On one half the length repeat the 2d, 3d, 4th, 5th and again the 2d row which completes one front. Work in the same way on the other half of length, which brings you to the center of the back and makes half of the sweater. Make the other half to correspond, and join neatly down center of back. Fold and join under the arms, making the armscye of desired size.

For the sleeve: Make a chain of 15 st.i.tches, and repeat from 1st to 5th row; then repeat from 2d to 5th row twice, and join last row to 1st; also crochet sleeve in the armscye.

Entirely around the sweater make 4 rows of double crochet with blue yarn, working in both veins of st.i.tch to avoid a rib, and putting 3 st.i.tches in 1 at corners to turn smoothly. After working 2 rows of left front make the b.u.t.tonholes, separated by 8 doubles, by chain 3, miss 3; then in next row make a double also in each st.i.tch of chain.

Finish bottom of sleeves in same way, missing every 2d st.i.tch in 1st row to draw in the cuff a little. Sew on pearl b.u.t.tons to match the b.u.t.tonholes.

Cap: Chain 5, join to form a ring.

1. Chain 3, (yarn over hook, insert hook in ring, take up yarn and draw through) twice, yarn over and draw through all the loops on needle, chain 1 to close the "bean," make 6 more bean-st.i.tches in ring, and join to top of 1st.

2. Chain 3, and make a bean in top of each of last row, and between each 2; join.

3. Chain 3, a bean-st.i.tch between each 2 of last row, widening every 3d or 4th by making a bean in top of bean.

4, 5. Same as 3d row, widening every 5th bean, or as necessary in order to keep the shape.

Make 5 more rows without widening, which completes the body of cap.

For the border, turn cap wrong side out and tie in the blue yarn, working on the wrong side to form the band so that it will turn up on the right side.

1. Chain 3, draw a loop through 2d and 3d st.i.tches from hook, also through next 2 st.i.tches of last row of cap, * take up wool and draw through all the st.i.tches on needle, chain 1 to close the star, draw up a loop through eye of star last made, under the 1 chain, another through back part of last loop of preceding star, and 2 loops in next 2 st.i.tches; repeat from *, and continue until you have made 4 rows of star-st.i.tch. Fasten off neatly.

Make a ta.s.sel of the colored (blue) yarn, and attach to top of cap by a crocheted cord.

This set will make a charming gift for a little girl. By using fourfold Germantown the sweater will be large enough for the small mother herself to wear, or it may be easily enlarged by using the heavier wool and working in the same pattern on a longer foundation-chain. The cap may also be made large enough for a child by adding to the number of bean-st.i.tches in each row.

Child"s Cap in Bean-St.i.tch

[Ill.u.s.tration: Child"s Cap in Bean-St.i.tch]

Materials required are one skein of cream-white Shetland floss and a little light-blue Saxony yarn, with medium-sized bone hook. Chain 5, join.

1. Draw up loop one-fourth inch long, yarn over, hook in ring, draw loop through, over and draw through 3 loops now on needle, * chain 1, draw up a loop in ring, over, draw up another loop in ring, over, draw through all 4 loops; repeat to make 4 more bean-st.i.tches, 6 in all, with 1 chain between, and join last 1 chain to top of 1st st.i.tch.

2. Draw loop up long over 1st bean-st.i.tch, over, hook through same st.i.tch, draw through, over and draw through all the loops; this is 1st st.i.tch of each row. Chain 1, a bean-st.i.tch in following s.p.a.ce, chain 1, bean-st.i.tch in bean-st.i.tch; repeat around, join.

3. Bean-st.i.tch in 1st st.i.tch, in each s.p.a.ce and every 3d bean-st.i.tch, with 1 chain between, join.

4. Same as 3d row, with bean-st.i.tch over every 4th bean-st.i.tch.

5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Same as 4th row, with an additional s.p.a.ce between widenings; in 5th row make a bean-st.i.tch in every 5th, and so on, with bean-st.i.tch in every 10th, in 10th row.

11, 12, 13. Bean-st.i.tch in each s.p.a.ce.

14. Change to double crochet for head-band, making a double in each st.i.tch.

15, 16, 17, 18, 19. A double in each double, working in both veins of st.i.tch; narrow twice in each row.

20, 21. Double in each double.

22. A bean-st.i.tch in each 2d double, 1 chain between.

23, 24, 25, 26, 27. Bean-st.i.tch in each s.p.a.ce; fasten off white yarn.

28. Fasten blue yarn in s.p.a.ce, chain 4, draw up a loop in 2d chain from hook, 1 in 3d and 1 in 4th, all rather long loops, over, draw through all 4 loops, chain 1, fasten in next s.p.a.ce with a single, and repeat.

This makes a small, pointed scallop and finishes edge of cap.

For the b.u.t.ton: Using the blue yarn, chain 3, 8 doubles in 2d st.i.tch of chain. Continue around and around without joining, 1st row with 2 doubles in each st.i.tch, then widen sufficiently to keep the work flat until nearly as large as the b.u.t.ton you wish to cover; after one or two more rounds, decrease by working off 3 loops instead of 2, slip the b.u.t.ton in and continue, keeping the work tight over the b.u.t.ton until you have about half of s.p.a.ce covered; then break the yarn, draw up with needle and sew to center of crown.

This cap is large enough for a little boy or girl of three years, and may be easily enlarged. The border may be turned down over the ears for extra warmth.

Child"s Crocheted Hood

[Ill.u.s.tration: Child"s Crocheted Hood]

Use eiderdown or very heavy Germantown worsted, with a hook large enough to carry the wool without fraying. Chain 4 st.i.tches, join.

1. Chain 3, draw a loop through 2d and 3d st.i.tches of chain, and 2 through the ring; take up wool and work off all together, chain 1 to close the star, draw a loop through eye of star (under 1 chain just made), another through back part of last loop, and 2 in ring; work off as before, and repeat until you have made 6 stars; join.

2. Make 12 stars in the row, taking the 4th loop of each star in same st.i.tch with last st.i.tch of preceding star, and 5th in st.i.tch ahead, so that you get 2 stars over each star of preceding row.

3. Make 16 stars, widening 4 times.

4, 5, 6. Leave 4 stars for back of neck and work back and forth for 3 rows. Break wool at end of each row and fasten in at beginning, so the stars will come on the right side; chain 3, draw 2 loops through 2d and 3d st.i.tches of chain, then proceed as usual.

Make 4 rows of doubles around the lower edge, then a row of stars entirely around the hood, widening by putting an extra star at each corner of front to prevent drawing.

For the rosette: Chain 3, join; chain 7, * a double treble in ring, chain 3, repeat from * 6 times, and join to 4th of 7 chain. Run ribbon in and out the s.p.a.ces, sew the rosette in place, and finish with ties of ribbon.

This hood is easily enlarged, by following general directions, and any st.i.tch, plain or fancy, may be used for it.

Child"s Crocheted Hood in Wedge-St.i.tch

[Ill.u.s.tration: Child"s Crocheted Hood in Wedge-St.i.tch]

Materials required are one and one-half hanks of 4-fold Germantown wool, white, or any preferred color, and a bone crochet-hook of medium size.

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