Half-face Make-up

Chapter 20

Chapter  20 “Concubine, it’s because my hair is so long that it’s not easy to keep it tidy. So I used this special method.” Hongying was a little puzzled about my mind, so she spoke with great care. “What’s the special method?” “Every winter, I choose some superior snow water and reserve it for the coming year. Now, although the weather is cold, it’s a time when the snow water is abundant, so I recently washed my hair several more times.” “Can this snow water nourish hair?” It was a very fresh method. “Concubine, all the girls in my family have long black hair from generation to generation. Over time, they have used a special method to nourish hair like this.” “Oh.” Hearing this, I carefully looked at Hongying’s hair. Her hair was really different. It was not only shiny black, but also voluminous and dense. It was just like black satin on her shoulder, which made her very enchanting. No wonder she could comb her hair into such a high bun. She must have been proud of it. I was a little jealous. Even for me, I would have to used a wig to comb my hair into a bun like hers. “What a surprise, that this ordinary snow water has these effects.” I sighed with emotion. “Concubine, as we know, water is the origin of all things on the earth. Water nourishes people best, and there is a difference between water falling from the sky and water gathered from the ground.” “Um? What’s the meaning of this?”    “Water falling from the sky is divided into the rain at the beginning of spring: dew, sweet dew, pure water, water from a hole in a tree, summer ice, winter frost, winter snow, water from an eave, and so on. They can remove toxins, drive out insects, regulate the spleen and stomach, quench thirst, remove chill from the body, and so on; especially dew—if you collect it in plates and use it to make wine, it will taste very mellow. Water gathered from the ground includes running water, filtered water, pond water, spring water, well water, seasonal water, and so on. They can also remove toxins and diseases, and it is better to prescribe medicine to the symptoms. When the snow water boils, you can add some tuber fleeceflower. Actually, the effects will be better if you add some honey and egg white when using it.” “There are so many things to pay attention to in such a simple matter. Hongying, you know so much!” Bing couldn’t help interrupting. “Concubine, my grandfather used to study medicine some, so my mother taught me that. Unfortunately, my father died early, so I had to be a slave to support my mother,” Hongying said and shivered. “Put on your clothes and don’t catch a cold.” My mind came back again. Hongying turned around and put on a cloak. Her face, which had just been washed, was shining brightly. I couldn’t help but look at her. “Concubine specially came to see you," Bing said. Hongying was puzzled and overwhelmed by the unexpected favor.    “Yeah, I know you’ve worked hard these days. I will keep your efforts in mind. You have done a very good job; I’m quite satisfied.” “This is Concubine’s reward,” Bing said as she pointed to the satin. “Go to the accountant’s office to get some money for your mother. The New Year is coming. Your family will need it.” Hongying knelt down excitedly, and there were some tears in her eyes. “Many thanks for your kind intentions. Whenever you need my help, I will always be at your command.” “You don’t need to be so serious.” I frowned and lifted her up. “I’ve always had a clear sense about grat.i.tude and resentment, and I’m not unreasonable. I believe you can understand it.” Hongying was very grateful. With tears in her eyes, she watched us leave. I was disappointed, so my feet were a little heavy. Bing saw through my mind. “Have you got something on your mind?” “Bing, I’m so scared.” As I spoke, I was held up by her. “Recently, I often feel uneasy.” Bing became serious, and she asked, “Lady, are you afraid that someone might steal the prince’s heart?”   “How can I not be afraid? I finally understand that the women around him are not ordinary, and all of them are unique. Although Yanran is weak, her calligraphy glides like floating clouds and flowing water. Do you remember the fan she held in her hand? There were two lifelike cicadas on it. This drawing was the prince’s handiwork, and that poem must’ve been the prince’s masterpiece. As for the word, it was written by Yanran. This is a truly harmonious couple.” “Ah?” After listening to me, Bing was a little nervous. “The only difference I have with them is that I come from a fairly distinguished family. Bing, it’s so terrible, isn’t it?” “But everyone can see that the prince only loves you!” “The moment of being loved is only temporary. When I’m old and not beautiful any more, I will certainly lose his love.” “This . . . ” Bing was also helpless. “I’ll do my best and leave the rest to Heaven!” I dropped this sentence and looked at the distant sky.

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