Top of the Extra Tenth Inning Bessho"s younger brother was kept tied to the chair in the business hotel all the while. He seemed to have lost all his strength by the time Lin came in again as he did not make any attempt to fight back. He was physically and mentally exhausted. It was inevitable really, considering he had been confined to this room without any food or water for two days as well as having been tortured. His tailored suit was ruffled up, and he had numerous bruises on his face. He almost looked like a completely different person from the one who flirted with Sayuri a few days prior.
Lin ripped off the packing tape from his mouth to allow him to speak. Kouki Bessho immediately started. “...Tell me, what do you plan to do with me? Do you plan on keeping me here forever?”
His voice was weak and hoa.r.s.e. He looked like he had given up on putting up a fight.
However, Lin could care less now. Lin stated without answering his questions:
“Your brother is dead.”
Kouki"s eyes shot open wide. “...Wh?”
“Eitarou Bessho is dead,” Lin repeated.
“Wh-what the h.e.l.l are you going on about?” The younger brother was shook. “That can"t be true. Don"t get me that bulls.h.i.t!”
Naturally Kouki did not want to acknowledge his brother"s death.
“I"m just telling you the news.” Lin"s tone was cold. “But I guess you"ll figure it out eventually anyway.”
Kouki examined Lin"s expression and must have come to the realization that he was telling the truth as his complexion changed.
“...Is it true?” He asked fearfully. Lin nodded. “Yeah, it is. My friend saw him get attacked. I guess someone killed your brother and carried his body away somewhere.”
“No way...someone killed my…”
“They probably knew each other. They had been after Bessho for a long time.”
“...Someone from Murder Inc?”
Kouki whispered in annoyance.
“Oh? So you know about them?”
Lin did not expect him to know Bessho"s true occupation.
Kouki nodded. “My brother told me when I went to visit him in prison. He said guys from that company would likely come after him.”
“That"s how that company operates.”
Kouki was unable to hide his shock upon hearing his brother"s sudden pa.s.sing. He asked with hollow eyes and a low voice. “So where is my brother now…?”
“I don"t know.”
Lin did not know beyond that. Bessho could have been cremated or dropped into the Hakata Bay for all he knew. Or he could have been brought to a corpse disposal specialist like Saeki.
“I could look into it for you, but I need you to talk in exchange.” Lin looked the man over before asking his questions. “Tell me. What did Bessho do to make Murder Inc. go after him?”
What had happened to Bessho? Did it have something to do with the case from thirteen years ago? Lin wanted to know.
“...My brother-”
He began to talk with a dazed expression.
“My brother began a hitman for my sake. After we lost our parents...he worked to support me…”
He went so far as to become a hitman for his brothers" sake- his family. It resonated with Lin too much. He felt conflicted.
“My brother tried to get me into university. He said he wanted me to live a proper, honest life, so he needed to earn money. ...But my brother ended up running away from the organization.”
It was illogical. Lin tilted his head, bewildered.
“He quit his job even though he needed to earn money?”
“He said he came across a huge job. He couldn"t tell me the details about it, but he said he"d get a large sum if he completed it.”
A huge job - meaning Bessho had found a new employer. It had to have been a good deal for him to ditch Murder Inc, despite knowing would be sent after him.
“So, did he get the payment?”
“...No.” Kouki shook his head. “My brother got arrested before then.”
“I see,” Lin muttered. So the job was related to the case at the Banba residence. It was vague, but Lin had the general picture.
“I know what you"re referring to. It was the robbery and murder he committed thirteen years ago, right?”
But there was one point that did not make sense.
“Why did your brother do that?”
“I don"t know either. I asked him why he did it when I visited him in prison.” Kouki went on. “...when I did, my brother said killing that family one part of the job.”
One part of the job?
“Hey,” Lin leaned forward. “Is that true?”
If what Kouki claimed was true, that changed things.
“There wasn"t much value to gain from there given the high risks at state. If I was going to commit a robbery, I"d go after a more wealthy house.”
Enokida had mentioned that point too - that it was unlikely Bess...o...b..oke into the Banba residence to steal money.
“...So he wasn"t looking for money there.”
Bessho did not break into the Banba household to commit a robbery, nor did he have any grudge towards Banba"s father.
“Yeah. My brother"s goal was the family itself.”
Bessho"s true aim was to kill Banba and his father. And he testified during questioning that he was committing a robbery in order to protect his employer"s ident.i.ty.
“He would"ve got a huge sum of money if he killed the family. But my brother got caught. And he couldn"t receive the payment with one still alive.”
