Top of the Seventh Inning Los Eses used one of the buildings in a warehouse in the center of a pier near Hakata pier as their hideout and drug storage facility. The factory appeared to have ceased running operations, with nails and metal pipe sc.r.a.pes littered in the inactive s.p.a.ce. There was a pile of cardboard boxes in the center that Uno and his comrades had carried in. Inside them were all illegal drugs.
The Los Eses trio each spent their time as leisurely as they pleased in their hideout. Treinta was doing weapon maintenance, sharpening a dull carving knife. Ocho was sitting on his guitar case, smoking a cigar to pa.s.s the time.
Uno was in the middle of a phone conversation.
“I see. Understood. Then we"ll see you later.”
Ocho called out to him as he exhaled smoke once Uno dropped the call. “Who was it?”
The recipient was Kishihara, the young head of the Noma Group that was one of their business partners.
“They made preparations for the raid. We"re going to carry out the deal as planned.”
“Good to hear.”
That was one issue resolved. Now they could proceed to the next step.
“Alright, let"s pack these up.” Uno glanced over to the cardboard boxes containing marijuana.
The Los Eses used the sea routes a lot to transport drugs as the Mexican port faced the sea. It was the same in f.u.kuoka, so they used the boat they purchased for that as well. The small fishing boat was only seven meters long that could fit seven people, and it could also be used to transport ten kilograms of marijuana.
Uno and his comrades put the marijuana they had stored onto the boat for transport.
“Should we really hand this over for such a cheap price?” Ocho expressed irresolutely as he carried the vinyl bags of cannabis. “This is ten kilograms, you know? We could get 50,000,000 yen if we sold it under the normal price.”
“Don"t focus on the immediate profits, Ocho. This is just a sample. If no one gets a taste of it, they won"t know the quality of our products.”
They would not gain clients just by suddenly distributing marijuana worth a few thousand more yen onto the market. First they needed people to try it for a reasonable price so talk about their products would spread. Signal boosts were crucial to the drug dealing business. One taste of it and people would become addicted. And then more customers will seek their business. So this course of action was for that prior investment.
A few minutes later-
“This is everything.”
Ocho stated as he put the cardboard boxes onto the boat.
They finished putting the ten kilograms of marijuana and the guitar cases with their weapons...o...b..ard. Ocho sat down on the mooring post and took out a cigar to smoke.
All that was left to do was wait for the time for the deal. When the time drew close they would bring the products to Sunset Park and meet with the Chinese men. The members of the Noma Group will show up there and eliminate the Chinese group. Their hindrances would vanish and they would gain a new business partner.
There still had an hour before the trade off. Uno reclined back against the wall of the abandoned warehouse, deciding to take a short nap.

Lin sat on a park bench alone at night. It was near the Banba Detective Office, so they came to this park regularly to play catch. Normally children would be all over the place, but it was late into the night, leaving no one else but Lin present.
Lin had left a message on Banba"s cell phone, telling him to come to the park. After waiting on the bench for a couple of minutes, he heard the sound of an engine. Then he heard a man"s footsteps come closer.
“You"re here.”
Lin muttered and stood up from the bench.
He could see Banba, illuminated by the dim lighting from the street lamp. His mini cooper was left near the entrance of the park, and he was walking towards him. He still wore a suit but his Niwaka mask was absent. He carried a bat case over his shoulder, which probably contained his j.a.panese sword.
Banba asked with a chilling voice expressionlessly. “What do you want?”
Lin faced him and stated.
“I was asked to do something about the Niwaka Samurai. You"re in the way.”
Banba frowned slightly.
There was no way Banba would remain quiet and do as he asked. But naturally Lin could not kill a friend, regardless of the job he was tasked with. He would leave him in the office until everything was over. He would tie him up and confine him so he would not get in the way. He would just get roughed up a bit.
“Anyway, I"ll spare your life.”
Immediately afterwards, Lin moved. He took a heavy step forward and closed the distance between them. He got up right in front of Banba in an instant and swung his fist, aiming for his solar plexus to knock him unconscious.
But the attack did not reach. Banba blocked it with his hand. He spoke while still keeping his grip on Lin"s fist. “I don"t got time to play with you.”
