that he completely lost his strength and his legs turned soft, as if he didn’t have any bones . Also, he didn’t have power to lift his arms . He could only lay on the table like a puddle of mud .

Chapter 46: Stepping on Her Dignity.

When Lin Xin heard the word ‘forever’ she couldn’t help but yell, “Who do think you’re fooling? The world is so vast, do you think you can cover up the sky?”.

When the Dean saw that her psychological defense was about to break, he continued on to say, “Have you forgotten that this orphanage used to be a prison? I can lock you up for life so that you can never escape from here . Have you forgotten? And…” He paused and said with a toothy grin, “I – can – let – you – die – in – here . ”.

A ghastly cold light reflected against his black rimmed . His gaze was as sharp as a sword, as if to pierce her . The girl’s face turned pale and her forehead was covered in beads of sweat

It seems that the girl was afraid of death . So she think she could climb a big tree like that family and escape from him? Her thoughts were too simple . The Dean liked to see her frightful appearance, which caused him to feel excitement

The Dean proudly said, “So you were thinking of provoking me to hit you, then you would complain to the mistress? Do you think I’m such a fool to fall for that? And what if I tell the adopter that you have an infectious disease, surely they will stay far away from you . Then you can die peacefully in the orphanage, such a perfect ending . ”.

Lin Xin glared fiercely, her lips pursed, and her back standing straight, as if wanting to preserve the last of her dignity

The Dean removed his and wiped them with the corner of his s.h.i.+rt . “If you agree to my terms, I’ll let you go . I’m a man who keeps his promises . ” He enjoys breaking the pride of someone stubborn

Lin Xin still refused . Her back was still as straight as a sword as she stood in her spot

The Dean laughed and said, “You can keep standing there and I can go ahead and tell them that you have an infectious disease . ”.

At this point, Lin Xin’s rebellious posture was now shaken . Her back slouched in defeat and she slowly stepped towards the man . Seeing her heavy footsteps, Dean laughed triumphantly . When she came to his side, he pointed to his foot and said, “Now, wipe my shoes clean . ”.

Lin Xin stood still

The Dean said, “Why, not willing? Then you can stay here all your life!”.

Lin Xin didn’t speak . She bent down to his feet and wiped the dirt off those shoes with her own hands . With each wipe, the Dean’s foot moved forward; he proudly smiled as he enjoyed the squeaking sound of his shoes whenever the girl wiped them . The Dean giggled happily until his pair of shoes were completely clean . He looked down with satisfaction as he saw Lin Xin’s teary eyes, as if she was struggling to forebear her humiliation . He ordered, “Give me a gla.s.s of water . ”.

Lin Xin was obedient like a maid as she poured a gla.s.s of water to him respectfully

The Dean accepted the cup and drank it . After placing down the teacup, he asked, “Do you know how you should address me?”.

Lin Xin smiled mysteriously, her hair hanging to cover half her face, making her expression hard to see . There was a chilling creepiness to her appearance

The Dean shuddered

Lin Xin giggled and said with an ominous smile, “Yes, I know . ” Her posture was confident and her delicate seemed to reflect a beauty that didn’t belong to her

The Dean’s heart tightened with fear . Before he could sit up, Lin Xin pulled out a pair of scissors and held them before his eyes

As the sharp blades glinted, she asked him, “Do you know what this is for?”.

The Dean didn’t know what she meant by those words . He wanted to stand up and grab the scissors from her hands, only to find that he completely lost his strength and his legs turned soft, as if he didn’t have any bones . Also, he didn’t have power to lift his arms . He could only lay on the table like a puddle of mud

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