One still alive - Banba.
“He would finish his job as soon as he got out of he had said. Thirteen years had pa.s.sed, and he lost contact with his employer. He wouldn"t get any money even if he finished his remaining mission. But my brother still tried to finish the job. I a.s.sume he couldn"t toss aside his pride as a hitman…”
His remaining mission - he must be referring to Banba, the sole survivor of the incident.
Banba had gone to kill Bessho. And Bessho also fully intended to end Banba"s life. Banba ended up losing when they faced off and was gravely injured. Then an from Murder Inc had finished off Bessho.
In either case, neither of the men were able to accomplish their goals.
“...I"ll give you back the money I stole.”
Kouki abruptly proposed.
“Where"s this coming from?”
Kouki gave a faint smile before answering. “I saved up all the money I had stolen up until now for when my brother was released. I thought I would be the one to feed my brother this time. ...But I guess it"s all meaningless now.”
And so he wanted to give back the money to the victims. It did not seem like he was lying just to escape from the torture or confinement.
“And what about the other items you stole?”
Money was not the only thing he stole from the women. He had taken rings, necklaces and watches - belongings that could not be returned.
Kouki replied to Lin"s question with: “I had sold the items I stole to a looter. He was a wary guy, so I can"t exchange them back right away. It takes a year until those items go onto the market. The dealer should still have the items I had sold. I can buy all of them back.” Kouki then stared Lin in the eye and asked, “But in exchange, could you do me a favor?”
“What is it?”
“I want to see my brother. I want to hold a ceremonial service for him.”
He wanted Lin to find his brother"s corpse in exchange of repaying the victims. Lin may had no obligation to go so far for him, but he agreed.
“Sounds good.”
For a man who had strayed from the right path for his family, Lin supposed the least he could do was return him to said family. He figured Enokida would be able to find out at least where Bessho"s body was located. “I"ll do whatever I can for your brother.”
“Please,” Kouki bowed his head.
This man"s brother was the greatest person in his life. Lin fully knew the pain of losing a loved one. There was no need for an avenger to get involved. Lin released Kouki from his restraints.
He wrote his number down on a sheet of paper and handed it to him. “Call this number when you"ve got everything. Come to the place I specify with all the belongings you took from the women, and then we will swap them for your brother.”
Kouki nodded. “I got it.”
“If you dare run away, I won"t be merciful next time. We have a really talented info broker. We"ll be able to find you no matter where you go.”
“I won"t run. I promise.”
His verbal promise was no guarantee, but Lin was inclined to believe him. The man was unlikely to go back on his word. Lin knew how he felt towards his family.
There was nothing more to discuss. Lin ordered him to leave.
Kouki stood up and walked out of the room. He wobbled a little due to being restrained for so long.
Lin had let the target free without asking the person who was originally a.s.signed the job. He figured he should call Jiro and fill him in. Just as he sighed, he got a call on his smartphone. It was from the hospital.
Lin c.o.c.ked his head, wondering if there was a new development as he pressed the b.u.t.ton to accept the incoming call.
“Ah, h.e.l.lo? ……...What?” Lin gawked when he heard the news. “What do you mean Banba ran away!?”
“Alright. Leave it to me. Take care.”
Once Jiro hung up, he resumed his activities.
Jiro was in a bar located on the second floor of a multi-tenant building in the 1-chome Nakasu. He was still in the middle of setting up in this small, cozy bar. There were no customers; only Misaki was seated at the counter, working on her math drills for homework.
“Who was it?”
Misaki asked as Jiro wiped down a liquor bottle.
“It was Lin-chan.” Jiro answered without stopping what he was doing. “You remember the drugging-robberies that I asked him to help out with? Apparently the culprit plans on returning all the items he stole.”
“Huh. That"s great.” Misaki remarked expressionlessly as she solved math problems. She seemed quite disinterested.
After a few moments pa.s.sed-
“...Hey, Jiro-chan?”
Misaki looked away from her notes to stare at him.
“What is it?”
“Is Zen-chan going to be alright?”
By Zen-chan, she was referring to his friend, Zenji Banba. He was the captain of the gra.s.slot baseball team he belonged to.
“He got injured, right?”
The news that Banba was sent to a hospital in an ambulance had reached to all the Tonkotsu Nine members swiftly. Naturally, Jiro and Misaki caught wind of it as well. Banba was a st.u.r.dy person, so even Jiro got a cold sweat when he heard Banba was unconscious and heavily injured.
