With each pa.s.sing second, Xin Mei has becoming more nervous and afraid. 

What was her husband planning?

When was he going to take her to the exhibition? It was already afternoon and there was no message or call from him.

Was he bluffing with her that he would take her to the exhibition and that too publicly?

"Xin Mei, where are you lost?" Tang Min asked when he saw Xin Mei was distracted from the morning.

Today, most of the scenes were in between Tang Min and Xin Mei. Tang Min was very excited about it but Xin Mei was lost somewhere from the morning onwards.

Tang Min could feel that she was not putting her 100 percent in the acting like usual. She was also distracted during the breaks in between their scenes.

"Family problem." Xin Mei made a quick excuse and shook her head. Su Zixin looked at Xin Mei from afar. He very well knew the reason for her distraction. He also wanted to know what his brother was planning.

"Oh ok." Tang Min nodded his head. "If you want you can share your problem with me. If possible, I will try my best to help your family."

"There is no need for that." Xin Mei smiled at him. "Now shall we practice the scene before filming?"

Tang Min and Xin Mei practiced the scenes before informing about the same to director Zhang. Director Zhang asked everyone to take their positions and they started to film their scenes.

Tang Min and Xin Mei were engrossed in their scene when Su Yuchen arrived on the sets. He looked at Tang Min and Xin Mei and frowned.

Why was it that most of the scene which he had watched were of Xin Mei and Tang Min?

And why did he feel so insecure whenever he watched Tang Min so close to Xin Mei?

Director Zhang who was directing the scene glanced in the direction of Su Yuchen. His eyes went wide with surprise and excitement when he saw Su Yuchen. He was about to call cut when Su Yuchen signalled him to not do so.

Su Yuchen wrapped his arm around his chest and looked at his wife and Tang Min. For the current scene, Tang Min and Xin Mei were fighting with one another but still Su Yuchen felt a bitter taste in his mouth.

Su Zixin smiled teasingly when he saw the black expression on the face of Su Yuchen. Sneakily, he also clicked a photo of his brother. Oh, how much he loved to see his brother jealous. It made him feel that his brother was finally happy and had moved on from Mian.

After clicking few photos of Su Yuchen, Su Zixin walked towards Su Yuchen. He acted as if they were stranger and greeted one another.

"Chen Bai, will you accompany me to the manager"s room for a minute." Su Yuchen spoke in on breath and looked at Su Zixin. He again turned his eyes and looked at Tang Min. Tang Min was now holding onto the arms of Xin Mei.

Su Zixin nodded his head and walked with Su Yuchen to the manager"s room. Su Yuchen securely locked the door and looked at Su Zixin.

"What do you think about Tang Min?" Su Yuchen asked without beating around the bushes.

"Brother, you look so good when you are jealous." Su Zixin teased and chuckled. The full-blown grin was there on his lips.

"Stop teasing me and answer my question." Su Yuchen glared at him. "Do you want me to give you some other punishment?"

Su Zixin gulped when he heard his brother. All teasing smile left from his lips. He so wanted to tease his brother but alas…his brother knew how to pull his weak nerves.

"Tang Min is a heartbreaker. He changes his girlfriends after his every movie. His name is attached to his every co-star."

"Just like you?" Su Yuchen raised his brow and looked at Su Zixin.

"Nah, I am much better than Tang Min." Su Zixin scoffed. "Tang Min had broken many hearts where I have broken only one heart. But I will advise you to not worry about Xin Mei. Xin Mei knows how to handle Tang Min. Xin Mei is in the film industry for a long time, she knew what kind of man Tang Min is. Besides, she is not the one to cheat…"

"I know she will never cheat on me." Su Yuchen cut him off. "I want to know about Tang Min. I don"t want any man to cast bad eyes on my wife."

"Oh, don"t worry about that. As far as I know, Tang Min can pursuit Xin Mei but he would never force himself on her. So, do not worry from his side. I am also here to save her from his eyes."

Su Yuchen nodded his head when he heard Su Zixin. There were still some doubts in his heart about Tang Min but he had to gulp them down. He could not be jealous for every co-star of his wife.

Xin Mei finished her scene with Tang Min and again everyone praised them. Tang Min smiled when he heard the praises. 

She walked towards her seat and took her seat. Fang Lin immediately rushed towards her with a bottle of fresh juice. On the other side, director Zhang rushed towards the room of manager to officially greet Su Yuchen.

"Xin Mei, do you know mister Su is present on the sets at this very moment." 

Xin Mei nearly spat out the juice when she heard the squeal of Fang Lin. She looked at her with wide eyes.

What was Su Yuchen doing here?

"I don"t know what he is doing here. I am sure the director had rushed to meet him only. Ah, he is such a great sight to watch. I am sure his wife will be very lucky to marry him." 

Fang Lin was praising Su Yuchen. She was unaware of the reactions of Xin Mei towards her talks. Xin Mei was feeling shocked and then jealous when she heard Fang Lin. 

Her husband was a really good sight to the eyes but only she could watch him, no one as!

In her mind, she pouted and wrapped her arms around her chest. Only she could ogle at her husband and only she could praise him. Huh!

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