“Me neither.”
Lin swung his other fist as he replied. He aimed for his face, causing Banba to raise his arms to guard himself. He fell for it, Lin smirked. His left swing was a fake. Lin went to strike him with his right fist into his now unguarded stomach. But just then, Lin"s cell phone went off. He heard the Izayuke Wakataka theme begin to go off at roughly the same time. Banba"s cell phone was ringing too. Lin was not the only one who got a call; Banba did too.
The two instantly stilled and took out their cellular devices.
“Who the h.e.l.l is it!? I"m in the middle of something!”
Lin had accepted the call and shouted protests the moment he picked up.
‘It"s me."
He heard the voice of one of the men from the Chinese group.
“What is it?” He replied back in irritation. I"m busy. Don"t get in my way. “Tell me what you need in five seconds.”
‘We"re heading over to Sunset Park now."
Sunset Park? What"s this about?
Lin"s eyes were wide.
‘We have a drug trade to do. Come with us."
“Got it.”
Lin answered curtly and dropped the call.
Banba finished his conversation at about the same time. Banba turned away from Lin once he hung up before attempting to leave.
“Hey, where are you going?”
Lin questioned with a sharp tone, stopping him.
“Sunset Park.” Banba replied, still facing away from him.
“What?” That was a coincidence. “What are you going to Sunset Park for?”
“I ain"t tellin" you.”
Banba responded sharply.
The Chinese men said they had a drug deal there and called Lin to come along. And Banba, who was employed by Kishihara in the Noma Group, was called to Sunset Park at the same time he was. What was the meaning behind this?
Banba began to walk away as Lin pondered to himself.
“Hold it,” Lin quickly called out to him. “I"m not done talking to you.”
There was something he had to say to this man.
“There ain"t nothin" to talk about.”
Banba"s demeanor was unnaturally curt. He must still be upset about the ball Lin threw out.
He"s so stubborn. Lin was sullen. “What"s up with your att.i.tude? Don"t sulk like a kid.”
“I"m not sulkin".” Banba responded, still turned away from him.
“How long are you going to hold a grudge for? You"re so stubborn.”
“I don"t got a grudge.”
“I just don"t wanna talk to someone who don"t apologize for throwin" out people"s things.”
“So you do have a grudge against me!”
Lin shouted.
“But isn"t it your fault for not cleaning up in the first place!?”
“Come on!” Banba briskly spun around. He yelled, pointing a finger at Lin"s face.
“Dontcha put the blame on others! I hate that about you!”
“What did you say!?”
The two"s yells echoed in the quiet park at the dead of night.
“I"m not putting the blame on others; it was your fault to begin with!”
Lin refuted, unwilling to back down.
“If it was so important, don"t leave it in an open place to get thrown away!”
“I did!”
“Where!? You just left it on the desk!”
“It was a decoration!”
“Give it up already! I"ll give you a good one!”
“Go ahead and try! If you can that is!”
Lin lost it. He had reached his limit.
“You stubborn a.s.shole!”
Lin shouted, unconcerned of the noise he was making to the neighbors, and went to punch Banba.
“That"s my line!”
The other made a counter attack. He held up his left fist just like him.
The next moment, their fists sunk into each other"s cheeks. They were strong blows. Both of them fell back from the force. Dizziness overcame them.
Lin and Banba both fell on them backs in the park simultaneously.
A sharp pain expanded from Lin"s head, and heat blossomed in his right cheek.
Lin gazed up at the expansive dark sky that was visible in his blurry vision. The stars are so pretty today. Just as that thought pa.s.sed his mind, consciousness escaped him.

Bottom of the Seventh Inning

Martinez drove Ricardo"s van, and the two dropped by the outskirts of f.u.kuoka. An old building came into view as they drove down the two lane street.
“...Where are we?”
Ricardo questioned.
“We"re at a warehouse belonged to a yakuza gang called the Mutagawa Group.”
Martinez replied, his expression calm.
The Mutagawa Group. It was a familiar name. If Ricardo remembered right, they were a gang that was rivals with the Noma Group.
“Why do you know this place?”