Misaki adored Banba. She must be terribly worried about his condition. Naturally he was concerned as well, and that could be said for everyone else in their friend group.
“He got injuries to his stomach and arm.” Jiro then added cheerfully to rea.s.sure her. “But they say he"ll be fine. Gen-san even said when they went to see him he was doing better than they expected.”
Jiro had heard Lin, Shigematsu, and Genzo had gone to see Banba. According to them, Banba was physically doing well - as long as he took it easy, that is.
“I want to go visit Zen-chan too.”
“...Yes, I suppose we should.” Jiro nodded, looking conflicted. “How about we go pay him a visit once things lighten up around here more? It"ll be a strain on him to have visitors right after surgery, and we don"t want to overwhelm him with too many people.”
“Okay,” Misaki nodded earnestly.
Just then, they heard the bell on the door chime.
Someone had opened the door and was stepping inside.
Jiro thought it was a brewer for a moment, but that was not who it was. He had not ordered any product today.
“I"m sorry, we"re still in the middle of-”
Jiro began to speak to the incomer when he realized.
“B” he knew that man. “Banbchan!?”
Speak of the devil. Banba was standing at the door of his bar.
Misaki rushed up to Banba and hugged him in excitement.
“Hey there, Misaki.”
Banba grimaced in pain as her small body colliding against his agitated his wounds, but he forced a wry smile.
However, this was not the time for that.
“What are you doing here!?”
Banba should be resting in a hospital bed yet he was moving around carefree. He should not be well enough to do so. It was as clear as day he was forcing himself to move.
Banba turned towards the dumbfounded Jiro, eyes narrowing.
“I"ve got a favor to ask of ya.”
Bottom of the Extra Tenth Inning “Still, you gave me a heart attack.” Jiro sighed behind the counter. “I expected you to be stuck in the hospital.”
“I got released today.”
That"s a terrible lie, even for me, Banba scoffed in his mind.
There was no way someone with severe injuries like he had would be released the very next day after surgery. He actually ran out from there. The hospital must be in a panic by now.
After Banba had talked with Enokida, he left the hospital still in his patient clothes. After buying a new outfit to change into, he took a taxi here.
“Zen-chan,” Misaki gazed at him with worry from beside him. “Are your wounds okay?”
“They"re fine.”
Banba forced a grin.
In truth, he was not fine. There was a sharp stabbing pain every time he moved, and he just barely managed to walk. His breathing was irregular, and he felt sweat forming on his brow.
“Alright.” Jiro placed a gla.s.s onto the counter. “Here you go. Naturally I couldn"t give you alcohol though,” he smiled.
“Thank you.” Banba expressed his thanks before putting the rim of the gla.s.s to his lips. It was oolong tea. The bitter flavor filled his palate.
“So what was the favor you wanted to ask me?”
Jiro asked, and Banba jumped right to the request. He had a reason to visit Jiro besides having a talk.
“I"ve got a request to you as an avenger.” Banba stared at Jiro as he expressed his intention. “I want you to help me with my revenge.”
Jiro tilted his head slightly. “You want to take revenge?”
Banba elaborated after finishing his oolong tea.
“The man who stabbed me was the same person who killed my dad. His name is Eitarou Bessho. He was originally an for Murder Inc.” Banba placed a hand over his stomach, frowning. “I tried to take my revenge, but I messed up and ended up in this state.”
If Enokida"s information was correct, then Bessho was currently held captive by an from Murder Inc. The issue was the time left to kill him. He had to make his move as soon as possible.
“I have Enokida lookin" into the man"s whereabouts right now. He should be comin" here soon.”
However, there was nothing he could do once he knew Bessho"s location. He was unable to fight and was just barely capable of walking. Taking Bessho away from the Murder Inc by himself was out of the question. So Banba instead decided to ask the avenger for help.
“I need ya to help me with that.”
The girl next to him exclaimed. “I want to help Zen-chan too!”
“Thank you, Misaki.” Banba placed a hand on her small head and smiled wryly. “But you gotta get permission from Jiro first-”
In that moment, his vision swam. Banba was overcome by a sense of dizziness and grimaced.
“...What the-?”
He felt all the strength in his body slip away from him.
Banba"s eyes widened, confused as to what was happening.
His body felt strange.
His vision began to blur over. An overwhelming sense of drowsiness swept over him, and his eyelids began to grow heavy.
“...I"m sorry, Banbchan.”
Banba heard Jiro"s apologetic voice after he had slumped onto the counter, unable to fight off the drowsiness.
