"Discontinue it." Su Yuchen replied without any other thoughts. "Thank the people who were helping me in searching her from last so many years."

"Ok boss."

Su Yuchen sighed and nodded his head. Now he had Xin Mei in his life and he didn"t want to live in a hallucination that one day his Mian would return.

"I hope Mian is happy wherever she is."

Su Yuchen looked up in the sky and a sad smile appeared on his lips. Probably, his Mian was dead. That was why he was unable to find her until now.

"Goodbye, Mian."

When Su Yuchen left from her room, Xin Mei tried to sleep but she couldn"t find one. She felt her body was no longer in a mood to fall asleep.

She sighed and decided to go for a run in the forest. She had seen a running track behind the resort but didn"t get a chance to explore it.

Xin Mei wore her tracksuit and carried a bottle of water in her hand. She made her way out of the room and on the running track. She started to jog when she heard the voice of Chen Bai.

"What are you doing here, Xin Mei?" he asked and ran beside her.

"Can"t you see I am jogging?" She rolled her eyes.

"I know you are jogging but what I mean to ask is why are you jogging today? You weren"t jogging here in the last few days."

"It was my mood to jog today. So I came here. Why? Any problem?"

"No problem." Chen Bai raised his hands in surrender.

"And what are you doing here?"

"I do running regularly. I have to maintain my strong body." Chen Bai pointed towards his body.

Xin Mei glanced at him and noticed he was wearing shorts and a tight vest which exposed of his strong arms and leg muscles.

His body was also strong but nothing like her husband. So without any second glance, she turned her eyes away from him and on the track.

"Hey, what is it? You know, you are the first girl to avert your eyes away from this handsome man?" Chen Bai chided when he saw Xin Mei had given no importance to his body like other girls who could die for a single look at his body.

"I am not like other girls who would swear after seeing your not so good body. I am a smart girl."

Chen Bai felt his ego hurting when he heard "not so good." He loved his body. He had worked so hard on building it. It was the result of his sweat and hard work. So, how dare of her to call it not so good!

"If you are so smart then why were you a fool to trust on Zhou Mingyu and Qian Fan?" Chen Bai spoke out in anger and the very next second he regretted his words when he saw the sadness on her face.

"You…." Xin Mei gritted her teeth. "You know very well how to destroy the mood of a person."

Xin Mei gritted her teeth and kicked hard on his stomach. Chen Bai winced due to her strong kick. Xin Mei felt satisfied when she saw the pain on his face.

"This kick is to remind you to never take the name of those cheaters in front of me. I was blind at that time but it"s no longer the same case."

Xin Mei clapped her hands and turned her direction. She started to run in the opposite direction of Chen Bai.

Chen Bai wanted to run behind her and ask forgiveness for hurting her but his ego stopped him.

"She and her att.i.tude. How dare of her to call my body bad? Xiao Mei, you will regret your words when you will need to film scenes with me where I will have my upper body exposed. Then I will see how you will keep your eyes away from my hot body."

After jogging for some time, Xin Mei returned to her room. She had a shower and got changed into a fresh pair of cloth.

She reached on the sets where she got changed into the costumes for the scene. This time she felt glad for wearing less makeup.

Today, the scenes to be shot were the scenes where Emperor Jun made his journey back to his home with Ruyi. Their journey was filmed through a major part of the forest.

The filming took only half of the day and after that, everyone was free to return home.

"Congratulations everyone, we have completed another schedule for the movie." Director Zhang spoke on the microphone. He then looked at Chen Bai. "We must congratulate Chen Bai for completing his first schedule in this movie."

After his congratulations, director Zhang announced that he had arranged lunch for everyone and after that, resort staff had arranged a lot of activities for the crew and cast.

Xin Mei was in no mood to attend the activities. She wanted to return home to her husband. So, after having lunch, she talked with director Zhang.

"I am so sorry director I cannot attend the activities organized by you and resort staff. I am to return home. I am feeling homesick." Xin Mei apologized guiltily.

Director Zhang chuckled when he heard her. "I can understand you, Xin Mei. You can return home. Besides, the activities are mainly for men."

Xin Mei nodded her head and eagerly rushed towards her room. She packed her bags and called w.a.n.g Wei to take her luggage to the car.

"Xin Mei, are you returning home? Don"t you want to attend the activities?" Chen Bai asked when he saw Xin Mei was leaving.

He wanted to enjoy all the activities with her. He knew only Xin Mei could give him tough compet.i.tion.

"Yes, I am returning home." Xin Mei replied and at the same time, she heard w.a.n.g Wei. "Miss Xin, the car is ready. At your command, we will start our journey."

"Ok, we will be leaving in a minute."

w.a.n.g Wei nodded his head and then looked at Chen Bai, "Mister, have I seen you somewhere?"

Chen Bai looked at w.a.n.g Wei with wide eyes and then he looked at Xin Mei who chuckled. "Don"t you know who I am? Didn"t you recognize this superstar, Chen Bai?"

"Amm…sorry but I don"t watch a lot of movies so I didn"t recognize you. What did you say your name is mister?" w.a.n.g Wei asked with a blush on his face and before Chen Bai could scold him, he rushed towards his car and hid himself in the driving seat.

"Chen Bai, it is so funny. Finally, I found a person who does not recognize you." Xin Mei laughed hard and Chen Bai looked at her with a glare.

"You, Xiao Mei, stop laughing. Soon you will also know how it feels if a person doesn"t recognize that you are a superstar." He fumed in anger before leaving Xin Mei alone.

Xin Mei looked at his leaving figure and made her way towards the car. Once she had taken her seat, w.a.n.g Wei started to drive the car.

"w.a.n.g Wei, this isn"t the way to city A. where are you taking me?" Xin Mei asked when she saw that road on which they were traveling wasn"t going toward city A.

Where was he taking her?

Was he kidnapping her?

Oh no!

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