“A friend of mine had come here before. I heard about this place from him. The Mutagawa Group not only had drugs, but they also smuggled weapons. They have all their merchandise stored here.”
Once he parked the van in front of the warehouse, Martinez stated. “First, we get weapons. We can"t prevent the Los Eses" trade if we go in unarmed.”
Martinez got out of the car, and Ricardo followed after. Martinez then went in through the back of the warehouse instead of the front.
“Do you have a gun?”
“Yeah,” Ricardo nodded. He had an automatic handgun that was supplied to him from the DEA in his holster.
“Let me borrow it,” Martinez held out his hand.
“What do you plan to do with it?”
Martinez did not answer his question and turned up Ricardo"s jacket, taking the gun.
The very next moment, Martinez shot the window of the storehouse. The gla.s.s shattered loudly.
Ricardo gawked. “You idiot! What the h.e.l.l are you doing!?”
“Come on.”
After brushing aside the remaining shard fragments off the edge of the window, Martinez stepped up onto the window frame, intending to break inside. Ricardo reluctantly stepped inside the building.
It was a s.p.a.cious warehouse. Cardboard boxes were stacked in piles, covering the walls. The boxes had handguns, rifles, grenades, and bullet proof vests. It was as if this was a military armory.
There were large spots of blood stains on the floor of the warehouse. Something had happened here.
Martinez hefted up a box with handguns in it and ordered Ricardo. “Here, carry one too. Before the guys from the Mutagawa Group arrive.”
Ricardo sighed with an exasperated expression. “...Making an investigator steal?”
“They"re villains. They won"t report this, so relax.”
“That"s not the issue.”
Martinez snorted. “Come on, don"t be prudish now. Undercover agents have to be used to committing crime.”
Ricardo made a small sigh. “...Yeah, I suppose.”
He was right. He had done evil deeds numerous times while he was undercover in the cartel. He indulged in drugs with his comrades as to avoid suspicion as well. He had went deep into the criminal world, living day to day with criminals.
“...I occasionally forget who I am.”
He unintentionally spoke his true feelings.
Martinez turned still and glanced over to him.
Ricardo added quietly. “I feel like I forget I am an agent after being undercover for a long period of time. I become unsure whether I"m a good person or a bad person and which side I"m on.”
What if his true nature was no different than the people in the cartel? If provided the chance, perhaps he would fall down the path towards evil with ease. That uncertainty ate away at him regularly when he went undercover. He worried he would lose himself in his fake ident.i.ty.
Ricardo shook his head. What he had expressed was pathetic sentiment. “Forget it,” he told Martinez.
“Don"t think too hard on it.”
Martinez laughed back.
“Viva la vida,” he winked. “Let"s go all out and have a party.”
Ricardo slumped his shoulders. “...You d.a.m.n Latino.”
They had obtained their weapons. Next was finding out the number of people.
They had two members of Los Eses confirmed - Uno and Treinta - for the deal taking place in f.u.kuoka, as well as the Noma Group members that would be there to transport the ten kilograms of marijuana. So there would at least be seven to eight people. It was uneasy for just the two of them to break in. They needed backup.
Once they took the guns and bullet proof vests from the Mutagawa warehouse and put them in the van, Martinez contacted Banba and Lin. It would be a tremendous help if those two a.s.sisted them. Martinez was certain their enemies would be no match for the infielders, regardless of how well they were accustomed to battle as a drug cartel dealer or the large number of members they had.
However, no matter how many times he called them neither of the two answered. The phone kept ringing for both of them. Perhaps they were busy at work. Banba was with the Noma Group, and Lin was employed under the Chinese group. Maybe they were unavailable at the moment.
With that option crossed out, Martinez thought up another plan. More than quality they needed quant.i.ty. They had to overpower their opponents with numbers.
After Martinez left the Mutagawa Group"s armory, he and Ricardo headed towards Oyaf.u.kou. A few minutes of driving later, they arrived at a cheap, two story apartment building.
“...What"s here?”
Ricardo questioned dubiously as he looked up at the old building.
“It"s an apartment building geared towards foreigners. The landlord rents the place out to illegal immigrants for cheap. Ten people would live packed in together in the nine square meter rooms. I had also lived here some time ago. I mentioned that earlier, remember?”
