Haikei Heika, Nidome No Ouhii Wa Okotowari!

Chapter 2 Declaration of War part.2

Author: Fujisaki Mika Chapter 2 Declaration of War part.2

This is bad. Alicia is in a huge pinch.

Instead of successfully persuading the ministers, those ministers just asked Alicia to "get married." However, Alicia tells them, "I"ll discuss this with Julian personally, so please don"t tell this to anyone other than the ministers." Just like that, the debriefing session is ended.

(But, my goal is not to become the queen just because I"m a woman. I just want to make Kingdom of Emblem more prosperous in the future.)

Her goal is to support the country as a n.o.blewoman of Emblem. Alicia"s mission would not change whether she is a woman or a queen. She just does not want to become a royal wife.

…… so she goes to discuss with Reivan who knows her situation.

"Great, then you should just become her wife."

"I was stupid for asking you."

Alicia threw sarcastic remark at Reivan.

Right now, Alicia is organizing letters in the office. She could just leave those to other bureaucrats, but these letters contains many confidential reports sent by n.o.bles from inside and outside the country. Alicia"s experience of handling affairs when she was a royal wife during King Alexis"s reign, is very useful for doing this.

Reivan, her escort, is leaning against the wall and relaxing. He is somehow glad that Julian, the owner of this room, is out. He is one of few who knows that Julian has proposed Alicia, but he does not have any intention to meddle or even being a good advisor.

"Think about it. If you and His Majesty ended up together, you can handle these kinds of work together and make my job much easier."

"…… You"re being a rationalist, aren"t you?"

"Of course. I don"t really care, but I think Alexis-sama would also want you to marry his little brother."

"It feels like you and His Highness are really true to your words, huh?"

"It can"t be helped. If I want something, I"ll do anything to get it. It"s not just me."

"…… I can"t disagree."

Alicia often scolded Reivan for his nosiness, but this shrewd man, who is scratching his head, always surprise Alicia with his fearless statements.

"If you have something to say, you should say it properly to His Majesty. You can"t resolve this by running away."

"I know."

Alicia turns her back. She is hurt after being pointed out the obvious by Reivan.

(…… Just like Reivan said, I have to talk to him properly today.)

After finishing her work, Alicia decides to pay Julian another visit.

"It"s about last night"s."

Alicia, who has changed into her casual attire, corrects her posture.

Usually, during work hours, she only puts together her golden hair tied on back of her head and decorated with a small ornament. She usually wears her favorite blue dress that fits her loosely. Lately, dresses with open chest and puffed sleeves, but she is not fond of those.

On the other hand, Julian is still in his work clothes. However, he looks relaxed as soon he sees Alicia. Even though he doesn"t change his clothes, he still looks neat and refined.

"Yes. I thought I had to talk to you properly."

"…… As your subject, I apologize for what I said last night."

Saying so, Alicia bows her head. Her golden locks do not fall in front of her face because of the hairpin.

But, Julian only gives her a weird look, as he sees something strange.

"…… Raise your head, Alicia. Why do you apologize? You were merely answering to my confession. Regardless what you said that night, it does not matter. I understand it was very sudden, and I got a little impatient. I"m reflecting on it."

"…… So, Your Highness really wants to marry me?"


Julian smiles as he gazes at Alicia. He would never shows that kind of smile during work or in public. Realizing that, Alicia"s fingertips shakes a little.

"I wish to welcome you as my queen, and this is a fact."

Alicia gulps down her saliva in response to her lord"s kind words.

(So, he really is serious……)

She thinks it was very obvious after seeing him smiling this morning.

But Alicia shakes her head furiously.

"I don"t wish to be a king"s wife. I am older than Your Highness, and also I am the former king"s wife. I am no longer part of royal family. There are unsightly rumors about me, and marrying me would hurt you. Your Highness should consider a good support from your marriage.

That excuse really makes her frustrating, but it is true.

Julian, however, does not sway or getting upset, but rather he smiles satisfied, listening to Alicia"s words.

"You are a humble woman. Even though you don"t need to work, you still come to help me every day."

"No, I"m not humble at all……"

"I don"t have any problems with marrying and welcoming you. There are exceptions as long there are no conflicts with the marriage. It was the previous king who made you, who is 10 years younger, a widow…… as long I am in power, I do not have to rely on those ladies" families. There are chances those senseless n.o.bles would get in the way."

What he says is indeed reasonable. Welcoming a high ranking n.o.ble lady to royal family does not mean everything would be fine.

"…… However, Stewart house had fallen before it could prosper. As Your Highness knows, my brother, Damien brought ruin to the family. I am no different than a commoner now that Stewart"s name is barely left thanks to His Highness"s mercy, but my family is not strong enough to a.s.sist Your Highness."

Alicia"s half-brother, Damien, who is also the one pushed Alicia to Alexis, failed in business and lost all of family a.s.sets three years ago, and throwing out all the territories in debts and fled. The blame was directed to Alicia, who was sixteen at that time, but thanks to Alexis, the debt was paid, and Alicia was saved from suffering her brother"s crime.

When she stepped down from a royal wife to a female official, her t.i.tle as marchioness returned to Alicia, even though only by name, Alicia returned to her former name "Alicia Stewart" as someone who is no longer married.

(Now, I"m at Julian-sama"s mercy, but if I become his wife, there will be rumors flying around.)

