"Good morning wifey. What delicious food are you cooking?"

Su Yuchen entered in the kitchen. Without any hitch, he wrapped his arm around her waist in an intimate position. He then placed his head in the hole of her neck.

Xin Mei froze for a second when she felt him around her but she controlled herself. She knew it was normal among the married couples.

"I am cooking your favourite, hubby." Xin Mei smiled.

"And where are you going?" he asked and eyed her new dress which she usually didn"t wear at home.

"To meet Gu Nan. She wanted to have a chat with me." Xin Mei replied. "Now go and take your seat on the dining table. Breakfast is ready."

"Ok wife." Su Yuchen left her. He made his way towards the dining table and carried a jug of juice in the way.

Xin Mei reached the dining table and both of them started to have their food in silence. After finis.h.i.+ng breakfast, they made their way towards the car parking.

"Husband, can you not take Audi today?" Xin Mei asked when she saw him picking up his Audi keys like usual. "I want to drive it today."

"Ok wife." Su Yuchen threw his car keys in the direction of Xin Mei. Xin Mei caught the keys with a grin on her lips.

"One more thing husband, can you ask your bodyguards to not follow me?"

Su Yuchen froze when he heard the words of Xin Mei. From where the h.e.l.l did she get to know about the bodyguards following her?

"What bodyguards? I don"t know what you are talking about." Su Yuchen decided to act in denial.

Xin Mei walked towards him and placed her hand on her hips. She raised her right brow and glared at him.

"Don"t take me as an innocent and ignorant girl, Su Yuchen. I am well aware of three men following behind me in casual dresses. They may act well but I know they are your guards."

"I don"t know….." Su Yuchen tried to deny but he cut himself off when he saw the annoyance filled expression of Xin Mei. "Ok wife, I will ask them to not follow you today, happy. They follow you for your safety only."

"I am safe without them too. I don"t need some men following behind me to keep me safe. So, please stop them from following me. At least for today. I can"t move freely when I know someone is following me closely."

"Ok wife, I understand. I just worry about you." Su Yuchen ruffled her hairs. "And wife, return home early today. I have something to give you in the evening."

"Ok husband."

Both Su Yuchen and Xin Mei made their way out of the parking, one after another. Their car driving on the pathway.

When bodyguards saw the car of Xin Mei, they were about to follow her when Su Yuchen stopped them. He wouldn"t want to fight with Xin Mei on such a small manner.

Xin Mei felt quite relaxed now that the guards weren"t following her. She didn"t need to worry about anything and could gossip with Gu Nan about Su Yuchen.

When she reached the decided place where she was meeting with Gu Nan, Gu Nan was already waiting for her.

"Hey, girl." Gu Nan grinned and wrapped her arms around Xin Mei"s. "So what are you doing all these days, any new gossip for me?"

"No gossips for now." Xin Mei shook her head. She didn"t wish to tell her friend about her kiss to her husband.

Gu Nan and Xin Mei spent half of their day in the company of one another. They gossiped like the past days. Gu Nan updated Xin Mei about all the gossips which she had heard about the film industry.

"Xin Mei, you know Zhou Mingyu is nominated for five categories in the upcoming award functions. There are speculations that she will again win the upcoming awards. She is so lucky." Gu Nan grunted with a sad smile on her lips.

"Don"t be sad Gu Nan. This is the last time she will win some award. From next year, I am going to s.n.a.t.c.h every award from her hand. I promise, next year, best actress award will belong to me." Xin Mei boosted with so much confidence.

Gu Nan grinned when she heard the confidence in the voice of Xin Mei. "I am also sure of that. Zhou Mingyu is nothing without you. Soon she would lose her glory and you will rise in the film industry."

Gu Nan and Xin Mei talked for some more time before Gu Nan had to leave for work, due to some emergency call. Xin Mei still had some time in her hands, so she decided to visit her mother.

"Mother, I am home." She smiled when she reached her home. Her heart felt giddy when she looked around at the familiar walls and familiar smell of her house.

Oh! She had missed her home!

Tears filled in her eyes as she remembered all the memories which she had in this house, her fights with Xin Yan, her birthday celebrations, her love to her parents, getting dotted from her family…she could remember many family moments!

"What are you doing here Xin Mei?" He Lin looked at her daughter who had come without any prior intimation. "Don"t tell me, you have a fight with your husband and you came running here."

"Why will I fight with my husband?" Xin Mei removed her tears and smiled to her mother. "Besides, can"t I come to meet my mother without any reason?"

Xin Mei walked towards her mother and wrapped her in her arms. "Mother, I missed you so much. It is so difficult for me to live without you."

"Stop lying to me, Xin Mei." He Lin patted on her cheeks. "I know you are happy with Su Yuchen, you have nearly forgotten about the existence of your mother. That"s why you never came to meet me in the last two weeks."

He line accused her daughter.

"Mother, it"s nothing like this. I have missed you badly. How can your daughter forget you? I can never forget you." Xin Mei tightened her arms around her mother, not ready to leave her.

Both mother and daughter kept hugging each other tightly. They shared their emotional movement.

He Lin pulled Xin Mei towards the couch. She took her seat and pulled her daughter beside her. Xin Mei placed her head on the lap of He Lin and wrapped her arms around her waist.

"Now tell me kiddo, are you happy with your husband? He isn"t torturing you, right?"

"I am happy with him, mother," Xin Mei answered truthfully. She looked at her mother so her mother could see in her eyes. "He isn"t torturing me but is very caring towards me. I don"t feel like I am living with a stranger. I feel like I know him from a long time."

"I am happy to hear you kiddo," He Lin lovingly brushed her fingers in her hairs. There was a warm and relaxed smile on her lips. "I am happy you finally find your true happiness. Now I can leave the world with a free heart that you have found a man like Su Yuchen who would look after you."

"Mother, stop talking about leaving this world," Xin Mei complained. She turned and hid her face in the stomach of her mother. She inhaled her familiar scent, feeling a lot calmer.

Oh, how she wished to become a five-year-old girl again and hide in the arms of her mother!

"Mother, can I ask you something?" Xin Mei looked up at her mother. Her eyes were filled with turmoil and uncertainty.

"Anything kiddo. What do you want to ask?"

Xin Mei took a deep breath before speaking out the question which was troubling her heart for a long time.

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