“Lin-chan had asked me to catch you if you came by here.”
Banba finally realized what was going on. Jiro must have slipped him a sedative. He glanced over to the gla.s.s in his hand.
It was in the Oolong tea…? Dammit. Banba scowled.
“I really do want to help you. ...But not while you"re in that state. Look, your wounds must have opened up. Just take it easy and rest in the hospital. You need to focus on recovering.”
Banba only heard up until there before he lost consciousness.

When he awoke next time, he was in the hospital.
Banba had been sleeping on his back on top of a hospital bed.
That"s right, he remembered. He had gone to Jiro"s bar when he had drugged him. His head was still in a fog.
After going through great pains to escape, he ended up in the hospital again. Banba clicked his tongue in irritation.
Just then-
“What the h.e.l.l were you thinking!?”
Someone had shouted over him.
“The doctors had to rest.i.tch your injuries because you overdid it.”
Lin and Shigematsu stood beside his bed. Their fury was visible on their faces.
That was to be expected though, as Banba had vanished without a word - let alone in an unstable condition. The two of them had to have been running around the city in search of him. Banba had caused them a lot of worry and panic. And yet Banba did not have a ounce of remorse.
Unfortunately, both his hands were cuffed to the bed, preventing him from moving. Banba glared at the two men. “You didn"t have to go this far.”
Lin sighed. “We had to. We can"t let you run off again.”
“Can ya call the doctor for me?” Banba snorted and said sarcastically, “my wrists hurt from rubbin" against these handcuffs, so I need them to look at it.”
Shigematsu cut in.
“Do you understand what you did?”
Banba replied in a low voice when Shigematsu questioned him sternly. “I fully know what I done.”
Of course he knew. He was just trying to accomplish his goal. He did not want anyone to get in his way.
“Jiro said you asked him to help you in taking your revenge. Is that true?” Lin chimed in. “What did you mean with that? Didn"t Bessho get killed by the guy from Murder Inc?”
“Apparently he"s still alive. But he"ll be killed soon.” Banba tightened his fists and said in a near whisper. “I have to kill him while I have the chance.”
Shigematsu was stunned. “What are you talking about? You can"t fight in your condition.”
“I"m fine enough to kill one man.” Banba commented before glancing to his handcuffs. “Take these off.”
“No.” Shigematsu rejected.
Lin sighed beside him. “How about you think about it for a second? No one wants you dead.”
Banba"s wounds were not fully closed; it had nothing but the st.i.tches holding the skin together. If Banba overdid it, his life would be in danger. He had to take it easy. Banba understood what they were saying. If their situations were reversed, he would do the same.
“This is my issue. Don"t b.u.t.t in.”
He had to find Bessho as fast as possible before he got killed by someone else first. He did not have the time to leisurely rest.
“We have to.” Shigematsu stated.
Banba glared up at him. “I"m gonna kill Besso regardless what anyone says.”
“We won"t let you.” Shigematsu did not back down. “Please, just take care of yourself.”
“Just behave and rest up.”
The two left with those final words.
Once the door had clicked shut, Banba swore under his breath.

“...I don"t understand what"s going on, but gosh does he make things so hard for us.”
Shigematsu sighed after they walked out of the hospital room.
Lin nodded. “I didn"t expect him to run from the hospital with those injuries.”
Even with painkillers, walking around would have greatly hurt. Lin could not believe he moved around like he did in his condition. While Banba caused nothing but trouble for the hospital staff, Lin also was impressed how well he pulled his escape off.
“But what should we do?” Lin looked up at Shigematsu. “This is him we"re talking about; he won"t ever give up easily.”
Banba"s face from a moment ago arose in his mind. His eyes were serious. Lin felt the strong will to accomplish his revenge. Banba"s eyes read that he would do anything to fulfill his goal regardless what would happen to his body, or worse, his life. Lin knew he had to be racking his brain right now in his bed, trying to come up with a plan to escape the hospital once more.
“Yeah, I know.” Shigematsu nodded. “That"s why I called my men out here. They"ll be here soon. I"m going to have them stand watch so Banba can"t escape.”
“I"m sorry for making you waste precious tax money for this.”
“It"s alright. I"m not using tax money.” Shigematsu smiled wryly. “I hired guys who"re off-duty. I"m paying out of pocket for them, and I promised I"d buy whatever they want.”
Banba was currently handcuffed to the bed. In the off-chance he managed to get the key and take them off, he would not be able to escape through the window as he was put on the second floor. Shigematsu would have detectives beneath him stationed outside the room 24-7. They had close to nothing to worry about for Banba"s escape.
