
In Today"s scene, Emperor Jun and Ruyi were spending some private time with one another where Chunhua was sneaking on them. She was burning in rage while seeing them as a couple.

Acting angry wasn"t much hard for Zhou Mingyu. She only had to show her real emotions on her face, the emotions which she was feeling toward Xin Mei.

"Emperor, why are you standing here like this? Why don"t you push my swing?" Ruyi smirked and looked at the emperor Jun.

"Ruyi, do you want me, the emperor Jun, to push the swing for you?" emperor Jun raised his brow and looked at her.

"Yes," Ruyi wobbled her head. A teasing smile was playing on her lips."

"Didn"t you say you will fulfil my every demand once I say yes to marry you?"

"Ruyi, you are more demanding than your son." Emperor Jun scoffed.

He walked behind Ruyi and started to push the swing.

"Push it higher, emperor. Apply your full force."

Emperor Jun sighed and started to push the swing with full force. Ruyi also giggled when swing was fast. Her giggles echoed all around the garden.

Everyone was mesmerized when they saw this scene. Chen Bai and Xin Mei were acting so accurately. They all were so engrossed in watching the scene that no one realised about the happenings of the very next second.

In the next second, the ropes holding the swing broke apart and Xin Mei came falling down of the swing with a loud bang.

Everyone froze when they saw this scene being unfolded in front of their eyes. Su Zixin was also shocked. He didn"t know what had happened. Not a minute ago, he was pus.h.i.+ng the swing very carefully then how could it break apart.

"Xin Mei…" Director Zhang was the first one to come out from his frozen state. He stood up from his seat in a shock.

"Xin Mei…" Su Zixin also came out from his haze. He rushed toward Xin Mei in unstable steps and fell on the ground, beside her unconscious body.

"Xin Mei, open your eyes." He placed her head on his lap and shook her face. He paled when he saw blood pouring from her forehead. He pulled out his handkerchief and pressed it against her forehead, to stop the blood flow.

"Xin Mei…" he yelled and shook her body. He could feel fear shuddering his heart when he saw she was not responding to him.

"Anyone...someone…call for the ambulance." He yelled and looked around with despair.

"Chen Bai, I have already called the ambulance but it will take thirty minutes to arrive." Gong Soujin, the a.s.sistant director informed to him.

"Song Zhang, we are taking her to the hospital in my car. Quick, prepare the car." He yelled and carefully carried the numb body of Xin Mei in his arms. His heart was beating very hard because of fear. Sweat formed on his forehead.

"Chen Bai, I am also coming with you." director Zhang informed and rushed toward him. Everyone else had gathered around Xin Mei and Chen Bai.

"No need director. I think you should find the person behind this so-called accident." Su Zixin spoke with ruthlessness and anger in his voice.

He glared at each and every person who was present on the sets. He was sure someone had planned this accident. They had checked the swing beforehand so how could it break like this in between the filming.

Su Zixin rushed towards his car with Xin Mei in his arms. Song Zhang had already opened the back door for him. Su Zixin entered inside with Xin Mei in his arms. He made her comfortable on the seat and placed her forehead on his lap.

Song Zhang came towards the driver seat and started to drive at the full speed.

"Xiao Mei, please wakeup. Please open your eyes." Su Zixin pleaded. His voice was heavy and tears were falling from his eyes. His hands were s.h.i.+vering when he ran them over her face and hands, which were scratched due to the fall.

"Xiao Mei, nothing will happen to you. Are you hearing me? Nothing will happen to you. You have to survive this fall. You have too…." He broke down and tears fell from his eyes.

He was feeling so afraid and sad for her. He was nervous that his brother would break apart if something happens to Xin Mei.

"Xiao Mei, you have to be there for my brother. He will break apart if something is to happens to you." He took a deep breath and looked out from the window. He prayed to G.o.d that Xin Mei didn"t have any serious injury, for his brother"s sake.

As worried he was for Xin Mei, same way he was worried for Su Yuchen.

"We are here." Song Zhang announced.

Su Zixin abruptly came out from the car with Xin Mei in his arms. Song Zhang had already called the hospital therefore the medics were already waiting for them.

Song Zhang was one of the people who knew about the ident.i.ty of Chen Bai as Su Zixin and when he had seen him crying so badly for Xin Mei, he knew that Xin Mei was also special. So he had asked for a VIP arrangement for her.

Xin Mei was immediately pushed towards the emergency room with best doctors and nurses of the hospital tending after her. Su Zixin followed behind her to the emergency room before he was stopped outside of the room.

"G.o.d please save her." Su Zixin sobbed and looked up in the sky. Tears were flowing from his eyes.

He stood against the wall and fell on the floor. Soft sobs escaped his lips.

"Chen Bai, you should contact her family."

Su Zixin froze when he heard him. How was he going to give this bad news to his brother? His brother would kill him!

Su Zixin took a lot of deep breaths. With violently shaking hands, he pulled out his mobile and dialled the number of his brother.

"h.e.l.lo brother…" his voice was heavy and full of fear.

"I know…" before Su Zixin could say another word; he heard the cold and strict voice of Su Yuchen. He could feel fear pa.s.sing in his spine when he heard so much coldness in his voice.

He knew someone was going to die!

Someone was going to die today from the rage of Su Yuchen!

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