Hi guys, here"s volume 6! Thanks to William Carson for supporting us! And for everyone else as well!

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Chapter 97 - Marriage Report

Lute, 14 years old.

Equipment: +S&W M10 4-inch (revolver)

                 +AK47 (a.s.sault rifle)

Snow, 14 years old.

A-minus cla.s.s magician.

Equipment: +S&W M10 2-inch (revolver)

                 +AK47 (a.s.sault rifle)

Chris, 13 years old.

Equipment: M700P (sniper rifle)

Lyss, 180 years old High Elf.

B cla.s.s magician.

Spirit"s blessing: Infinite storage

Equipment: +General-purpose machinegun


TL note: like b.o.o.bs lmao, she can"t take those equipments off though

The airship pushed its way through the clouds and arrived at h.o.a.rd of Algio territory.

We stepped out firmly on the fresh, unmarred snow.

The town was just a stone"s throw away from here.

We treaded over the snow and headed for the orphanage where Eru-sensei waiting for us at the front door. She seemed to hear our voices. As expected of her bunny ears.



Snow and I ran to her being careful not to slip on the snow.

For me it was a reunion after four years apart.

Eru-sensei"s appearance hadn"t changed at all.

She was in her early twenties, her height impressive for a woman and b.r.e.a.s.t.s that could be cla.s.sified as big.

She was also beautiful. Her gentle expression and droopy eyes made people she met feel relieved.

A pair of bunny ears sprouted from within light-pink hair.

Snow used the momentum of her run to jump into Eru-sensei"s embrace.

Obviously, I couldn"t do that so I stopped just before her.

"Ehehehe, Eru-sensei"s smell is also a good smell~"

"Oh my, Snow-chan is a spoiled child, aren"t you."

Snow, the fugofugo-ist, buried her face in Eru-sensei"s chest and took in her smell. Sensei didn"t mind and gave her a friendly smile instead. I was so jealous! I also wanted to burry my face in Eru-sensei"s chest!

TL note: fugofugo is the sound she makes when she sniff/inhale/taking in the smell of a person she likes, I can"t find any word to replace it, and don"t worry, it sounds weird in j.a.panese too

Obviously, I couldn"t do that, though!

I grabbed the nape of Snow"s neck and pulled her away from sensei.

"Come on, stop it. Don"t cause trouble for Eru-sensei."

"Oh Lute-kun, are you jealous? Don"t worry. No matter how much relief Eru-sensei"s smell gives, it can"t rival Lute-kun"s. I like Lute-kun"s smell the best."

"Is, is that so? I like Snow"s smell too."

"Ehehehe, we"re the same."

Snow and I smiled at each other.

"Fufufu, you two are as close as ever."

Eru-sensei gazed at the two of us with a happy smile on her face.

Not good, not good, we created a zone for only the two of us and forgot about Eru-sensei.

I offered greetings to Eru-sensei again.

"I haven"t stayed in touch for a long time, Eru-sensei. Not only did I make you worry so much, I"m even late telling you about our marriage, I"m sorry."

"I was only slightly anxious, you know. I believed that if it"s Lute-kun, things will be all right."

I felt a pang in my chest when I saw her smile.

When I was captured by the fake adventurers, I brought it upon myself by being careless.

Making her worried because of that caused me to feel stabs of guilt.

To forget about those feelings, I decided to introduce Eru-sensei to the other girls who had finally caught up to us and were standing behind.

"This is Eru-sensei who raised Snow and me, she"s something like a mother to us."

"Nice to meet you all, I"m Eru from the Rabbit tribe. I"ve been taking care of Lute-kun and Snow-chan"

Eru-sensei greeted Chris, Lyss, Meiya, Shia, Luna with a bright smile.

I coughed once and started to fulfill the promise I made when I left the town.

"Eru-sensei, as promised when I left the town, please let me tell you about our marriage."

That was about four years ago, early in the morning.

The day I left the town I made a promise with Eru-sensei that came to send me off.

The pledge was "after I marry Snow I will definitely come back once to tell you about it".

Fulfilling that was delayed due to circ.u.mstances, but I could finally make it happen.

"Actually, aside from Snow, I also married two other girls…....."

I introduced Chris and Lyss to Eru-sensei.

"Nice, to meet, you I, am, Chris. I am onii-chan"s…... bride"

Chris tried hard to work her voice, sealed in the past due to trauma, and greeted Eru-sensei.

Then it was Lyss" turn. She placed her right hand on her chest, while pinching her skirt with her left a slightly, and gave a curtsy.

"I am glad to make your acquaintance. I am called Lyss, previously the second princess of the High Elf kingdom of Enol. Right now I mask my eye color and appearance with this pendant to avoid the public eye….Being linked by fate, I have tied the knot with Lute-san alongside Snow-san and Chris-san. To be able to meet Eru-san, the parent who raised him, is truly an honor for me."

Before we arrived at the orphanage, I had told Luna about our marriage.

She was surprised, but she didn"t object.

Eru-sensei looked somehow unsettled after Hearing Chris" and Lyss" greetings.

Was she that surprised hearing I married others aside from Snow?

For some reason, her face became pale.

"Eru-sensei, what happened? You look somewhat unwell…..."

"Uh, nuh-uh, I"m ok. It"s just a little cold out here. But still, I"m surprised, to think that Lute-kun married others aside from Snow-chan too"

"Haha, many things happened……."

I"ve finished introducing my wives, but the greetings continued.

Shia, Luna, Meiya greeted Eru-sensei one after another.

Shia and Luna are safe to an extent, but Meiya―

"Nice to meet you, dear mother-in-law! To the genius magic tool inventor, the G.o.d, Lute-sama, I am his first disciple, his right hand, and his trusted confidant called Meiya Dragoon! I am the next wife candidate for him so I will be in your care for many years to come!"

Oi, what next wife candidate…….

Or rather, the "mother" part, didn"t the p.r.o.nunciation feel kinda wrong?

"Lute-kun, you plan to marry Meiya-chan too?"

As expected, Eru-sensei was confused and asked tilting her head.

I couldn"t say "It"s just self-proclaimed so please don"t mind" in front of the person involved.

So I just laughed to dodge the question.

Eru-sensei might have guessed it so she changed the topic herself.

"But I"m really glad Lute-kun and everyone came to see me. Actually there"s something I want to consult with you."


"Actually……. I, was asked for my hand in marriage……"

Hah? Marriage? Carriage? Ferriage? No no, that was weird. Wait, eh? Huh?

Marriage? Eru-sensei is? Hah?

Hm, in short, it"s that huh…….

It, it-it-it-it"s, it was time for waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrr!


There may be a need to change Lyss" age in the future so please bear with me.

( ̄^ ̄)ゞ

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