Haikei Heika, Nidome No Ouhii Wa Okotowari!

Chapter 1: The King"s Proposal  part.1

Author: Fujisaki Mika  Chapter 1: The King"s Proposal  part.1

Warm breeze comes through the window and carries slightly sweet scent of flower, gra.s.s, and soil.
It seems as it is saying that spring has already arrived at the palace courtyard.
The young girl walks through one open corridor in the palace where the spring breeze comes in. Her glimmering golden hair gets slightly disheveled, and her bangs are blown to the back, revealing her beautiful face. She is wearing a plain black dress, so it won"t hinder her work, but it seems make her seem bright and refreshing under the sunlight.

"…It has been a year since his Majesty ascended to the throne."

She stops her feet as soon she hears voices right after she takes a turn in the corner of the hallway.

"I was worried on what would happen, but his Majesty"s hard works have paid off wonderfully."

"I really want to hit myself for underestimating him because he"s still young. I didn"t expect he would restore the country within a year."

Bureaucrats apparently seemed to be talking regarding the young king. They might reprimand her lacks of manner, however , they seem to be serious in a.s.sessing his Majesty"s skill and growth.

(Of course, he is amazing. He"s Julian-sama after all!)

After the death of her husband, Alexis last year, she let go of her t.i.tle of being the royal wife by serving Julian. At first, there were many things to worry about, but she has witnesses his growth within a year. She is proud for being able to a.s.sist him.

"As expected, Alicisama is important."

She nods in satisfaction, but she stops when she hears his name.

"Indeed. I thought it would be the end for us when Alexis"s wife decided to become a minister, but Alicia is doing a great job."

"His Majesty seems to trust Alicisama, since she"s his sister-in-law."

Alicia, King Julian"s right hand frowns. She would like to listen more how they praise the king, but she does not feel right to let those praises get into her head as a professional.

(…… I have to see to Julian-sama.)

As those bureaucrats still seem to be having fun with their conversation, she continues walking through the hallway. Someone says about something after Alicia left.

"True…… All that is left is only about His Majesty welcoming a wife, huh?"

"……Raise the tax rate. It"s decided."

"But, many people would be bothered with the sudden tax raise."

"How should we explain this to the public?"

"We should explain the reasons and how the tax would affect them, like how it will improve the agricultural needs and increasing the number of horse-drawn carriages to rural areas. It would be easy to understand for them to antic.i.p.ate what improvements we would carry out in the future as we keep carrying out reforms. That way, they will understand that there would be benefits from the tax raise, and we could suppress oppositions at the same time."

"From the tax we have collected, we shall allocate the earnings accordingly, but that might take some time."

"Yeah, I should take that into consideration as well—"

Alicia quietly peers into the King"s study. Inside, there is a table made of gla.s.s, and the young king is negotiating with his five ministers. It seems the agenda for today is about tax increase.
Alicia cannot go inside, so she can only stand outside, peering at the profile of King Julian.
He has soft and l.u.s.ter black hair. His bangs are separated right in the middle, showing his forehead and his violet eyes. Although his 17-year-old body seems very delicate and cannot be compared to the knights, but he also learns swordsmanship for self-defense, so there are still rooms for his growth.
It seems the negotiation is over, and the ministers bow and dismiss themselves from the King.
……Those ministers are all loyal subjects, who have supported the royal family since the previous king to the current king. However, as soon as they have exited the room, he would say "……Long negotiations like this sure hurt my back." or "Acting like a proper king sure takes out a lot of my energy." This time, Alicia decides to go out to buy some herbal tea to recover his fatigue.

"Alicia, wait."

A voice halted Alicia from seeing the ministers off. Julian who was summarizing his written doc.u.ments, beckoned towards Alicia.

"Have you finished touring the castle town?"

"Yes, I also brought the result of my findings."

Alicia sits down on the sofa and put a huge pile of stacked reports on the table.
As Julian"s va.s.sal, Alicia has variety of works. There are days when she has to visit the castle town in Julian"s place, or she helps him organizing the doc.u.ments in his study. Alicia also had many opportunities in selecting guests and taking charges of evening parties, and there were also many times she managed to fully utilize the abilities she cultivated during King Alexis"s reign.

(It was thanks to Alexis-sama and Larrsama for teaching me about politics.)

Alicia gets lost in her own thought while Julian is reviewing the reports.

