Another five days went by from the moment Su Yuchen had made love with Xin Mei and somewhere he was feeling guilty.

How could he make love to her when she was still wounded?

Where Xin Mei would always shook her head whenever she saw that worried expression on his face.

The doctor had already given Xin Mei a green signal, in his words, Su Yuchen had looked after Xin Mei with so much care and love that her wounds had healed in less than two weeks.

However, Su Yuchen wasn"t ready to hear him. Even when Xin Mei was all fine, he didn"t let her out of the bed. She wanted to visit back to the sets for shooting but it was a big no from him.

Last day, Xin Mei had invited Gu Nan to her home for some time pa.s.s. While talking, Gu Nan had accidentally a.s.serted pressure on the hand of Xin Mei.

Nothing happened to Xin Mei, she didn"t felt pain but it was Su Yuchen who fumed with anger. He yelled at Gu Nan and scared the poor girl away.

"Huang Chu, I have already told you that I am not coming to the office and my decision is final. I don"t want you or someone to call me again." Su Yuchen yelled over the phone.

"But boss…" Huang Chu spoke with nervousness. "Mister Andrew and his partners had especially visited the office to meet you. They want to deal with you. We can"t decline them like this. Our company will suffer a big loss if you don"t come to office to meet them."

"Not my problem." Su Yuchen spoke without emotion. "It was their problem that they come here without any advance information."

"Boss…but...they had informed…us beforehand." Huang Chu stuttered in fear. On one side Su Yuchen was yelling at him and on the another side the American clients were looking at him with anger.

"I don"t remember and I am not coming. I don"t care about the loss and…" before he could speak anything else, his phone was s.n.a.t.c.hed away by Xin Mei.

"Huang Chu, he is coming in thirty minutes. Prepare for the meeting." Xin Mei spoke with full authority.

Huang Chu sighed when he heard his female boss. He thanked her before hanging up the call.

"What was that Xin Mei?" Su Yuchen fumed and looked at Xin Mei.

"A way to send you away." Xin Mei placed her hand on her hips and looked at Su Yuchen. "I am bored of seeing your face all day. So, I am planning to send you back to your office."

 "Really wifey?" Su Yuchen raised a brow and looked at her.

"Really?" Xin Mei blinked her eyes teasingly. "Now, go, go, and go…leave me alone."

Xin Mei pushed Su Yuchen towards the bathroom. "Give me some independence by going to the office. I am bored with your naggings from last two weeks."

"Wifey, I didn"t nag this much." Su Yuchen mocked hurt in his voice.

"Yes, you did. Now go….besides, I want you to get this deal. You have to earn a lot of money for me. You know your wife loves to spend money."

Su Yuchen chuckled when he heard her. "I am earning for you only my love However, I also know you don"t love to spend my money. You are not a money spender like other girls."

"But still, you have to earn money for me. You can"t let this deal go. Now please go into the bathroom and get changed."

After many persuasions, Xin Mei was successful in sending Su Yuchen to the office. He wasn"t ready to leave Xin Mei but when he saw she was all fit and fine now and all stubborn to send him off, he had to fulfil her command.

After sending off Su Yuchen, Xin Mei took a deep breath in relief. She did some work which was forbidden to her by Su Yuchen.

She plucked out lots of flowers from the garden and made a bunch with them. She placed them inside the vase. She also arranged her dresses in her walk-in closet while humming and dancing.

After doing her silly courses, Xin Mei decided to cook lunch. It had been so long that she had cooked.

She played music at the highest volume; she started to hum the song. She started to dance while singing the song.

On the other side, it was so hard for Su Yuchen to sit straight through out the meeting. From last week, he had become habitual of spending his each second with Xin Mei and now it was hard for him to sit through a single meeting.

"Arghh! What am I suppose to do now?" he sighed. "One day or another, Xin Mei will return to her professional life then what will I be doing. I can"t glue Xin Mei by my side for all the time!"

"Mister Su, You don"t seem to be attentive in the meeting." His clients commented.

"You are correct Mister Andrew. I am thinking about my wife who was injured not a long back. I am in a hurry to finish the meeting so I can return by her side in the shortest time."

His clients were impressed when they heard him. It was rare for them to see a husband who worried about his wife, more than a billion dollars deal.

"Mister Su, we can see you are in a hurry. So we will not waste much of your time." The clients nodded their head and very quickly wind up the meeting.

After sending off his clients from his company and ordered Huang Chu to send them off to the airport, Su Yuchen made his way back home.

When he entered inside the house, he frowned upon seeing Xin Mei in the kitchen. He marched towards the kitchen and carried her in his arms.

"What are you doing?" Xin Mei squealed and started to protest.

"Carrying you to our room wifey. I have not left you for three hours and you are already doing work. This is not done." He shook his head with dissatisfaction.

"I have told you. I have recovered properly. I no longer need a bed rest. You cannot take me to our room. You can"t kidnap me." Xin Mei yelled and held upon the handle of kitchen cabinet. "I am not going out of the kitchen and it"s final."

"Xin Mei, leave that handle right now."

"I am not leaving it."

"Leave it."




"Xin Mei, don"t be stubborn and illogical." Su Yuchen glared at her.

"I am not illogical. You are being illogical and extra protective husband. I have already recovered but you don"t let me do anything." Xin Mei yelled with irritation. "Su Yuchen, leave me right now otherwise, the next time I suffer some sickness or injury, I will ask mother and father to take me to their home."

Xin Mei warned and glared at him. Su Yuchen glared back at her. They both were not taking the name of stepping back.

In last, Su Yuchen sighed and dropped Xin Mei on the ground. "You are very stubborn you know."

"I am not as stubborn as you. You have caged me like a gla.s.s doll from past one week. You do not let me do anything; you also do not let me go to the studio for filming. I am h.e.l.l bored." She groaned with irritation.

Su Yuchen himself was aware that Xin Mei had fully recovered now. However, his heart was not ready to let Xin Mei do any work. He still wanted to look after her.

At last, Su Yuchen did not have any more options except for accepting that Xin Mei had recovered and he could no longer bind her on his bed.

He had to let her do whatever she wanted.

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