Director Zhang himself did not think that the kissing scene would be filmed so beautifully. He was satisfied with the acting skills of Xin Mei and Chen Bai who looked as if they were kissing for real.

He was also satisfied with the sky, which was dark and now filled with stars, giving a beautiful background to the scene. He also praised the prop manager. He managed to float thousands of candles in the river and multiple lanterns in the sky, which added grace to the scene.

"Cut." He yelled and stood up from his seat. He started to clap for the couple who had given a tremendous performance as usual.

The audience, who was present there also clapped loudly. They thought they were watching a scene from history. They forgot that they were there to watch the filming.

The audience had mixed reactions after watching the scene in between Xin Mei and Su Zixin.

Many had started to like Xin Mei. They were planning to climb her wall, which included many fans of Zhou Mingyu. Fans of Zhou Mingy were feeling bad that they slandered Xin Mei who was much better than Zhou Mingyu.

There were many fans of Chen Bai who started to s.h.i.+p Xin Mei and Chen Bai. Now they were eager to watch the revenge movie on the movie screens. They could now understand why Chen Bai was also praising and supporting Xin Mei, she was a good actress.

"Have you seen her acting skills? Her acting skills are so powerful, just like Chen Bai."

"You are right, I felt goose b.u.mps all over my body after watching them act. I can"t wait to watch this movie on the movie screens."

"Me too, me too, it is the first time that I am liking some female star opposite to my Chen Bai. Her acting skills are so strong just like him."

Fans were talking among themselves with full enthusiasm. They could not wait to watch Revenge movie on the cinema screen. They would also like to watch the pair of Chen Bai and Xin Mei in other movies.

Still, there were many fans of Chen Bai who were not satisfied with Xin Mei, which included his female stars.

"I don"t know what that Xin Mei had that my husband fancies her so much."

"She looks like a who*re. That is why she can give a kiss scene so beautiful. Otherwise, I don"t think she can even act."

"Don"t know why people are saying their couple looks beautiful. I don"t think Xin Mei is of any match to my Chen Bai."

Die hard fans of Zhou Mingyu were also speaking against Xin Mei. They could not accept that someone could act better than their Zhou Mingyu.

"I am sure she practiced for whole night to act in this scene. She must have taken some extra to act in this scene."

"Have you seen her acting? Her skills are so fake. I do not know how she can claim that she had demonstrated scenes to my Mingyu. My Mingyu is much better than her."

Su Zixin and Xin Mei ignored the comments from everyone. They made their way towards the changing room to wear something warm.

It was still winter in the city A and they both were forced to wear light clothes when filming the scene.

"Xin Mei, you did great. I am sure by tomorrow you will have your own big fan base. Did you hear the hooting for your name?" Su Zixin asked.

"Yup and it"s so overwhelming." Xin Mei smiled and felt a s.h.i.+ver running down in her body. She was very excited to see a reaction from her audience.

After changing, Su Zixin and Xin Mei walked out from their changing rooms. They were welcomed by the loud hoots of the audience who wanted to break free from the chains. They wanted to meet their favourite stars.

"I will recommend you to not meet them. They have become wild and they will not think twice before unintentionally hurting you both." Director Zhang informed to them.

Xin Mei and Chen Bai nodded their head and looked at the crowd.

"Thank you everyone, for coming here today. Your presence is a big support to me." Chen Bai spoke in the microphone. He chuckled when he received a loud reply from his fans.

"I hope to see the same response during the release of this movie. I also hope that now you will not slander Xin Mei but will support her. Today, you have witnessed her acting skills and now you know how strong her skills are."

Hearing him, his fans started to call out aloud for the name of Xin Mei. She felt overwhelmed and took the microphone from the hand of Su Zixin.

"I am very happy that you are supporting me. I promise you all to not disappoint you with my acting skills."

Chen Bai and Xin Mei bowed towards their audience before they were surrounded by the guards. Guards took them safely to their cars.

"Hubby, I am so happy today." Xin Mei hugged Su Yuchen tightly. "It was so overwhelming when I heard fans calling for my name, asking for me to give them my autograph. They were very impressed by my chemistry with Su Zixin."

Xin Mei gushed excitedly and Su Yuchen smiled when he looked at her.

Only he knew how jealous he was when he heard from her guard"s about the scene and about the comments of the fans. He wanted to get every kissing scene deleted, no matter what.

Now when he had seen this smile on the lips of Xin Mei, he thought of changing his mind. Why should he feel jealous when she was only acting during kissing scenes?

At the end of the day, it was him whom she was going to kiss for real!

Then why should he feel jealous and stop her from reaching the great heights!

He would gulp all the vinegar and would let Xin Mei do whatever she wanted to do!

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