f.u.kuhaku Deai Bridge was a large pedestrian bridge that stretched over the Nagaka River. It was given the name ‘Deai Bridge" as it was the place for the two cities to meet - the samurai city f.u.kuoka and the merchant city Hakata. There were sakazuki-shaped parasols, gas lights, and a flower beds on the bridge, which made it a popular spot for its scenery. The sight felt more like a small plaza than an actual bridge. Whenever the local professional baseball team won the championship, some problematic fans would try to leap off from the bridge and into the river, and there were even instances when the police officers and rescue crews sent out before.
The current time was past eight at night. There was a large crowd of people crossing the bridge, some heading from Tenjin to Hakata and others from Hakata to Tenjin. Some were salarymen on their way home from work, and some were girls heading to work at cabarets. There were a couple of people resting on the benches while others stopped to watch a street performance going on. There were even a few foreign tourists taking pictures of the night scenery. Everyone on the bridge was spending their time freely.

Among them, Zenji Banba was leaning against the Deai Bridge"s guardrail on his elbows, gazing at the Nakasu landscape. The neon lights from the city reflected off the river, making the water"s surface glisten. There were cruise boats with tourists on them weaving through the water. Alongside the river were lines of food stalls with tipsy customers flooded inside.
The Nakasu night scenery that could be seen from this spot was one of f.u.kuoka"s famous sights, but for Banba this place was profoundly memorable. The memory was from more than ten years ago, back when Banba was a high schooler. Yet even so, he could still remember it vividly.
It"s so nostalgic, Banba smiled gently. If he had not met him, he may not have became a hitman. At the very least, he could not have fought wearing a Niwaka mask. Meeting that person lead him down the path of living as the Niwaka Samurai.
As Banba thought back on the past and let himself feel sentimental, he was suddenly called out by name. The person he was waiting on had arrived. The man wore a suit and was walking towards him - it was the police detective, Shigematsu.
Banba smiled at him. “Ah, Shigematsu-san. You was fast gettin" here.”
Shigematsu stood next to Banba and leaned his back against the guardrail. “Anything wrong? You looked out of it. Were you lost in thought?”
“I suppose so. I was just thinkin" back on the past.”
After answering ambiguously, Banba turned to the main topic at hand.
“So? Why"d ya call me out here?”
Shigematsu had called him today, telling him he “had something to tell him.” Banba wondered what that could be.
“I"m sorry, Banba.” Shigematsu"s expression stiffened. “I feel I"m going to make you remember more of the past.”
“What do you mean?”
Banba fully turned towards Shigematsu and awaited for him to continue.
Shigematsu, with Banba staring at him directly, stated in a low voice.
“That man is going to be discharged soon.”
Banba"s face twitched.
That man. That man is getting out of prison.
The words Shigematsu said bounced around in his head, and he felt dizziness overcome him. Unable to sort his feelings, he was unsure how he should reply, even though he had been waiting for this day to come. The feeling that stemmed from being tired of waiting and the mutual feeling of that day arriving clashed, creating a complex emotion.
Banba fell silent, unable to find words.
“...Faster than I expected, ” Banba had muttered moments later. It was the one sentence he could come up with.
Shigematsu gave him a pitiful expression. “I heard about it from a prison guard I know. He was well-behaved, so his time in prison was shortened.”
“He is given freedom in just thirteen years despite killin" a person.”
Banba laughed. Although his mouth was curled into a smile, he himself was fully aware how poorly the smile was.
“...But I ain"t one to talk.”
He corrected himself, now smiling self-deprecatingly. He had taken numerous people"s lives up until now and yet he was not behind bars, so he had no qualifications to complain on other"s sentence.
Shigematsu said nothing in return. They remained silent, listening to the hustle and bustle of Nakasu. But there was something that still needed to be said. Banba spoke first. “When will he be out?”
“Everything"s been settled,” Shigematsu replied softly. “In another week, he"ll be out in this corrupted world.”
“A week, huh.” Banba muttered. There was not much time left.
“...Are you really going to do it?”
Shigematsu asked him in a low voice. He was looking over to Banba with a serious expression.
“Of course.” Banba nodded. “I"ve lived up until now for this very moment.”
He had something he had to see through. He glanced over to Shigematsu and asked, a slight smile on his face. “Are ya gonna stop me? Mister detective.”
Shigematsu shrugged, exasperated. He shook his head slightly. “You won"t even if I told you not to. A stubborn guy like you won"t listen to anything.”
Banba chuckled. “You sure know me.”
No one could stop him, and he had no intention to either. His resolve was firm. No matter what would happen, he had to finish his next target. There was no other chance.
“How many years have I known you? It"s been thirteen years.”
“Brings back some fine memories.”
That reminded Banba; he had met Shigematsu during that event too. Lots of old memories are being brought up today, Banba smiled wryly in his mind.
“Back then, you was a newborn detective.” He cut off from saying Shigematsu was now an old man. “Now you"re a veteran.”
“And weren"t you a highschooler? You were much cuter back then.”
“I"m cute even now.”
“That aspect of you isn"t cute.”
Thirteen years had pa.s.sed since then. A lot had happened. It seemed so long, but it felt so short as well.
But up until now it was just the opening game. The real game was next.
“...Shigematsu-san, I have a bit of a favor to ask of ya.”
Banba placed his hands together in front of his face.
“What is it?”
“Could ya bring me the knife used in that case?”
Shigematsu was startled.
“The knife...You mean the survival knife?”
“Hey, that"s evidence.” Shigematsu lowered his voice and warned him. “You"re asking me to usurp it. If anyone finds out about this, I"ll lose my job.”
“Please, can ya try?” Banba bowed his head further.
“You"re so…” Shigematsu sighed and complained. “As always, you ask for the unreasonable.”
Shigematsu reluctantly agreed. Even as he complained about this and that about Banba, he knew he had a soft spot for him. He always had.
“I"m sorry.” Banba tried to soothe him with a smile. “This next job is gonna be my last.”
“Your last?”
Shigematsu frowned at him.
“After this next kill, I"m quittin" this job.”
Banba answered nonchalantly.
Shigematsu was speechless. “Wh”
“See ya later, Shigematsu-san.”
Banba turned away from Shigematsu and took off.
Earlier he was considering to have ramen and then head home, but now he was not in the mood for it. “Hey, hold on!” Banba ignored Shigematsu"s shout and left Deai Bridge.

Translation: Kaede726
Reposts are prohibited and should be exclusive to Kaede726 on blogger.
Editor: Voissane

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