"Well, well, well. Look who is here?" Zhou Mingyu snarled when she saw Xin Mei.

Her career was nearly at the brink of an end with every contract slipping out of hand, unexpectedly. Her management company had also decreased their attention to her and the reason for all this was Xin Mei.

"Aren"t you shameless Xin Mei? Everyone is slandering you, calling you names but still you dared to show your face and that too with senior Chen."

Chen Bai was about to step forward and took a stand for Xin Mei when she stopped him with her eyes.

"Zhou Mingyu," Xin Mei smirked and then looked at Qian Fan who was accompanying her. "I have learned how to be a shameless person from you only. The push and "Zhou is unethical" is still very fresh but still, you have dared to come here. Aren"t you also a shameless here?"

Zhou Mingyu fumed when she heard the mock in the voice of Xin Mei. Zhou Mingyu was about to yell at Xin Mei when she was abruptly cut off…

"And about my presence here, I have done nothing wrong. So why should I hide my face? It should be you who should be hiding your face." Xin Mei spoke with a sweet and innocent smile on her face which irked Zhou Mingyu.

"By the way, what are you doing here? Don"t tell me you are here to do some charity to improve your image?" Xin Mei fake gasped and placed her hand over her mouth. Her eyes also became wide. "But from where will you get so much money to buy anything? I have heard, you have already deposited most of your savings in your flop management company."

"Xin Mei, are you calling me poor?" Zhou Mingyu grinded her teeth. Her eyes were spitting fire.

"I called you poor, when? I didn"t call you poor Zhou Mingyu. It"s you who think that you have become poor after spending all your savings in his management company." Xin Mei pointed towards the Qian Fan.

Zhou Mingyu wanted to come up with a fitting reply for Xin Mei but before she could find one, Xin Mei stepped dangerously close to her and leaned close to her ears.

"A free advice Zhou Mingyu, leave this ball with head held high because I know you will not be able to bought anything from here. I know you and I know your standards. So, leave before embarra.s.sing yourself any further."

Xin Mei smiled when she saw the expressions which she expected on the face of Zhou Mingyu. She stood straight and walked past a very angry Zhou Mingyu.

Meanwhile, Qian Fan was busy in admiring Xin Mei. Oh, how he wished if he could get her back. Today, she looked so ravis.h.i.+ng and he wished if he was escorting her not Su Zixin.

He clutched his fist as he thought about all the news pieces of the relation of Chen Bai and Xin Mei. He also saw their old photos, he felt cheated and that was when he realized the real feelings of Xin Mei, her feelings when he had cheated her.

Xin Mei and Su Zixin were randomly walking in the ballroom when their paths crossed with that of Chang Xinyi. Xin Mei was waiting for this moment only.

"Chang Xinyi, you and your fans have slandered my image very badly. They have called me with many names and now it"s my turn to get the revenge." She thought.

"You bi*ch, how dare of you to s.n.a.t.c.h my Chen Bai from me? Not only you have s.n.a.t.c.hed my Chen Bai, but you are also flaunting your fake love in front of my eyes. Don"t you have any shame?"

Chang Xinyi started to act the moment she saw Xin Mei. She first yelled at her and then started to cry, trying to gain pity and sympathy from the guests who were present in the ballroom.

"Xin Mei, please return my Chen Bai to me. I love him very much." She sobbed loudly and fell on the floor. "Please return him to me."

She started to knock her head on the floor in front of Xin Mei.

All this while, Xin Mei was looking at her drama with a calm expression on her face. Every guest started to gossip about her being heartless who didn"t care about another person.

"Director Zhang praised her so much for having a good and big heart, but look at her, she seems so heartless. She didn"t have any pity for Chang Xinyi who is crying on her feet." One director said to another director.

"At first, I was not ready to believe gossips but now I think, maybe she got her role with the help of Chen Bai. Maybe director Zhang is forced to praise her to keep Chen Bai in his film."

Xin Mei noticed the reaction of everyone before looking at Chang Xinyi. She clapped her hand and started to laugh.

"Good act Chang Xinyi. If you have acted like this on the big screen, then I am sure your lap will get filled with many awards. From so long, you are accusing me of s.n.a.t.c.hing Chen Bai from you. Your fans are accusing that I am with him to get his fame and name but why were you with him. Do your fans know about your real intention to become a girl of Chen Bai?"

 "Chang Xinyi, let me show you a video, the same video which I have shown to Chen Bai three years back, the reason he broke up with you."

And with that, Xin Mei played a video on her mobile.

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