However, there was one thing that bothered Lin.
Banba looked like he thoroughly gave up when they had visited a day prior. He almost seemed like an animal with its fangs extracted. But he was different this time around. His eyes glistened with the desire for revenge.
This was all because he knew that Bessho was alive. There was no way Banba would have learned of this fact since he had been cooped up in a hospital room. So someone else must have told Banba about Bessho.
“Who would tell him of-”
Someone came to mind mid-thought. There was no one else but one man who would do this.
Lin immediately made a call.

The bar Babylon located in Nakasu was run by one of his teammates. He had arrived before the bar opened up, but the owner gladly let him in.
“Why h.e.l.lo, Enokidchan. Welcome.”
“Hey. Has Banbsan arrived?” Enokida asked as he went to sit down at the counter. “We had planned to meet up here.”
“I"m sorry.”
Jiro gave him a pitiful look.
“Banbchan came here earlier, but I brought him back to the hospital.”
Enokida was able to get the general picture. Guess we decided on the wrong place. Enokida shrugged. “So Lin-kun got to you first.”
Banba wanted to ask for the avengers help once he learned Bessho was alive. He was certain Jiro would help him, but it seemed he had misjudged.
“I got a phone call from Lin-chan before Banbchan showed up. He told me Banbchan had run away and asked me to catch him if I found him. I wanted to help with his revenge if it was within my ability. But he had to rest. Besides, if you"ve seen Banbchan in his condition…”
Blood was apparently seeping through Banba"s clothes. His wounds had opened up due to moving around.
“I can"t let someone that hurt tag along. This is revenge; I have my own life to look after.”
So Banba must be back in a hospital bed right now. Enokida would be wasting time here then. He had no business if he was not going to be here.
Just as Enokida stood up to leave, his smartphone vibrated - an incoming call. He took out his cell phone and looked at the screen. It was from Lin. Speaking of the devil.
He accepted the call and answered, “h.e.l.lo?”
‘Hey, poisonous mushroom."
A displeased voice replied.
“That"s a mean way to start off a conversation.” Enokida smiled wryly.
‘You did it, didn"t you?"
“I don"t know what you"re referring to, but it was probably me.”
Enokida had an idea based off Lin"s irritation.
‘You instigated Banba, didn"t you?"
“Ohh, you mean that.”
Enokida laughed, but Lin was furious. He shouted at him over the phone. ‘Stop kidding around! Banba opened his wounds because of you, I"m thoroughly p.i.s.sed off in this hospital, and Shigematsu had to spend his own money for this. You caused a lot of h.e.l.l for us to deal with!"
“I"m sorry; truly, I am.”
After listening to Lin"s yelling for his insincere apology, Enokida asked, “so how is Banbsan right now?”
‘Does it matter? Maybe he"ll stay in bed out of spite. He"s cuffed to the bed so he won"t escape anyway. He"s stuck in his hospital room. Now don"t you dare get Banba any more stupid ideas." And the call ended there.
“...Now then,” Enokida whispered to himself with a grin. “What will you do? Banbsan.”
How would the strongest killer-of-killers in f.u.kuoka manage to get out of this situation? Enokida had to be a spector in this.
Behind the counter, Jiro was busy with work, getting ready to open the bar.
“That reminds me,” Enokida took notice. “I haven"t seen Misaki in today.”
He did not see the girl, who was always at Jiro"s side.
“Why yes,” Jiro answered as he washed his hands. “Misaki went to see Banbchan.”

Banba heavily sighed on top of his hospital bed. No matter how hard he tried, he could not remove the handcuffs. But even if he succeeded by some stroke of luck and got both his hands free, Shigematsu had two detectives outside his room to prevent him from escaping. Banba would not be able to force his way out of here easily. He felt like he was being kept prisoner.
If there was only one person on watch, he may have been able to take him out. He could have used the opportunity to go to the bathroom or the smoking area to escape.
And then there was the j.a.panese sword Masataka had left for him in the closet. If worse came to worst, he could use that to threaten or knock them out - as bad as he would feel for resorting to dirty tactics on Shigematsu"s men.
However, it would be much more difficult with two people present. He would not be able to get in their blind spots, and even with a weapon he would not be able to win against two detectives with experience from active duty as injured as he was right now.
“...d.a.m.n you, Shigematsu-san,” Banba cursed with a click of his tongue. “You didn"t have to go this far.”
He had been thorough. He had no intention of letting him leave this room.
