Half Portions

Chapter 33

"The boys down at the garage are giving some kind of a party for you.

Old Rudie was telling me about it. I"ve got a grand supper for you to-night, Chug."

"Where"s this party? I don"t want any party."

"Woodman"s Hall, I think they said. There was some girl called up yesterday. Wanda, her name sounded like. I couldn"t--"

"Don"t they give dances any more at the Soldiers" Club down on Elm?"

"Oh, that"s closed, long. There was some talk of using it for what they called a community club. The _Eagle_ was boosting for a big new place.

What they called a Community Memorial Centre. But I don"t know. It kind of fell through, I guess."

"I won"t go," said Chug, suddenly.

"Go where, Chug?"

But instead of answering, Chug put his second question.

"Have you seen--is that--I wonder if that Weld girl"s back."

"My, yes. Papers were full of it. Old Oakley gave her a big dance, and all, at the Country Club. They say--"

A week later, his arm about Wanda"s big, yielding waist, he was dancing at Woodman"s Hall. There was about her a cheap, heavy scent. She had on a georgette blouse and high-heeled shoes. She clung to Chug and smiled up at him. Wanda had bad teeth--yellow, with a sort of sc.u.m over them.

"I sure was lonesome for you, Chug. You"re some dancer, I"ll say.

Honest, I could dance with you all night." A little pressure of her arm.

Somewhere in the recesses of his brain a memory cell broke. Dimly he heard himself saying, "Oh, they all tell me that."

"Crazy about yourself, ain"t you!"

"Not as crazy as I am about you," with tardy gallantry.

Then, suddenly, Chug stopped dancing. He stopped, and stepped back from Wanda"s arms. Bergstrom"s two-piece orchestra was in the throes of its jazziest fox-trot number. Chug stood there a moment, in the centre of the floor, staring at Wanda"s face that was staring back at him in vacuous surprise. He turned, without a word, and crossed the crowded floor, b.u.mping couples blindly as he went. And so down the rickety wooden stairs, into the street, and out into the decent darkness of Chippewa"s night.


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