"Miss Xin, how are you feeling now?"

The doctor came to check up on Xin Mei before the end of his s.h.i.+ft.

"I am feeling fine doctor. Still some little pain is there. But I am fine."

The doctor nodded his head and checked her vitals.

"Doctor, when can I get discharged from the hospital?"

Xin Mei blinked and looked at him. "By tomorrow morning. You can get discharged right now, but I will prefer for you to stay here for the night so we can keep a check upon you."

"Ok doctor." Xin Mei nodded.

"And when will her cast be removed?" Su Yuchen asked the question which Xin Mei was about to ask.

"Hardly a week. She does not need a cast but we have cast it around her hand for precaution purpose."

They nodded their heads and send off the doctor. Once the doctor was gone, Su Yuchen helped Xin Mei in falling asleep. He sang a lullaby for her and combed her hair with his fingers. He was continuously combing her hair until she fell asleep.

Once Xin Mei was asleep, Su Yuchen called to Huang Chu.

"Huang Chu, meet me outside the room of Xin Mei."

"Boss, I will be there in fifteen minutes."

After arriving in front of the room of Xin Mei, Huang Chu messaged to Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen walked out of the room and looked at Huang Chu.

His demure changed completely. Again, a cold aura was enveloped around him. His surroundings was speaking danger.

"Any report?"

"Yes boss, we have found the person who was responsible for the breakdown of the rope. For some money, he had tampered with the ropes. He was about to leave the city when we caught him." Huang Chu reported.

"And who was behind all this." Su Yuchen asked in a furious voice. He clutched his fist hard in rage.

"Boss, that man was taking the name of Fang Lin, a.s.sistant of missus but the second master said that Fang Lin cannot do this. So, we applied torture to that man and he confessed that Miss Zhou was the one behind it."

"Zhou Mingyu….again that Zhou Mingyu…." Su Yuchen yelled in fury. He would not leave that girl anymore.

"Huang Chu, blacklist her. Revenge should be the last movie in her career. She should not be able to get any role, not even a single role. Cancel all her commercials and contracts." He spoke with ruthlessness.

"Noted boss." Huang Chu nodded his head.

"Also, I want you to contact Zhou corporations that we want them to construct a hospital for us. Let, Zhou Corporation invest their everything in constructing a hospital for us. Let them do their everything. Keep the terms of compensation on breach very high and when the hospital is ready, do something that they will not be able to fulfil the contract.

"It"s the time I bring Zhou corporations to their end. I want Zhou Mingyu and her family to suffer." Eyes of Su Yuchen were filled with cruelty. He looked at Huang Chu from the corner of his eyes.

"You know what kind of contract you have to prepare, right?" he asked with a heartless smile on his lips.

"Yes boss, I know. Now I will take your leave. Tomorrow morning, you will have the sample contract in your mail."

Huang Chu again bowed. He was about to leave the hospital when he heard the voice of Su Yuchen.

"Huang Chu, I have changed my mind. Don"t blacklist Zhou Mingyu." An evil smile appeared on the lips of Su Yuchen. "I want you to do the opposite. Let Zhou Mingyu get selected for each movie or series for which she will be applying."

Huang Chu frowned when he heard his boss.

"I want her to celebrate for the roles which will never be hers. I want her to wait for the call of production house for sighing the contract. I want her to wait on sets that her turn to shoot will be coming but at the nick of time, I want everyone to replace her with some other junior artist."

"I want to give her the happiness of getting a role and then want to see the same getting s.n.a.t.c.hed from her. I want to make her suffer in my way." He spoke with calmness but Huang Chu could detect mercilessness in his voice.

"Ok boss."

Su Yuchen nodded his head and watched Huang Chu leaving the hospital.

Su Yuchen so wanted to replace Zhou Mingyu from the movie revenge but it could directly affect on the career of Xin Mei. He did not want her first movie to have any problems.

"Zhou Mingyu, You have done the biggest mistake of your life by scheming against my wife from time to time." Su Yuchen spoke under his breath.

Next day, Xin Mei was discharged from the hospital in the morning. She was unaware of what Su Yuchen had done last night.

"Hubby, you don"t need to carry me." Xin Mei protested when Su Yuchen carried her in his arms.

"Why not? Your knees are injured. I can"t let you walk with injured knees."

Su Yuchen ignored all the protestations of Xin Mei and carried her in his arms. When the hospital appointed a nurse to look after Xin Mei, he also rejected her.

"Xin Mei doesn"t need a nurse. I am here to look after my wife. I am sure I can look after her in the way no nurse can do." He declared.

He Lin also offered she could s.h.i.+ft in his mansion and look after Xin Mei but Su Yuchen also declined her request.

"Mother, I can look after her. As a husband, I must tender my wife when she is wounded."

He Lin smiled when she heard Su Yuchen. She could hear the determination in his voice. Therefore, she also did not force him for the nurse or her s.h.i.+ft.

Xin Mei felt her heart beating fast when she heard Su Yuchen. She had never heard before that a husband looked after his wife; it was also another way around.

However, look at her husband, she thought wasn"t he so caring and loving?

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