She feels depressed when she thinks of her parent"s home. Julian seems to have noticed that, and he gazes at Alicia"s face caringly.

"…… The fall of the marquis"s family is not your responsibility. We do not know where Damien Stewart is, but you are doing a great job as a female official. I know you"ve worked hard, and I won"t let any rumors about you going around."

"No, I am sure there is no need for Your Highness to go that far for my sake."

"You"re strange. If you accept my proposal, I"ll protect you, my wife as your husband. There is no way I would let my wife get hurt, isn"t it?"

Julian is not as forceful as last night. He explained everything quietly and softly, but Alicia could not help but to feel her sense of guilt gradually increasing inside her.

Alicia should make her decision, then it will be clear.

(But, it"s not what I wish for.)

"…… My wish is to serve you as you va.s.sal, Your Highness until the day I am no longer needed. When, you welcome your wife, I"ll bless you from the bottom of my heart. I would like to raise and educate your children.

Julian smiles with satisfaction after listening.

"Yeah, it is a great wish.  There won"t come the day I don"t need you, so I would like to court you as well a.s.sisting me reigning this country."

"That"s the not the case!"

"If a child is born between us, we won"t need to leave them to wet nurses. We can raise them together. You are an educated person, so it is fine to leave the child"s education to you. I want children from us."

"No, no! My wish is not like that—"

Alicia feels feverish and tongue-tied.

Alica, whose marriage with Alexis was so-called "white marriage", couldn"t be help but to get fl.u.s.tered because of her inexperience.

(Julian-sama is serious, but…… what should I do?)

Julian"s soft voice reverberates while Alicia is grabbing her skirt.

"Alicia, I don"t want to force you to have an intangible relationship, and I cannot be happy if I get you to marry me because your sense of duty…… So……"

Julian stands up from his sofa, pa.s.ses the table, and sits beside Alicia, who is sitting at the opposite seat. His violet eyes lit with pa.s.sion, gazing at Alicia.

"I"ll make you want to be my wife."


"It"s a challenge."

At the same time, Julian"s hand takes Alicia"s hand and kisses her glove. A kiss on the back of the hand is a proof of love of a man toward a woman. Alicia should be used to it, but her experiences were merely acts for general publics.

Her back trembles once she hears Julian"s faint and sweet whisper.

"A…… challenge?"

"That"s right…… The time limit is one year. I"ll make you wish to be my queen within a year. If you haven"t changed your mind after a year, I"ll give up. When that happens, I lose, and also I will talk to the ministers to welcome a lady to be my wife."

Alicia is dumbfounded. She stares at Julian, who is holding her hand tightly.

Julian is two years younger than her, but he is very clever and charismatic. Abilities are what matter most in this world, regardless of ages, the world works whether you"ll manipulate or be manipulated.

(I think Julian-sama is serious that he doesn"t want to force me.)

"If you really want something, you should do whatever it takes to get it."

She remembers what Reivan said before.

Retracing Julian"s words, "I"ll make you wish to be my queen within a year," that means he is sure to get his hand on Alicia. Alicia understands of her former brother-in-law. If she is deceived, she will only get hurt.
(…… but I"m not dumb enough to back down here.)

Alicia is no longer a 10-year-old girl, who was scared of her surroundings. During her days as a royal wife, she endured a lot of hardships, and thus she gained willpower and tenacity.

(Even though I have no experience in romantic relationship, I am still two years more experienced than Julian-sama!)

Alicia looks down and whispers,

"…… What a smart move."


"But, I can"t afford waste a single year unnecessarily."

Raising her face, she can see Julian"s violet eyes widened.  Such an innocent expression befitting a seventeen-year-old man.
"It won"t be fair if you"re the only one taking action, while I"m not doing anything. I"ll make my move too. I"ll make Your Highness falls for a lady before you persuaded me, Your Highness. There are many beautiful ladies, who are more qualified to be your wife than me."

Julian seems to be convinced and amused. He shows the smile just like when he completely defeated the n.o.bles who looked down on him.

"Your brashness and positive att.i.tude are also charming."

"…… T-thank you."

"Now, you should look for a wonderful lady who can change my mind."

"Of course."

Alicia straightened her back and replied.

This is no longer a problem between Alicia and Julian. She has to look and welcome the best queen for the Kingdom of Emblem within a year.

"I have personal network that I made when I was still a king"s wife. I have pride that I"ll come with the result that everyone would agree with."

Alicia declared her statements confidently, but Julian"s eyes narrowed.

–This looks like a danger signal.
Whenever he looks like this, that means he is planning something that will gain him advantages.

"…… And, I"ll make my so-confident sister-in-law say that she cannot live without me."

With then, he stands up and raises Alicia"s chin with his slender fingers.

His violet eyes stares deep into Alicia. He moves a bit and whispers on her left ear.

"…… Prepare yourself."


The voice Alicia heard just now was lower and deeper than Julian"s usual voice, and she can feel chill running through her back. She cannot help that she has no immunity since she never had any contact with men this close.

Julian laughs amused at Alicia, who had turned red and jumped shortly after he released her.

"You"re bright red. Cute."

"Guu……! I won"t lose!"

"Yeah, me too," says the young king confidently.

rui: I don"t have the courage to tear my book, so please deal with my smartphone camera for now ;;

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