Xin Mei walked towards the cabin of TingTing and took her place on the spare couch. She picked up a magazine and started to read it while waiting for TingTing who had gone to photoshoot of her other artist.

Xin Mei was exploring the magazine when she received a message. She picked up her phone and checked the message and again a creepy feeling settled in her heart.

"Love, I knew that there is nothing in between you and Chen Bai. Now, I am feeling more relaxed. Soon you will be mine. I will make you mine."

Xin Mei sighed and deleted the message and blocked yet again another number. She looked at her blacklist which had more than 50+ blocked numbers.

"Xin Mei, you have arrived." TingTing smiled when she saw Xin Mei. She took her seat on her seat and drunk some water. "Come here, I have received some new a.s.signment for you. Check if you like them or not."

TingTing pa.s.sed some scripts and advertis.e.m.e.nts but Xin Mei rejected all of them.

"Why have you rejected all of them?" TingTing asked with shock. "I think this movie will suit you the most."

"TingTing, I don"t want to partic.i.p.ate in any of these movies. They will be directed by the directors who had slandered me in the ball. Now, I don"t wish to work with them. They can"t insult me at one occasion and can"t ask me to work with them on another occasion."

TingTing nodded her head and sighed. "Ok, no problem. I will search for another a.s.signment for you."

The next day, Su Zixin and Xin Mei were again called by TingTing, in her office and that too together.

"Now what happened?" Xin Mei groaned. "Zixin, is there any news about us, again?"

"Nopes," Su Zixin denied. He had already checked his social media account.

"Then why have TingTing called us together?"

"We will know only after reaching her office."

They reached the heritage and in the office of TingTing. Song Zhang was also present in the office.

"What happened boss Song? Don"t tell me there is another scandal about us even when I had taken such a strong step like leaving my fan club." Su Zixin groaned and looked at both managers sitting in front of him.

"It"s nothing like that," TingTing spoke. "We have received contracts from two companies. They want both of you to act in their advertis.e.m.e.nt. First is this gaming company...."

TingTing pa.s.sed a file to them. "Zoxo gaming company has opened its game zones called "gaming all night" and it wants both of you to do a live game stream from their game zone. They want you to promote their newly opened game zone."

"Not accepted." Both Su Zixin and Xin Mei denied together.

"Why not? Zoxo will give you both twenty million each for playing the game for one night." Song Zhang very smartly threw the bait in front of Su Zixin. He was aware of Su Zixin"s financial condition.

"what twenty million for one night?" Su Zixin jumped from his seat when he heard Song Zhang. Twenty million was a lot for an advertis.e.m.e.nt. Usually, it was only ten to fifteen million.

"Song Zhang, I am ready to do this live stream. You only have to tell me when and where. I don"t care if Xin Mei will be there or not." He spoke with eagerness in his voice. He could already imagine how he was going to utilize that money.

"That"s the trick here. Zoxo games want both of you or none of you. Your fan base has reached the sky and Zoxo games wants to use your fame. Not only that, they are impressed with your partners.h.i.+p which you used when completing the latest game of gamers zone within one night."

Su Zixin quickly turned his attention towards Xin Mei and looked at her with puppy eyes.

"I am not doing live streaming." She raised her hands in surrender. "You know how I look when I am engrossed in playing games and I don"t want to come in front of public eyes in that look."

When playing games, Xin Mei looked no less than a monster. Her hairs become undone and a vicious smile would adore her lips. Not only that, but her sitting posture was also laugh worthy.

"Oh, come on Xin Mei. Please agree with this advertis.e.m.e.nt. We will get twenty million with a single live stream. Twenty million!" he pleaded desperately.

"I am still in a denial. I am not doing this live stream." She stubbornly wrapped her arms around her chest. She then looked at TingTing. "TingTing, what"s another a.s.signment?"

"It"s a chocolate company. They will pay you only five million each, but they will give you a free card using which you can purchase unlimited chocolate of their brand for free, for the next year."

"Wow, really, free chocolate? This is heaven." Xin Mei squealed with excitement.

"This time, I will not do this advertis.e.m.e.nt." Su Zixin pouted and wrapped his arms around his chest.

"Oh, come on Su…Chen Bai, we will get free chocolates with this advertis.e.m.e.nt. Free chocolates!" Xin Mei shrilled.

"So, what? I care about the money which this advertis.e.m.e.nt will not give to me."

"Alright, you want money, I get it. I will do the live game streaming with you and you, this chocolate advertis.e.m.e.nt with me." Xin Mei came to a compromise.

"Good idea." Su Zixin grinned and both Xin Mei and he shook their hands in a deal.

TingTing and Song Zhang both shook their hands when they saw them. Both acted more like a brother and sister instead of a couple. They were fools to call them lovers.

When Xin Mei came out from the cabin of TingTing. She walked towards the wall-size window opposite to her cabin. She placed her hand over the gla.s.s and looked out of the window, letting warm rays of sun wash over her.

She was watching the cars moving on the road when she saw some black cars and again a bad feeling filled in her heart. Her heart sunk when she remembered the flashes of her dream.

Without waiting or a second, she dialled the number of Su Yuchen.

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