Before taking another take, the director asked the crew members to help Xin Mei in handling the sword. She took some time before gripping it the way the director wanted.

She threw a sly smirk in the direction of Chen Bai who became aware that Xin Mei was again going to beat him like last time.

"We will continue from the time where Xin Mei had lifted the sword," Director informed and asked everyone to take their positions. Once everyone was on position, he yelled action.

Xin Mei acted like before and picked up the sword. She looked at Chen Bai and stumbled a little. Chen Bai, who was afraid of a hit, stumbled back.

Xin Mei again waved her sword, the way she had to for her scene but Chen Bai again became afraid and moved backward.

Xin Mei kept doing her moves, as informed to her by the director where Chen Bai kept stepping backward in fear. He lost focus that he was filming. In last, he stumbled down on the floor, falling on his b.u.t.ts.

"Cut," director Zhang yelled. "Chen Bai, don"t tell me that you are also feeling dominated by Xin Mei. I already have Zhou Mingyu to worry about. Please don"t make me regret my decision to select you as my second male."

Chen Bai looked at Xin Mei with dark eyes. He was feeling bad for getting scolded by the director. Tang Min who was again present on the sets, smiled when he saw Chen Bai getting scolded.

How good it would be for him if director Zhang kicked Chen Bai out!

"I am a sorry director. I thought Xin Mei would again hit me like before, so, I became a little distracted. This time I will focus on the scene." Chen Bai apologized guiltily.

This time when director Zhang yelled action, both Xin Mei and Chen Bai gave their best acting. This time their acting was more powerful.

Tang Min could also feel pressure coming from them.

"Ruyi, come to empire Jun with me. I will help you in taking your revenge." Emperor Jun said in a loud and clear voice. His voice zoomed around on the whole set. Many people could feel gooseb.u.mps on their skin.

"Thank you, emperor Jun." Ruyi sunk down in front of him. She looked up at him with a fire burning in her eyes. Her eyes were so dark that blood could be seen in her eyes.

Everyone was mesmerized and at the same time afraid of Ruyi.

"Well done, cut."

Director Zhang felt the excitement when he again checked the last scene in his display. The scene was so strong that he felt his blood pumping hard in his veins.

"Both of you have a lunch break. After it, we will shoot the close-ups."

Xin Mei nodded her head and made her way towards the canteen when Chen Bai stopped her in mid steps.

"What was that Xin Mei?" he gritted his teeth. "I think, last night I approached you with a clean slate. Then why did you hit me like that?"

"It was my revenge." Xin Mei clapped her hands.

"What revenge?" he gritted his teeth.

Before Xin Mei could reply, Tang Min interrupted them. "Here you are, Xin Mei. I was searching for you."

Tang Min looked at Chen Bai with sore eyes. He glared at him before speaking, "Any problem Xin Mei? Is senior Bai troubling you?"

"No, he was…." Before she could complete, Chen Bai interrupted her. "Tang Min, if you can"t see, I was talking something important with Xin Mei. So please excuse us."

Chen Bai wrapped his arm around Xin Mei and pulled her aside. Tang Min followed her but he was locked outside of the room where Chen Bai entered with Xin Mei.

"Now tell me? What revenge?"

"Didn"t you wake me up early in the morning?" Xin Mei glared at him. "Don"t you know how much I treasure my sleep? You made me frustrated in the morning, so this revenge."

"Oh that," Chen Bai scratched his head. "I was really worried about you."

"Keep your excuse to yourself." Xin Mei placed her hand in front of him. "I know you Chen Bai and I know you can"t live without playing a prank with me."

Chen Bai smiled cheekily and scratched his head. If only he had known that she would take his prank so seriously then he wouldn"t have dared to play any prank on her.

"Now please excuse me."

"Xin Mei, can"t we become friends instead of frenemy? You know friends can play pranks on one another."

"No Chen Bai," Xin Mei shook her head. "You know we can never be friends. We are like water and fire."

Chen Bai shook his head when he heard Xin Mei. Only he knew how much her words had hurt him.

He still remembered seeing this silly girl for the first time beside He Ye. He felt attracted to her innocence. He wanted to be her friend at that time. He wanted to protect her from this world, keeping her innocence intact.

He tried so hard to be her friend but every time Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan stopped her from being his friend. He felt so frustrated that she was ignoring him because of them.

Chen Bai didn"t have any way other than to play pranks on her to get her attention. She always rebuked him whenever he played a prank on her and he loved it.

He also loved it when she answered back to his pranks; no one had done so except for Xin Mei. He knew they would become the perfect partners in crime.

When Zhou Mingyu had joined the film industry, he was shocked it wasn"t Xin Mei. He started to hate Zhou Mingyu when he was informed that it was due to Zhou Mingyu that Xin Mei wasn"t joining the film industry.

What not he had planned for her?

He had planned to act opposite her in her first movie. He wanted to help her in having her own big fan base. He wanted to introduce her to this film world. He wanted to work with her. He had seen all the videos of her acting via He Ye and he knew Xin Mei was very talented.

He had decided he would never act opposite to Zhou Mingyu and if possible, he would try to end her career but his plan failed when Xin Mei pleaded to him.

"Chen Bai, please help my Mingyu. Please give her the main lead role in your movie," It was the first time she asked something from him. It was the first time she didn"t fire at him like a spicy chili.

He looked at her and a plan formed in his mind.

"Ok, I will make her my heroine but you have to return my favor…."

And the favor he asked was for her to become his a.s.sistant for the movie. The time which he spent with her during that duration was the best time of his life.

He got his playmate. He got to see the real her who was as naughty and prankster like him. He could see her smile, got close to her and kept her away from Zhou Mingyu.

After that, Chen Bai had helped Xin Mei a lot of times, only to get favors from her.

When he was offered the role of revenge, he was hesitating. He didn"t want to play a second role! He knew the screen time of emperor Jun was less than screen time of emperor Kai but he agreed for Xin Mei.

Xin Mei stepped out of the room and found Tang min was standing at the door.

"What are you doing here?" she asked with surprise.

"I didn"t leave." He said with a shy smile. "I was afraid that something was going on in between you both so….besides; I wanted to talk with you."

"What do you want to talk?"

"I and my friends are having barbeque lunch at the roof. Do you want to join us?"

Before Xin Mei could reply, Chen Bai stepped outside. He glared at Tang Min and rejected his offer.

"No, she is having lunch with me. I have something to talk to her about our upcoming scenes."

Chen Bai wrapped his arms around Xin Mei and pulled her away. Xin Mei also didn"t reject his hug because she didn"t want to spend time with Tang Min.

"Stay away from Tang Min." Chen Bai warned. "He may look good but he is a vicious snake. I had seen him with many girls. He loves to play with innocent girls like you. So beware of him."

"I know you don"t need to remind me. I am well aware of his intentions."

Xin Mei removed the hand of Chen Bai from her back and made her way towards changing room where Fang Lin was waiting for her, with her lunch.

After having her lunch, Xin Mei gave her close-up shots. 

Close-up shots of Chen Bai were still going on so he did not follow her when she made her way towards her room, after changing her dress.

When she entered the room, she was shocked to see the person who was standing in front of her.

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