With two big horns on her head, Xin Mei looked at the uninvited guest who was grinning widely. Xin Mei looked at the face which she was bored with watching from the last few days.

She thought she wouldn"t see that face today but here he was, Su Zixin was standing in the living room with his very famous grin on his face.

"Bai"er." He Lin squealed like a school girl when she saw it was Su Zixin who had arrived at her home. She was grinning from ear to ear. "Aunty I have missed you so much."

"I missed you so badly, Aunty. Especially the food cooked by your hands. You cook such a delicious food."

"Ah, my cooking is nothing to be praised by you." He Lin blushed when she heard Su Zixin.

He Lin pulled Su Zixin towards the couch in the living room and started to talk with him. Xin Mei looked at her mother who now was ignoring her completely.

"Didn"t mother say that she has a lot of talks to do with me and she will not leave me for the whole evening and then night? What happened now?"

Xin Mei pouted and looked at her mother who had forgotten all about her existence.

"Mother, now you are ignoring me for your Bai"er." Xin Mei complained and looked at He Lin who was ignoring her.


Xin Mei tried to gain the attention of her mother, she also tried to interrupt the conversation of Su Zixin and her mother, but her mother ignored her every time. She was engrossed in hearing to Chen Bai.

Xin Mei fumed with anger and sadness when she saw her mother ignoring her like this.

"Mother, keep talking with your Chen Bai. You don"t care about me. Now I am leaving." She angrily stood up from the couch and wore her warmer. She looked at her mother who was still focused on talking with Chen Bai.

"Mother, I am leaving." She raised her voice. "And I will not return anytime soon."

Xin Mei sighed deeply when she was again faced by the ignorance of He Lin.

On the other side, Su Zixin was grinning widely in his heart. Xin Mei had taken his time and love of his brother and now he had taken the time of his mother. t.i.t for tat!

Xin Mei angrily stomped her feet and made her way towards the main gate. She was continuously murmuring curses toward Su Zixin and was scolding her mother.

"Hey, hey, hey, are you running away without meeting your brother?" Xin Yan who just returned home stopped his sister at the door. He was about to say something but stopped when he saw a dark cloud above her head.

He and Xin Jin both exchanged eye lock and then looked at her.

"Xiao Mei has Chen"er again angered you?" Xin Jin asked lovingly.

"No, it"s your wife who has angered me." Xin Mei pouted and wrapped her arms around her chest. Tears filled in her eyes. "She is ignoring me for her Bai"er."

Xin Jin shook his head when he heard Xin Mei. He could understand the sadness she was feeling. He Lin treated Chen Bai as her second son and she was ought to forget about Xin Jin or anyone else for him.

"Ignore your mother Xiao Mei. You know her. Come in and talk with me. I have so much to talk to you." Xin Jin wrapped his arms around her daughter and pulled her inside the house. "Xiao Yan, there is some ice-cream in the refrigerator. Bring some for Xiao Mei."

Xin Yan obediently nodded his head and rushed to retrieve some ice-cream to cool down the anger of Xin Mei.

Xin Jin and Xin Mei took their seats on the couch opposite to where He Lin was sitting. They started to talk on the random topics, about her filming, about Su Yuchen, about Xin corporation and other things.

Xin Yan also joined them in their conversation and he played jokes in between to make Xin Mei laugh and make her mood light.

During dinner, Xin Mei again felt bad when she saw her mother feeding Su Zixin from her hand.

"Father, isn"t mother overdoing it? She is reacting as if I don"t exist." She pouted.

"Ignore her, Xin Mei. Let me feed you." Xin Jin patted on her head with love. Then he started to lovingly feed her food.

Later, Xin Jin and Xin Mei walked towards her room. They talked for some time before Xin Jin retrieved a storybook from the old wardrobe of Xin Mei.

"Let me recite a story for you."

"Father," Xin Mei groaned. "I am no longer a baby who would sleep after hearing a story from you. From the time, I can remember, you are reciting this same story for me."

"Xiao Mei, let me again recite this story for you." He lovingly looked at her.

Xin Mei sighed and let her father fulfil his silly demand. Xin Jin grinned and started to recite Cinderella"s story for Xin Mei.

They were in the middle of the story when He Lin arrived in her room, after bidding off to Su Zixin.

"Father tell her that I will not talk with her. I am very angry with her." Xin Mei pouted and wrapped her arms around her chest.

He Lin guiltily smiled and walked towards her daughter. "I am sorry, Xiao Mei. But you also know how much I love Bai"er."

"And you don"t love me. That"s why you ignored me for him. I was here to talk with you and have my head ma.s.saged but you ignored me. Go away, talk with your Bai"er. I will not talk to you."

He Lin sighed and took her seat beside the head of Xin Mei. She gently placed the head of Xin Mei on her lap. She started to ma.s.sage her head and also started a conversation, but Xin Mei kept ignoring her.

For how long was she going to ignore her mother? Soon enough, Xin Mei started to talk with her mother. She wrapped her arms around the waist of He Lin, hidden her face in her stomach and fell asleep.

A black car was zooming on the deserted streets at a very fast speed. The driver inside was humming the music and was tapping on the steering wheel of the car. He was also whistling happily.

All of a sudden, he didn"t know what happened and loud lights were flashed in front of him. It seemed he lost all the control over his car and the car collided with a tree with a huge bang.

The driver gate of the car got opened and Su Yuchen fell from his seat. His whole face was covered with blood and his breathing was shallow.

There was no other vehicle on the road except for his car, there was no one around to help the dying him!

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