"Chen, where are you?"

A little girl of the age of six was running here and there in the courtyard. She was eagerly searching for her friend, no best friend.

"Chen, Where are you hiding? I am tired of searching for you."

The little girl pouted on not hearing a reply from her best friend.

"Chen, come out otherwise I will get angry on you. You know my anger. If I get angry once then I will not talk with you for the whole day."

Hearing the voice of the little girl, the boy who was hiding behind a tree panicked.

"I am here only Mian. Haven"t I told you that you will need to find me if you want your chocolate?"

Mian, the little girl, who was pouting not only a minute ago, beamed upon hearing the word chocolate and upon hearing the voice of her Chen.

"You will really give me a chocolate if I find you?"

"Really. Now find me. I am tired of hiding from you."

Mian beamed and made her way towards the source of the voice. With slow steps, she walked towards the tree. A smile appeared on her lips.

"Caught you."

Mian yelled and jumped behind the tree to find no one. She pouted once again.

"Chen, where are you now?"

Chen, who had s.h.i.+fted behind another tree grinned upon seeing the pouty face of his best no, only friend Mian, his beloved Mian.

"I am here only Mian. I am here waiting with your chocolate."

Mian grinned and again followed behind the voice. She ensured that there was no voice of her steps. She walked towards the tree with slow steps again to face defeat.

Chen had again changed his hiding place!

"Chen!" Mian groaned.

This continued for some time. Mian was eagerly searching for her Chen where Chen was playing with her. He so loved it when Mian tried her best to find him. He loved to tease her and make her pout. He so loved that her all pouts and smiles belonged to him only.

"Chen, you go to the office of head Madam." She changed the curse in her own way. "I don"t want your chocolate and you. Now I am angry with you and I will not talk to you for a whole week."

Chen grinned upon hearing her words and shook his head. With a small smile on his lips, he walked behind her and stood close to her ears.

"Will you really not talk with your Chen?"

Mian looked at Chen from the corner of her eyes. She wrapped her tiny arms around her chest and nodded her head.

"Really? Really?"

Chen grinned with mischievousness.

Before Mian could comprehend anything, Chen had tackled her down and he was tickling her hard.

"Leave me, Chen."

Mian laughed loudly and tried to push Chen away from her but he wasn"t taking the name of budging. "Please leaveeee meeeeeeeee."

Mian laughed loudly. Her whole body was shaking with laughter. Her face was completely red. Chen was also chuckling with her. His eyes were dancing with delight.

"First, say Chen is the best."

"Chen is the bestest," Mian said in between her laugh.

"Now say that Chen is my best friend."

"Chen is my bestest-best friend."

"Now praise me."

"First leave me. I can"t breathe."

Mian huffed and tried to push him. Laughter was still ringing from her throat.

Chen looked at her before he stopped tickling her. But still, he had caged her against the ground.

Mian stopped laughing once he had stopped tickling her. She heaved a huge gulp of breath while glaring at a grinning Chen.

"Now my praises." Chen grinned.

Mian pouted before speaking, "Chen is the most handsome boy. He is my best friend. He helps me in the study. He gives me chocolate. He plays with me. He helps me in taking a bath. He helps me in getting ready for school. He fights with the children who try to bully me. He sleeps with me in the night whenever I have nightmares."

"And who will say I am your best friend?" Chen raised a brow.

"No, you are not my best friend. I hate you Chen-fan. You tease me and tickle me." Mian pouted and turned her face to another side.

"Oh...you hate me." Chen mimicked a sad voice. "If you hate me then to whom should I give this chocolate?"

He moved a big bar of chocolate in front of her eyes. A silly grin could be seen on the face of a ten-year-old boy.

"You brought a big bar of chocolate for me?"

The anger of Mian was forgotten the moment her eyes fall on the chocolate. She s.n.a.t.c.hed the chocolate from the hand of Chen and licked her lips.

"Thank you for this chocolate Chen. You are the best. I love you."

Mian grinned and pecked on the cheeks of Chen who blushed scarlet red.

Su Yuchen, who was sitting in his office, unconsciously rubbed his cheeks, at the same place where once Mian had kissed him so many times.

Oh how much he missed his childhood days, his carefree days with his Mian. He missed her smile, her sad face, her pouting face, her glittery eyes, her teasing faceā€¦he missed her everything. He missed his drama queen.

He missed the girl whom he had cherished from the age of four!

"Where are you, Mian? You don"t know how badly I miss you. Even after having so many employees around me, I still feel alone because you are not here with me."

Su Yuchen sighed and threw his head back against the office chair. His eyes were misty due to tears. He wanted to cry in pain of missing his Mian.

He was lost in his thoughts when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

After getting permission, a man in his late twenties entered inside the office and placed a box of sweets on the table.

"What are these sweets for?" Su Yuchen questioned.

"Boss, my wife has given birth to a daughter. I am a father now. So I am distributing sweets to everyone."

Su Yuchen nodded and accepted the box of sweets. He then called Huang Chu and asked him to prepare some gifts for the baby of his employee.

"What have you named your daughter?" Su Yuchen asked out of professionalism.

"Fang Mian, She used to keep her mother up late at night when she was still in the belly of my wife. So we had already decided to name our daughter Mian."

Su Yuchen froze for a moment on hearing the name Mian before he nodded his head.

"Boss, now I will go." Mr. Fang turned and was about to left his cabin when Su Yuchen called him. "Mr. Fang, I am giving you a paid holiday for the next two weeks. Spend your time with your daughter, Mian."

Mr. Fang looked at his boss with wide happy eyes. He bowed down and thanked him with full grat.i.tude before leaving the cabin.

The moment Mr. Fang stepped out from his cabin, news about the generosity of their boss spread like a fire in the office. Everyone congratulated Mr. Fang for getting the paid holidays. Image of Su Yuchen again improved in front of his employees.

Inside his office, Su Yuchen walked toward the gla.s.s window and leaned against it. He placed his hands on the gla.s.s and looked out of the window, at the city. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily.

Again he was missing his Mian so much!

"Boss." Huang Chu entered in his office, unannounced because he was given permission by Su Yuchen to do so.

"Boss, director Zhang has already selected the cast for the movie revenge. Here is the detailed list of cast and the location schedule which he has planned."

Heritage entertainments came under the Su corporation. As the CEO of Su corporation, he was also CEO of Heritage Entertainment and the project "Revenge" was very close to his heart.

Su Yuchen turned and took the file from the hands of Huang Chu. He opened the file and started to read through the details of the cast. He was reading it when his eyes fall on a particular photo.

"What is she doing here?"

Huang Chu also looked at the photo and sighed. It was the photo of Xin Mei. When Huang Chu had seen the cast, he had prayed for Xin Mei.

Has.h.!.+ His boss remembered her face. G.o.d save her.

"Boss, she is Xin Mei. She was there for the audition for Chunhua. But after watching her audition the judges were so impressed that she was offered the role of Ruyi."

Huang Chu spoke each and every word with carefulness.

"Boss, director Zhang was praising her very much. If you want then I can play her audition video and if you don"t want a newbie to act in the movie then we can change the actress."

"No need." Su Yuchen dismissed him. "I trust the decision of Director Zhang."

Su Yuchen continued to look at the details of other cast but a lot of times, his attention was diverting toward a particular girl, a pair of particular brown eyes!

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