During the award show, Xin Mei kept sitting beside Chen Bai who kept introducing her to one or another director. Many directors came to talk with Chen Bai and he always reminded himself to introduce Xin Mei to them.

Xin Mei watched all the performances with interest. She also watched all the categories of awards, noting down best directors, producers, screenplay, best villain, supporting role, etc….she noted down all the awards to know who would be giving her compet.i.tion in the next year.

"Now we are going to announce the best actress of the years."

As expected, Zhou Mingyu won the best actress award. Thou, she had shared her award with another newbie actress. Zhou Mingyu was not satisfied with the result but still, she maintained a smile on her lips.

"I can"t believe that I won this award. This year, the compet.i.tion was so stiff that I thought I will finally lose my crown to this talented actress…." Zhou Mingyu gave her speech opposite to what she had said during her interview. Her manager and Qian Fan had taught her well while she was sitting in the audience.

They did not want her to embrace herself further.

"I am sure you will win the best actor award." Xin Mei told to Chen Bai when the host announced the best actor award.

"Nah, I will not." Chen Bai declared confidently. He was the first man who was happily declaring that he would not win the best actor award. Xin Mei looked at him wide eyes.

"What do you mean?"

"I had forfeited myself from receiving the award. I want some other actor to receive award this year. I know how much importance the best actor award play in the life of a person. I want some other person to feel motivated to work hard like me."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him. She again looked at the stage where indeed another actor got the award. In his winning speech also, the actor spoke how motivated he was feeling on receiving this award.

"Don"t you feel bad for not adding another trophy in your collection?"

"I don"t. I am happy to see that smile on the lips of Junior Nian."

Xin Mei smiled and again looked at Chen Bai. His good heart was the reason he was a top actor with such a big fan base. To be an actor, an actor does not only need acting skills but he also needs to be kind and gentle from his heart just like Chen Bai.

After the award show, the winners with their partners walked toward the banquet hall where a celebratory party was organized.

Chen Bai could not attend the party because he had not won the award but still organizers invited him. They were impressed by his generosity to decline the award beforehand.

"Xin Mei, have some wine. You will feel relaxed when talking with other directors and producers." Su Zixin gave her a gla.s.s of wine. Xin Mei looked at him with wide eyes.

"Su Zixin, are you mad? Didn"t he ask you to not make me drink?" Xin Mei declined the gla.s.s but Su Zixin pushed it in her hand.

"Xin Mei, stop being afraid of my brother. I had already broken many rules given by him. I am not afraid to break one more rule."

"But if we both are getting drunk then who is going to drive us back home?"

"I have called my driver." Su Zixin clicked his wine gla.s.s with that of Xin Mei before downing down the drink. "Don"t look at me like this. Have some drink! Tonight I will make you meet many directors. So you need drink in your system to bear with them."

Xin Mei glared at him but still gulped down the wine. Why should she be nervous? This fool was the one playing with fire not her? Only G.o.d could save him if Su Yuchen got to know how he was breaking his warnings.

That night, as promised by Su Zixin, he made Xin Mei meet many directors and producers. From new to old, he introduced her to everyone.

"Director Lu, meet Xin Mei. She is my co-star in my current movie. I am sure you will love to work with her in your next movie."

Su Zixin whispered about the director in the ears of Xin Mei so she could easily start a conversation with director Lu. Xin Mei happily talked with directors, impressing them all. Many of them promised to reach her manager with a script.

"Xin Mei, you are seeing director Chang?" Su Zixin pointed toward director Chang who was not standing very far from them. Many actors and actresses approached him including Zhou Mingyu.

"Yup, he is one of my favorite directors. I already have his autograph with me." Xin Mei grinned.

Director Chang was one of the famous directors. He was famous for releasing only one movie in two years and his every movie was unique and hit on movie screens. Like director Zhang, he was also particular about his casts.

He liked to personally select the cast, which would be playing a role in his movie. Xin Mie wanted to approach him but she knew he would not select her; she still was not famous in the film industry. He always selected a famous actor, the one whose movie he had watched already a lot of time.

"Xin Mei, why don"t we approach him?"

Xin Mei nodded her head. They walked toward director Chang. Director Chang had already met many stars in the night. Therefore, he did not happily entertain Chen Bai or Xin Mei. He was very dull toward Xin Mei who was still a no one for him.

"Xin Mei, don"t be sad about his nature. Everyone knows that he is like this only."

"I know." Xin Mei shrugged. She knew he was irritated. "But still, I want to work with him. I have heard that he is working on a science fiction movie."

"Don"t be sad Xin Mei. He is moody. I am sure he will approach you when you will become a big star. Even after staying in the film industry for eight years, I have not worked with him for once. So chill."

Xin Mei chuckled when she heard him. She pulled him toward the dance floor, which was full of a couple dancing with one another.

"What are you doing Xin Mei? Brother will kill me if he got to know that I danced with you."

"Why are you so afraid now? Chill and dance with me." It was the wine in the system of Xin Mei which had kicked in. She wanted to dance all night. She did not leg behind in pulling Su Zixin boldly on the dance floor and dancing with him.

Su Zixin and Xin Mei danced for a long time where Xin Mei drunk many more gla.s.ses of wine. Su Zixin tried to stop her but she was nowhere to be stopped.

At the end of the night, Chen Bai called his driver to pick him and Xin Mei up.

Inside the car, both slept while hugging one another. They both were tired and drunk.

"Xin Mei, we are home. Get up." Su Zixin nudged on the arm of Xin Mei.

Xin Mei groaned and stepped out of the car. She stumbled a little. She leaned down to remove her heals when she caught the sight of black shoes. Her eyes became wide and she rubbed them hard.

"Why does this pair of shoes seems so familiar?"

Su Zixin froze when he saw the man who was wearing the same black shoes. He nearly peed in his pants in fear.

"Brother, what is he doing at home? I am doomed. I am doomed. I am a done deal!"

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