Next day, Xin Mei was very nervous when she reached orphanage. She was nervous to meet the kids whom she had not met for so long time. She did not know how they would react after seeing her.

"Wifey, stop being nervous. They are the kids with whom you had played once. I am sure they will be happy to meet you." Su Yuchen wrapped his arms around her shoulder and give her the needed comfort.

"But what if they got angry that I hadn"t come to meet them all for so long time?" she put forth her worry in front of him.

"Then we will mollify them with all the sweets which we have brought for them. Now stop worrying." Su Yuchen chided and pulled her to the office of mister Ling.

Mister Ling was aware that Xin Mei would be meeting the kids so he had done all the preparations. He had also told the other guardians about the same who had instructed the kids that someone was coming to meet them.

Xin Mei took a deep breath and stepped out from the office of mister Ling and into the garden of the orphanage. Xin Mei looked around at the familiar faces of the kids.

She also noticed some kids who were hiding behind the back of their guardians. Fear could be seen in their eyes. They were clutching hard on the legs or hands of their guardians.

"They are thinking that you are here to adopt any one of them. That"s why they are looking at both of you with so much nervousness and fear." Miser Ling informed.

At the same moment, Xin Mei saw how many kids were holding hard on hands of one another. Now she realized about the truthfulness in the words of Su Yuchen. She was making those kids weak because of her protectiveness.

How would they become open to the strangers if she kept them away from the strangers?

"Are you Mei Jie?" one of the boys came out and looked at Xin Mei with wide eyes.

"And aren"t you the naughty Kong?" Xin Mei asked and looked at the boy who had grown up in the last few months.

"Mei Jie…!" Kong looked at Xin Mei with wide eyes. He rushed towards her followed by other kids who also recognized Xin Mei. They wrapped their arms around her.

"Mei Jie, we have missed you so much. Why didn"t you come to meet all of us? Were you angry with us?"

Xin Mei felt a pinch in her heart when she saw the sad faces of kids. It was her fault to not meet them. They had missed her so much.

"I wasn"t angry with you, kids." Xin Mei leaned down at the level of the kids and looked at them. "I was afraid, I remember the last time when you did a hunger strike because I failed to fulfil my promise. I didn"t want that incident to repeat itself."

"I am sorry Mei Jie. I know it was wrong of us. Please forgive us. However, please do not stop coming to meet us. Please…" they all pleaded together.

"I am not angry with you. And from now on, I will try to come here from time to time. And let me tell you a secret, I had always watched you from that window." Xin Mei pointed toward the window and every child looked at her with wide eyes. A smile appeared on their lips.

"Mei Jie, aren"t you the one who got us new bicycles?" one of the kids asked with amus.e.m.e.nt.

"Yup, I am the one. Did you like it? I personally selected them for all of you."

"We liked them very much." Kids said in a singsong manner and Xin Mei chuckled.

"Mei Jie, who is he?" Kong asked and pointed toward Su Yuchen.

Xin Mei stood up and wrapped her arms around Su Yuchen"s. "He is my husband, your Chen gege. He is the one to bring the computers for you."

Su Yuchen froze when he heard Chen from her mouth. He looked at her with a small smile on his lips. It was the first time she had called him Chen and it sounded sweet to his ears.

"Nice to meet you Chen gege." Everyone greeted Su Yuchen.

Both Su Yuchen and Xin Mei spent their day in the company of the kids. They played many games with them. Kids also enjoyed with them. The kids who were shying away in the starting also opened up with them.

Later, Su Yuchen and Xin Mei walked towards the property, which was located on the backside of the orphanage.

"This is the property which I wanted to buy for the kids. Here I can build an indoor pool, skating ring, football ground…..anything for them." Xin Mei looked around with dreamy eyes.

"Then what are we waiting for? why don"t we buy it now?" Su Yuchen wrapped his arm around her and raised a brow. "Let me call Huang Chu."

"No need of that Su Yuchen," Xin Mei denied his help. "I want to buy this land with my own money."

"Tsk, Tsk, Tsk wife. Why do you forget that my money is yours?" he knocked on her head. "You should use it for the welfare of other people. G.o.d has given me so much money so that I can help people who are not blessed by the G.o.d like me. So let me do some charity using my wife. I will be happy to finish all my earnings for this good work."

Xin Mei smiled when she heard him. She removed his arm from her shoulder and stepped in front of him.

"How can your heart be so big and good?" amus.e.m.e.nt could be seen in her eyes.

"That"s because you are residing in my heart." Su Yuchen spoke nonchalantly and walked away from Xin Mei to make a call to Huang Chu. He left a shocked Xin Mei behind.

Xin Mei looked at his back with shock. What did he just said to her? Had he again confessed about his feelings to her? What did he mean by she is residing in his heart?

Did he love her?

The stomach of Xin Mei did a somersault and her heart started to beat faster. A blush appeared on her cheeks and smile left from her lips.

Her breathing was ragged and her mind was filled with one thought….she was in his heart…maybe he loved her…!

When Su Yuchen returned after the phone call, he did not say anything nor did Xin Mei spoke a word. Both were lost in their thoughts.

Su Yuchen was happy to see Xin Mei shying away at his confession and he could see in her eyes that she also reciprocated his feelings!

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen left the orphanage after having dinner with the kids. They promised them to return whenever they would get some time.

Su Yuchen also promised that he would find a dancing and singing teacher for girls while a basketball coach for the boys, which brought a smile on the faces of every kid.

Xin Mei and Su Yuchen were also equally happy upon seeing their smiles. Their hearts were at calm and overwhelming and they were feeling content.

"Su Yuchen, you have never told me the reason why you have stayed in the orphanage?" Xin Mei asked out of blue.

Su Yuchen was about to reply to her when his phone rang and amid the calls, her question was completely lost.

Next few days flew away quickly where Xin Mei was focused on her shooting and on looking after Bai Yue where Su Yuchen was busy in completing all his office work in which his attention was needed. He was all ready to take his wife on an unforgettable honeymoon.

Five days before the New Year, director Zhang gave everyone a break of two weeks, to enjoy their time with their families.

When Xin Mei came out from the studio, she smiled to see it was snowing. She tightened her coat around herself and rushed towards her car.

She would have enjoyed the snow as usual but she was in a hurry to reach the hospital. In her way, she also brought a packed meal for Su Lingtian and Bai Yue. The doctor had removed some restrictions from the food of Bai Yue so Xin Mei wanted to treat her.

"Mother, father what are you doing here? And Su Yuchen you also have returned earlier from office." Xin Mei asked and looked at Su Yuchen. She placed the food package in her hand on a table and removed her coat.

She looked at her grandparents, Su Zixin who had already arrived at the hospital and then at Su Yuchen. They all had a secretive smile on their lips.

"I was waiting for you, wifey.  So that we can start our journey to our honeymoon."

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