Zhou Mingyu looked at the fans with a funny expression on her face. It was not a hidden fact her fan base consisted of many fans of Chen Bai. She had used his fandom to create hers after all.

"Chen Bai, Chen Bai…." Fans of Chen Bai started to chant his name.

Su Zixin grinned toward his fans. He walked toward the other side of the car and opened the door for Xin Mei.

"You alright?" Xin Mei nodded her head and took his extended arm. She stepped out of the car and took his arm. She smiled and looked at him before turning her attention toward the fans.

Su Zixin gave his car keys to the valet before directing Xin Mei toward the way, which would let them toward the hotel. He protectively placed his hand on the small of back of Xin Mei while waving toward his fans.

"Handsome, I love you. When are you marrying me?"

"Husband, who is this beautiful girl with you? She is looking so perfect while standing beside you."

"Isn"t she the second female lead of revenge? Husband is your next movie revenge?"

"Miss Xin Mei, we are a big fan of yours. We have seen your every video on your Weibo account and we liked your acting in them. We can"t wait to see you act in Revenge."

"Chen Bai, Xin Mei can I have a photo with you?"

All types of yells could be heard. Xin Mei could not believe that she also has some fans who were yelling for her name. She was feeling overwhelmed.

"My dear wives and friends. On this special day, I will like to announce that I am indeed a part of revenge and here, standing beside me is my beautiful co-star Xin Mei. I am lucky to be working with her. I hope you will give her the love like you have given to me."

Su Zixin spoke and tightened his grip around Xin Mei"s waist. Xin Mei wanted to glare at him for his intimate action but she did not say him a thing in front of his fans.

Su Zixin pushed Xin Mei toward the hotel while smiling and waving toward his fans. He got many photos clicked with them. All this while, he ensured that Xin Mei was with him in each photo.

They entered in the lobby of the hotel where many stars and other personalities were waiting for their turn to walk on the official red carpet arranged by the award organizers.

Xin Mei and Su Zixin entered in the lobby looking not any less than a perfect couple. Every eye turned toward them and they started to gossip behind their back. They ignored everyone and walked toward the corner where the whole cast and crew of Revenge was standing.

Xin Mei smiled to everyone around herself while trying to separate herself from Su Zixin.

Was this man planning his own murder? He knew Su Yuchen would kill him if he saw how close Su Zixin was holding Xin Mei. But still, he was holding her tight.

On the other side, three people were burning when they saw Xin Mei with Chen Bai.

They were Zhou Mingyu; she still could not believe how lucky Xin Mei was. Chen Bai, such a big superstar was always close to Xin Mei, trying to talk with her. Zhou Mingyu also wanted to have such closeness with him but he never second glanced at her.

Qian Fan was also burning when he saw the proximity of Chen Bai with Xin Mei. He had always felt vary of Chen Bai who was such a perfect man.

Tang Min could not stop himself from looking at Xin Mei who was looking like a walking angel on earth. She was looking so beautiful. He so wanted to be in the place of Chen Bai.

Tang Min regretted that he did not go for the audition of emperor Jun instead he gave an audition of emperor Kai. If only, he had done the opposite than he was going to be close to Xin Mei.

"Well, well, I can see, you have already made the announcement. You will never change your style Chen Bai." Director Zhang slapped on the back of Chen Bai.

"What to do director? It is my style. I have already kept my mouth closed from so long."

Director Zhang chuckled when he heard him. Then he looked at Xin Mei with a smile on his face. "I am glad that you are here Xin Mei."

They all talked with one another, sharing about the movies for which they got nominated and other things. He Ye also came with his partner Gu Nan and greeted the director.

"Gu Nan, what are you doing here? Aren"t you doing your reporting today?" Xin Mei asked with shock.

"Nah, today I have given the duty to my subordinates. He Ye told me that he will be taking me on a date after award show. I can"t wait for it."

She squealed before whispering near ears of Xin Mei. "By the way girl, you are looking gorgeous in your dress. I just came back from the washroom where I heard many actresses gossiping among themselves that partner of Chen Bai is going to s.n.a.t.c.h their limelight."

"Mister Money bag has spent a lot of money on you." Gu Nan grinned when she saw the blush on the face of Xin Mei.

"Gu Nan, we should go now," He Ye wrapped his arm around her waist. He smiled to director Zhang, Xin Mei, and Chen Bai before making his way toward the red carpet.

They waited for sometime before the award authority informed director Zhang that it was their turn to walk on the red carpet.

"I will be going in first, and then you four can walk in," he told to his main cast.

Director Zhang walked on the red carpet with his subordinates and some of the crew and secondary cast members.

He gave an interview to the hosts who were waiting for him in front of the wall of memory. He told them that this year he was not expecting any award but by next year, he would release two new movies.

After him, Tang Min walked in. He was not in the mood for an interview. He still smiled to the hosts and gave some photos before walking inside the hall, ignoring director Zhang who was still standing at the red carpet.

Then Zhou Mingyu walked on the red carpet. Her arms were proudly wrapped around Qian Fan"s. She could not stop the gloating smile from her lips when hosts praised her as the queen of the film industry, the one who was the glory of award shows.

"Miss Zhou, do you expect another best actress award this year? I have heard that compet.i.tion is quite hard this year."

"I am expecting another award and about the other actresses, I would like to remind them queen always remain a queen." Zhou Mingyu spoke with att.i.tude and ego in her voice. Hosts became shocked when they heard her.

They knew Zhou Mingyu was down to earth, always helping and looking after her juniors and co-stars but what she just spoke now.....

Xin Mei who had also walked on the red carpet covered her lips in an attempt to control her laughter. Zhou Mingyu never knew what and how to talk. She did not have a filter on her mouth.

"I have heard many newbies are there who are trying to s.n.a.t.c.h my position but I don"t think they can do so….." Zhou Mingyu kept speaking, making herself more embarra.s.sed in front of the hosts.

In last, Qian Fan jumped in to save her, "what she meant is that newbie still needs to learn a lot? If they keep working hard like this, then by next year, they will be receiving best actress award."

Zhou Mingyu was again asked about the managers who was always believed to be the reason for the success of a star, but again Zhou Mingyu degraded all the managers. She was answering all the answers without any IQ or an EQ.

Qian Fan tried to control the damage but it was already done. The actresses who were jealous of successful career of Zhou Mingyu or the one who hated her att.i.tude had already recorded her video!

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