The video which Xin Mei had played in the auction ball went viral like a fire. Everyone was talking about it and they came to know the real face of Chang Xinyi. Earlier, the people who were pitying her had started to feel disgusted toward her.

"I didn"t think that a vicious girl like her was hidden behind such a pitiful face."

"Change Xinyi should leave this film industry. The film industry doesn"t need a poisonous snake like her."

"I hate myself for trusting this Xinyi. She is worse than any human in the world. How can she let her fans bully another person when she was the real culprit herself?"

Fans of Chang Xinyi were also feeling angry towards her. They had supported her and said bad about Xin Mei only to get a result that their idol was wrong all along.

Fans of Chen Bai were also angry at Chang Xinyi who dared to cheat their husband. They didn"t stay behind from posting many bad posts about Chang Xinyi.

The whole chapter of Chang Xinyi was closed but still, everyone was talking about the relation of Xin Mei and Chen Bai. Their followers had increased to multiple levels. No one was ready to believe that they were just good friends.

"Why can"t they understand that Xin Mei is my friend, we are not in a relations.h.i.+p?" Su Zixin groaned and pulled his hairs when he saw the latest articles about himself and Xin Mei from the auction ball.

Later in the evening, he decided to do a press conference. He wanted to come clean in front of media that Xin Mei and he were only just friends. He didn"t want his name to be attached with the girl whom he treated as his sister and who was the wife of his brother.

Besides, Xin Mei was already married. He didn"t want any black dot on her once she officially announces her marriage with Su Yuchen.

"Chen Bai, I don"t think it"s a good idea for you to organize a press conference." Song Zhang nearly went in shock when he heard that Chen Bai wanted to organize a solo press conference.

"Why not, boss Song? You are denying my press conference from the starting, but I think it"s the best way to put an end to the news that I don"t have any affair with Xin Mei. I am calling for a press conference and that"s final." Su Zixin declared stubbornly.

On the other side, Song Zhang wanted to puke blood when he heard Su Zixin. Condition of Xin Mei was no less when Gu Nan called her and informed her that Chen Bai had invited everyone, including her for a press conference.

"What is this Su Zixin planning now? Does he want me to get murdered? I thought now we were on non fighting terms. Then why is he doing this conference?" Xin Mei ma.s.saged her head and felt a headache.

Solo press conferences by Chen Bai were always a disaster. He also had anger in his blood and most of the times, during a press conference, he had ended up giving wrong statements due to his anger.

Two years back, he had organized a press conference to make it clear that he and Li Hua, his girlfriend of that time broke up with mutual consent and they were still friends. But during a press conference, he got so angry upon hearing questions of reporters that he yelled,

"Yes, she cheated on me, so what? She cheated me not you."

The result of his single statement was that every fan of Chen Bai had slandered Li Hua very badly. She was forced to leave the film industry and within one month, she was married to a man who lived overseas.

This was not the only instance. Xin Mei thought of his fans as a killer for no other reason. A director was also forced to leave the film industry only because of the verbal force of Su Zixin"s fans.

"Now what will happen to me?" Xin Mei thought. "Please, Su Zixin. Please don"t give any wrong statement at the press conference which ends my career at this very moment."

Su Zixin was also aware about the effects which his press conference could have on Xin Mei. It could either destroy her career or could improve her image.

He had already done breathing exercises and had motivated himself to not get angry during the press conference. He didn"t want to do any blunder which would make him regret for his whole life.

"Chen Bai, everything is ready." Song Zhang informedĀ  to him.

Su Zixin nodded his head and walked inside the small hall where a representative from every news channel and newspaper company was present.

"Thank you everyone, for coming here today." Su Zixin thanked everyone with a polite smile on his lips.

At the same time, reporters started to ask multiple questions from him, without thinking that Su Zixin wanted to say something. Reporters also wanted to anger Su Zixin, to get some gossipy and juicy news.

"Everyone, silence." Su Zixin angrily raised his hand. "I have called this press conference to put forward my feelings, not to answer your questions. So, if you are here to ask questions from me, then you can leave."

His voice was full of anger and seriousness. Each reporter became afraid when they heard him. Hall became completely silent and everyone looked at Su Zixin, hearing him attentively.

"I have arranged this press conference to clarify that I am not in a relations.h.i.+p with Xin Mei." He declared in a clear and crisp voice. "I was never in a relations.h.i.+p and never will be in a relations.h.i.+p with her. She is like a little sister to me."

Murmurs filled in the hall when reporters heard the announcement of Chen Bai. His fans who were watching the live stream of his press conference also felt sad upon hearing his announcement.

Su Yuchen was also watching the live press conference and he felt happy that Su Zixin was finally clearing this rumours. He was also praying for his younger brother to not do any blunder.

"Zixin, no one will be worse than me you if dared to do any disastrous act against my Xin Mei just like you did with your other co-stars." He dangerously threated under his breath and at that same time Su Zixin hiccupped loudly in his press conference.

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