Finally, the day of the audition arrived. Xin Mei woke up early in the morning and read the script once again. She had worked very hard to get the role of Chunhua. She had memorized each dialogue of her with very much perfection.

Xin Mei was aware that if she got this role than she could change her bleak future which she had seen in her dreams.

"Princess, do you need a ride to the studio?" her father asked while having his breakfast.

"No need father. NanNan and Ye gege will be coming to accompany me to the interview."

Xin Jin nodded his head. After ordering his daughter to give him time to time update, he made his way toward his office. He had a lot of work at the office those days especially due to deceive of Qian corporation.

Xin Mei had completed her breakfast and at the same time, Gu Nan and He Ye arrived at her home.

"Good morning auntie." Together, they greeted He Lin.

"Good morning kiddos. You both arrived at the right time. Come and have some food."

"No need auntie. I already have my breakfast at the place of Gu Nan." He Ye declined the offer of He Lin. He turned his head and looked at Xin Mei. "Meimei, it"s getting late. We should get going."

Xin Mei nodded her head and quickly finished her breakfast. She cleaned her lips with a napkin. She stood up and kissed her mother before bidding adieu to her.

"Give your best in the interview kiddo. Your parents are always proud of you, no matter what."

He Lin bid adieu to her daughter and prayed to G.o.d for her success. She knew that her daughter had always wanted to become an actress but never said the same out aloud. Now that she had decided to act, He Lin could only pray for her success.

Xin Mei and her group reached the studio where audition for the role of Chunhua was taking place. More than a hundred A listed, B listed and unknown faces were present among the girls. The audition was open for everyone so many girls were present with the dream to become a star.

Moreover, it wasn"t hidden from anyone that the budget of this movie was quite huge and this movie was expected to break all the records.

"You don"t need to be nervous Meimei. I am sure that with your skills you can easily crack this audition. Keep confidence in yourself. Huh?" He Ye tried to motivate his sister.

"You wait here. I will go and get you registered."

He Ye went to get Xin Mei registered. He was unaware that eyes of every female were on him only. Everyone knew that He Ye was one of the starving managers. If he had brought one of his artists for the audition then their chances to get the role were very less.

Everyone was looking at Xin Mei with vary eyes. They were whispering with one another. They knew that she was someone new so how came their G.o.dly manger had brought a newbie like her for the audition?

"Your number is one hundred and forty five where nineteen girls have already given their audition."

He Ye informed her before showing her the way towards the bench away from the other girls. They sat in a quite corned where noise from other girls couldn"t affect them.

"You want to practice with me?" He Ye questioned.

Xin Mei eagerly nodded her head and gave him the script. He Ye looked at the script and asked Xin Mei to portray the scenes which he expected was to be auditioned inside the audition hall.

Xin Mei portrayed each and every scene with very much perfection. Her expression, voice modulation, everything was perfect which made He Ye proud of himself and his sister.

"With this level of acting, I am sure that the role of Chunhua is yours. I am so proud of you cousin." He Ye removed fake tear and Xin Mei chuckle.

"Stop your acting Yeye." Gu Nan pocked the arm of He Ye. A sly smile left from her lips.

Xin Mei shook her head upon looking at them. She was well aware about what was coming next. Right up to her expectations, soon enough Gu Nan and He Ye were making out. They completely ignored that they were in public and had an audience.

"You both are so gross. You don"t care that you both are here to motivate me." Xin Mei scoffed and glared at their back.

"You are already very much prepared and motivated Meimei. You no longer need my help." He Ye said in-between his kiss which made Xin Mei role her eyes.

Xin Mei sighed and looked around when her eyes fall upon the entry gate from where entered Zhou Mingyu. She was wearing her usual short dress and had the G.o.dly aura around her.

"She is also giving the audition then our chance to get the role is over."

"I was praying for this role but I guess I am not so lucky."

"Why have I come to the audition when I knew that best actress like Zhou Mingyu would also be giving the audition."

Xin Mei could hear the nervousness filled whispers around her. They all were looking at Zhou Mingyu with depression that there chance to get the role was over.

Zhou Mingyu with elegance made her way toward her fellow actresses. They all greeted each other with a smile even if they were cursing from inside. They all wanted the role but at the same time they were praising their co-stars.

 "Look, look, who is here? Isn"t she my so-called manager?" Zhou Mingyu scoffed when her eyes fall upon Xin Mei.

Other girls who were also present in the room looked at Xin Mei with curiosity. They all were wondering about the ident.i.ty of Xin Mei and now when they were getting some news from Zhou Mingyu then how could they let this chance go away?