Martinez had resided in this apartment for a period of time with other foreigners after he had obtained his new ident.i.ty and landed in f.u.kuoka. Other fellow immigrants such as himself should still be living here.
Inside, they stood in front of the door to room 101.
“Rico, lend me your badge.”
Martinez requested, but he was turned down. “h.e.l.l no.”
“You"re just going to use it to do something stupid, right?”
Ricardo glared. He was apparently still mad about him stealing his gun and firing it at the Mutagawa warehouse.
“Listen, just give it to me!”
“Ah, stop, you b.a.s.t.a.r.d!”
Martinez swiped his DEA ID that was on his waist belt and kicked down the door.
“Don"t move! We"re the police!”
Martinez yelled, breaking into the room. He held the gun he stole from the Mutagawa Group in his right hand and flashed Ricardo"s badge high into the air with the other.
The apartment"s residents were stunned at their abrupt arrival. There were foreigners from various backgrounds from Asians and Latinos to Middle Easterners, all of them fl.u.s.tered and their eyes darting about.
“You all will be arrested under suspicion of illegal immigration!” Martinez continued to shout.
Behind him, Ricardo was dumbfounded by Martinez"s eccentricities. His eyes were wide, questioning Martinez on his actions.
“Come on, copy me.”
When he whispered that to him in a small murmur, Ricardo reluctantly held up his gun like he did and ordered the foreigners, “put your hands in the air.”
The ten foreigners present in the room raised their hands obediently.
“Now then, gentlemen. Listen up.”
Martinez stated, gun still pointed towards them.
“You will be arrested and forcibly sent back to your own countries. You wouldn"t like that, now will you?”
The foreigners nodded fearfully.
“Alright then.” Martinez raised his voice. “We"ll consider granting amnesty to anyone who helps us in our investigation. We"ll turn a blind eye for overstaying in the country illegally and even pay for the trouble. So how about...100,000 yen per person?”
Their complexions changed at his suggestion. 100,000 yen was a lot of money for poor foreigners.
Realizing Martinez"s intentions, Ricardo gave him a questionable look, “are you sane?”
Martinez ignored him and pressed on.
“Anyone that"s willing to help out, get on your knees.”
All the foreigners did as he asked.
“Okay, good boys.”
Martinez made a toothy grin.
“We"ll supply you guns and bullet proof vests. You"re going to be investigators for a day and a.s.sist us in our mission. But don"t worry. The task is simple. You just have to act like one and surround the bad guys with your guns pointed at them from a distance. You don"t have to shoot. And it"ll all wrap up in a flash. So how about it? Easy, right?”
All the foreigners nodded earnestly.
“Hold on,” Ricardo was the only one who objected. “You plan on using these guys?”
“Yeah, I am.”
“You"re kidding, right? They"re amateurs.”
“They"ll be convenient for us since they"re foreigners. If we write DEA with white pen on the bullet proof vests and have them wear them, they"ll look like DEA agents.”
Ricardo grasped his head, “you"re going to do another puerile trick…”
He had Ricardo disguise himself as a hotel employee nine years ago, allowing him to escape safely. And now he was going to have these foreigners disguised as DEA agents. The plan should go well this time as well.
“Listen, Rico,” Martinez explained his strategy. “You and I will approach the enemies. These guys will have guns and surround them from a distance. The cartel guys will believe they"ll shoot if they resist, so they will submit to us willingly.”
Ricardo scowled. “I can"t believe you...Are you stupid?”
Martinez grew sullen when the best plan he had was spoke down upon. “What? Do you have any other ideas?”
“I don"t.” Ricardo replied in irritation. “But I can say for certain this plan isn"t the most just out there.”
“We can"t afford to only take the just plans. That"s part of life.” Martinez stated firmly. “Stop your grumbling and prepare yourself for the worst.”
They did not have time. They could not pull back now.
“...You look so pleased with yourself, d.a.m.n you.” Ricardo tutted, glancing briefly at Martinez"s face. “I hate that about you.”
Translation: Kaede726
Reposts are prohibited and should be exclusive to Kaede726 on blogger.
Editor: Voissane

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