Chapter 60: Gifts (3)

Some people also advised him to adopt a small, ignorant newborn within the family to raise as a subst.i.tute, and it"s not that he never thought of it, but he was already badly battered attending to his wife, not to mention additionally taking care of children. This matter was continuously delayed until Xiao Li phoned him half a month back, telling him that there were two children very suitable for his family and asking him if he wanted to adopt.

After receiving the children"s information, he still hesitated. Xiao Li advised him not to think too much, these two are good children, you should treat it as acc.u.mulating good karma!

Xiao Li was formerly a nurse at their hospital. When she was young, she suffered a miscarriage because of an accident and became unable to give birth. Xiao Li"s husband divorced her shortly thereafter. Since then, she has especially liked children, a friends.h.i.+p formed between Xiao Li and his wife and she was appointed as his son"s and daughter"s G.o.dmother.

Her character and vision are trustworthy. At first sight, he decided to adopt the two children. Their statures, one tall, one short, and body proportions are identical to those of his son and daughter. Moreover, despite the two of them not growing any bit of resemblance, they give off an air of being brother and sister, or perhaps relatives.

This atmosphere beats anything else in importance.

Lin Xin"s in a fairly heavy mood. Cheng Qingrong is much better than she imagined, which makes her feel very burdened psychologically. Facing evildoers, she can harden her heart, but against good people, she can"t. She fears both not being able to act the role of a daughter and meeting that ‘mother". In short, this is a very tough responsibility to carry.

While she turned over and over in bed, unable to sleep, sounds of knocking spread from outside the door. Lin Xin opened it and saw Lin Xinyu standing there hugging a quilt, expectingly looking towards her like a hopeful little puppy.

“Lin Xin, I can"t sleep. Can I, can I sleep with you?”

Lin Xin thought: It"s his first time emerging in the outside world, he has certainly not adjusted.

She took the blanket from Lin Xinyu"s hand, carried it to her bed and laid the quilt, letting Lin Xinyu sleep by her feet.

After the lights were off, Lin Xinyu whispered to Lin Xin in the dark: “Lin Xin, the outside world turned out to be so big.”

Lin Xin said: “No, it is our world which turned out to be small.”

Lin Xinyu asked: “At the supermarket, I saw Uncle Cheng holding and swiping a card. Then, they let us take their things away. What was that?”

Lin Xin thought back, saying: “That"s called a bank card. In the near future, it"ll be replaced by Alipay. Mobile phones will be capable of providing the people with shopping and entertainment, e-commerce and micro-businesses will make tens of thousands of sales through devices, impacting the established industry. The conventional retail trade enters a slump with nearly all of the business" turnover handed over to the proprietors, and n.o.body will be willing to take on the commercial stores" leases. Hence, the real estate enterprise will be facing a recession. Not only will the traditional retail trade be confronted with price wars, but it shall also examine the user"s consumption history, dredging up the user"s network transactions, regularly putting out discounts and recommending products. Online shopping booms across the whole nation, targeting customers who don"t like going outdoors, implementing an instant virtual try-on system and delivery services. The cyber world merges with reality so as to advance.”

Lin Xinyu didn"t understand a sentence of Lin Xin"s enormous speech. Originally, he merely wanted to know whether anything in the supermarket could be freely grabbed, and was that thing held by uncle Cheng called a mobile phone? He really has many, many questions to ask Lin Xin. However, all this made it so Lin Xinyu let them fester in his belly.

Lin Xin"s parents were both university professors, her father was a well-known economist and her mother belonged to the literary department. The two of them stayed to teach at the academy after graduating from S University. From childhood, Lin Xin blindly followed after her father and later on majored in economics. She uttered those words involuntarily, hearing Lin Xinyu mention the bank card.

T/N: Shoutout to Sheeza!(⌒▽⌒)Thank you for the motivation.

(And to those of you whose comments I haven"t answered… fl.u.s.tered. Speechless. Thank you! > <>

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