Polygamy in royalty is recognized in Kingdom of Emblem, and many kings have taken a lot of wifes for various reasons. However, it is still the Queen"s role to take over the parties and accompany the king on every visit. However, the other wifes do not have political power, and they are meant to wait for their king visiting their room.
Alicia was originally the daughter of Marquis Stewart, but her mother was a servant. Although her mother has pa.s.sed away really early, Alicia was able to stay in her father"s house since she was really loved.
However, her father pa.s.sed away nine years ago, and her older brother succeeded the family. Her brother was not fond of her, and Alicia, who was still 10 years old, was pushed away to marry King Alexis who was still in his early twenties, because her brother thought that it might be a good opportunity to get rid of her.

(Since the Marquis was the King"s aide that time, Alexis, who was already betrothed that time, could not say no.)

Alexis gently stroked Alicia"s head, who was crying out of anxiety on their wedding night.

"It has been hard, but it"ll be alright, I wouldn"t hurt you."

Alicia"s eyes were widened, still full of tears, reacting to her husband, who is the King."

"……but, I"m… Alexis-sama"s wife—"

"Is that really what you wanted?"

"Listen carefully, Alicia. I"ll soon welcome my wife. However, I"ll never chain you down. Let"s think together about your future. You can think me like I"m your older brother. Let"s get along, Alicia."

It was not because she wanted to marry, and she knew she could not treat her husband like an older brother.
However, Alexis"s words were just like clear blue sky for Alicia.
Thus, Alicia decided to live married to Alexis. It was like as he said, Alexis did not lay a hand on Alicia, instead he provides Alicia, who was still growing that time, with education. He also treats Alicia as his "wife" only in public to keep their dignity.
Soon, Alexis welcomed a duke"s daughter, who was his fiancée, as a queen. Queen Larra was sad when she learned that Alicia became his favorite.
However, after spending time together, the queen understood why Alexis took Alicia as his wife. Larra also often invited Alicia whenever they have public outings, and Alexis often said that "Larra and Alicia are like sisters."
That was why Alicia was able to manage political affairs from personal connections and skills she got even after Alexis and Larra pa.s.sed way due to an accident they encountered in their journey. If Alicia was merely a decoration or just a beautiful woman, Alicia would have had to retire to the countryside.

"Alicia, be happy."

It was her husband"s last word in his death bed right after he got into an accident. Larra pa.s.sed away right away, but Alexis was managed to be brought to royal palace since he was still breathing. However, it was too late and there were no signs for him to recover, and he was declared dead by the physician in the next day.

Alicia did not understand what "Alicia"s happiness" was.
Because she did not understand, she refused to choose to live a peaceful life of retirement and living off the money from her husband"s death, and chose the path to serve the new king, Julian instead as a female official.
Julian, Alicia, and Alexis, who was 10 years older, had different living environments, and Alicia and Julian barely talked with each other until Alexis"s death.
Even after she served Julian as his va.s.sal, she often got worried about him. Julian might look composed and calm, but he is still a 17-year old boy.

(I want to return my grat.i.tude to Alexis-sama and Larrsama by a.s.sisting Julian-sama.)

She wishes to protect this country that Alexis and Larra loved, together with Julian, as well to lead the country to its prosperity.
Until then, the moment he would welcome his queen, she would stay faithful and continue to serve the king and his wife. If a prince was born, she also considered to become the prince"s tutor.
It would be wonderful for her to nurture the people who will be responsible for the kingdom"s future and grow old while watching.
(Alexis-sama, this is my happiness.)

When reading and confirming the reports to the point he was very impressed by it, Alicia"s gaze goes to the schedule on the desk.

"……In three days, it is the King"s Coronation Ceremony, Your Majesty."

"Oh…… a lot of things have happened, huh?"

Julian nods, then he gazes to the distant as if he is looking over this past year.
In Kingdom of Emblem, the King"s Coronation Ceremony is held one year after the king ascended to the throne. It is also become the anniversary for the King who has overcome the hardship on his first year, and— it is also the death anniversary for the former king and queen. Alicia and Julian had been wearing black clothings for the past year, and they can finally wear other clothings after the King"s coronation.

"Also, there are many people who look forward for His Majesty"s coronation when I visited the castle town. Everyone wishes the best for Your Majesty"s reign."

"Yeah. I must not let them down. I"ll be counting on you as well, Alicia."

"That"s the plan."

Alicia hits his chest with a smile.
Julian gazes at her figure, later he narrows his eyes and clears his throat.

"……Alicia. Do you have any plans on the evening of the coronation day?"

"Evening, huh……? Nothing in particular."

"Okay, then let"s meet up for a bit this evening. There is something I want to say."

"…… I understand."

It is rare for Julian to call her at the evening, but she has no reason to refuse him.

(Isn"t it possible to say on the day after?)

Alicia accepts obediently and quickly gathers the reports on the table. Alicia does not seem to notice that Julian has been pa.s.sionately gazing at her.

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