Zhou Mingyu strolled toward Xin Mei with elegance. Her heels clicking against the concrete floor. "Long time no see Xin Mei. Isn"t it a month that we have last seen each other?"

Xin Mei knew the purpose as to why Zhou Mingyu had approached her. For sure she would try to humiliate her, stop her from giving this interview. But Xin Mei wasn"t here to back off.

"I never thought that you will try to compete against me when you were only a mere manager."

Off course, Xin Mei noticed how Zhou Mingyu emphasized on the word manager. She was trying to embarra.s.s Xin Mei among the others. She wanted to tell others that Xin Mei once was only a mere manager of her who used to do odd jobs.

"Was I really a mere manger of yours?"

Xin Mei tilted her head and looked at Zhou Mingyu.

"Are you forgetting how this mere manager had helped you in preparing for your scenes each and every time? Are you forgetting that this manager was the one to make you star today?"

Xin Mei glared and stepped towards her. She looked at her wrist before pulling it up.

"Zhou Mingyu, doesn"t this bracelet belong to me? Don"t tell me that you have stolen it as well."

Xin Mei looked at the bracelet, longingly. Her father had gifted her this gold and jade bracelet but Zhou Mingyu had liked it when she saw it on the wrist of Xin Mie. Innocent Xin Mei had gifted the bracelet to Zhou Mingyu without any second thought even if she felt bad for getting parted away from such a precious gift.

Xin Mei gasped dramatically and stepped towards her ears. "What will your fans say if they get to know that you have stolen a bracelet from your best friend? Not only that you have stolen her boyfriend and acting career."

There was a smirk on the lips of Xin Mei as she stepped away from Zhou Mingyu. Very elegantly, she unlocked the bracelet from the wrist of Zhou Mingyu and placed it in her pocket.

"So, what if I was once your manager? Don"t forget that I always had more talent and resources from you. I am no longer an innocent girl who was easily used by you like a stepping stone. Now, I want to claim my rightful t.i.tle of Queen bee of the entertainment industry…"

She sounded as if she was joking but her tone was threatening. "Beware Zhou Mingyu, don"t let me steel your crown the way you have stolen my boyfriend from me. Now no one is going to stop me."

Zhou Mingyu froze at Xin Mei"s words. The coolness in her smiling eyes seemed very terrifying to her. Zhou Mingyu knew that it wasn"t tough for Xin Mie to s.n.a.t.c.h her crown of best actress.

Gu Nan and He Ye who were watching the show in sideline wanted to clap for Xin Mei. Xin Mei had changed so much in their sight. Look at her, she was always s.h.i.+elding Zhou Mingyu but today she stood opposite to her, claiming her rights.

"Partic.i.p.ant number one hundred and forty-five." The a.s.sistant responsible for calling out the name of candidates finally called out the number of Xin Mei.

"Excuse me. It"s my turn."

Xin Mei glared at Zhou Mingyu before making her way towards the audition room. She breathed hard before entering in.

Outside the audition room, He Ye and Gu Nan collapsed their hands together and prayed for the success of Xin Mei. They ignored the whispers around them.

"Yeye, why didn"t you go inside the audition hall with Meimei? Aren"t you her manager?" Gu Nan poked the arm of He Ye once she had sent her prayers to G.o.d.

"It"s your friend"s stubbornness only. She didn"t want me to become her official manager. She will sign for me only after making a name for herself. Now, I can only stand at the sideline and help her from the shadow. I can"t go inside the hall as her manager."

Gu Nan sighed upon hearing him. She shook her head knowing well about the stubbornness of her friend.

"Do you think she will get the role?" Gu Nan questioned after twenty minutes from the time Xin Mei had entered in the audition room.

"I think so." He Ye replied. "She is the only candidate who is taking so long before coming out which improves her chances to get selected. Moreover, our Meimei is different from all the candidates before her. I am sure that the selection crew will select her."

"I hope you are correct."

Gu Nan sighed and averted her gaze towards the door of the audition room.

After some time, Xin Mei stepped out from the audition room. There wasn"t a smile on her lips which made He Ye frown.

"What happened Meimei?"

"I didn"t get the role of Chunhua. Director said he wants some experienced actress to play the role of Chunhua not someone like me."

Heart of Gu Nan sunk on hearing the words of Xin Mie. She knew that Xin Mei wasn"t joking because the very next second they heard the call for the next candidate. The audition was still going on!

 Zhou Mingyu who was standing close to them couldn"t control herself from laughing.

"So what did you think? You really thought that you will get to play a part in Revenge? This is a big budget movie. They don"t give the role to a newbie like you."

Zhou Mingyu showed some att.i.tude towards her. She then made her way towards the audition room when her name was called.

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