Banba had thought of escaping from the window, but he knew he probably could not bare the pain of getting onto the window sill, let alone the landing. Besides, he was on the second floor. It would be near impossible to land safely from this height. Attempting to may only end up with him breaking bones and being stuck in the hospital"s care again.
He grew frustrated, feeling like every door was closed. He felt so vexed that he wanted to scratch at his head, but the handcuffs prevented him from even doing that, resulting in only more stress.
Just then, the door to his room creaked open.
It was Misaki.
“I came to visit you.”
She held a small bouquet of flowers. Seeing her like that lessened his fl.u.s.tered mind a little bit.
“Thank you, Misaki.”
Banba smiled brightly.
“I"m surprised they let you in.”
He a.s.sumed the guards would turn everyone away at the door. Perhaps children were an exception.
“Yeah,” Misaki replied. “They said everyone is fine but Enokida.”
Apparently the informant had been blacklisted for trying to help him. This would make it even harder to contact him.
“My bags were checked though.”
“How childish.”
They were very strict if they had to even do a bag search for an elementary school girl. Banba was exasperated with how far they were taking this.
But Misaki was not an ordinary elementary school student. She was someone they had to be vigilant with.
She quietly approached Banba and put her face next to his.
“Come to the coin parking lot behind the hospital at seven tonight,” she whispered in his ear.
Misaki murmured softly, “I"ll help you achieve your revenge.”
She then stuffed her small hand into the bouquet and pulled something out.
“Here, a get-well gift.”
It was a hairpin.
Banba immediately pieced what she said together: use this to unlock the handcuffs.
What a smart kid, Banba was impressed. She must have guessed they would check her bag. However, if she wore the pin, they may have noticed it missing when she left. So she instead a.s.sumed they would not check the bouquet and hid the pin in there. As expected of the daughter of an avenger.
“I"ll leave this here,” Misaki hid the pretty flower hairpin underneath his pillow.
“Alright, until next time, Zen-chan.”
Misaki waved at Banba and smiled, “see you soon.”
Thanks to his small helper, an open window became available.
They planned to meet at seven o"clock. Banba had to slip out of the room and meet with Misaki before then.
Once six o"clock came around, Banba took action.
“Hey,” he spoke towards the people outside the door. “Hey, mister detectives out there?”
The door promptly opened. A young man looked in dubiously. “...What is it? Do you need to use the restroom?”
“Oh no, not that.” Banba shook his head and made a troubled face. “Could ya at least unlock one of the handcuffs? I want to watch baseball, but I can"t work the remote like this.”
The detectives looked at each other. They seemed unsure what to do.
Banba added to push them, “I"d hate to ask you guys every time when I need to use the remote. It"s fine if I have at least one hand free, right?”
The detectives nodded, “I guess if that"s the case.” They removed the cuff on his left hand before heading back outside.
Now his one hand was free. He had pa.s.sed the first stage. I"m a smooth one, Banba grinned.
He picked up the remote with his left hand and fiddled with it. He turned on the TV, and once he found the right channel he turned up the volume slightly. He then took out the hairpin Misaki placed under his pillow. He bent the straight metallic needle and inserted it into the keyhole on the other handcuff. After moving it around a bit, he finally managed to unlatch the lock. Lock picking was a success. The second stage was clear.
Now that both his hands were free, Banba slowly got out of the bed as to not aggravate his wounds. He moved onto the next stage. He removed the white sheets from the bed and tied one of the ends to the railing of the window, hanging the rest outside.
“It may be too much, but it"s sink or swim time…”
Banba hid inside the closet and held his breath.
It was meal time around six. The staff should be bringing dinner to him. The detectives would take it and bring it inside where they will see him missing. Banba kept waiting patiently inside the closet.
There was movement several minutes later. Banba heard the door open a few minutes after six.
“H-hey! He"s not here!”
One of the detectives yelled. He was shocked to see that Banba had vanished.
“d.a.m.n, he got us!”
Banba heard the two men pacing around the room, their footsteps like pattering rain.
I hope they don"t find me here.
Banba stayed in place, praying.
 “Where did he go?”
“Did he really escape from the window?”
“This is bad. Shigematsu-san is going to be furious with us.”
The fl.u.s.tered exchange continued.
“We have to find him! He shouldn"t have gotten far!”
The footsteps receded. The two must have left the room.
Banba sighed in relief. The third stage went well. However, the next step would be the most troubling.
Translation: Kaede726
Reposts are prohibited and should be exclusive to Kaede726 on blogger.
Editor: Voissane

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