"Yuchen, now what do you want to give to me?" Xin Mei knitted her brows in confusion. "Already, you have given me so many things. In the auction itself, I have received so many things from you."

Xin Mei looked at Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen had already given her so many gifts but still he wouldn"t listen to her.

"Here," Su Yuchen pulled out the diamond studs which he had purchased in the country S for her. "I know you like earrings. So, I brought them to you."

Xin Mei sighed and let him make her wear those earrings. 

"Beautiful." Su Yuchen commented when he saw the earnings which looked perfect in her ears.

"Yuchen, now you are spoiling me by giving me so many gifts."

"Haw…how did you get to know about my plan? This is what I always wanted to do." He grinned teasingly and shook his head. "This is your first gift, Mei. Many are still to come."

Eyes of Xin Mei became wide when she heard him. She looked at him and found him grinning from ear to ear. "Don"t be shocked. You will get them tomorrow only."

"Yuchen, you should not spend so much money on me." She scolded but Su Yuchen was nowhere to listen to her. 

The next day, when Su Yuchen woke up, he frowned to find his wife missing from the bed. It was still early in the morning so where was she gone.

He made his way towards the living room, in search of Xin Mei to find that all his guards including Huang Chu were standing in the living room. Xin Mei was giving instructions to them like a tough commando.

"Mei, what are you doing?" Su Yuchen asked. He walked towards her and stopped behind her.

"I am giving instructions to your guard. I can"t let the accident like country S to happen again." She grinned widely. "I have also given them many new rules which they need to follow. You are happy with my help, right?"

Xin Mei had called Huang Chu early in the morning with an order to bring all the guards to her mansion. From the last hour, she had given them multiple instructions on how to protect Su Yuchen.

"Very happy," Su Yuchen smiled to her. "Now go and get freshen up."

Xin Mei nodded her head and rushed towards her room. 

"Boss, should we follow the orders of missus?" one of the guards asked.

"Yes, you will." He replied leaving every other guard in shock. They all exchanged a look but didn"t say anything to him.

Later when Su Yuchen was going to his office, after giving many promises to Xin Mei, he regretted his single yes. 

"What are you doing?" he groaned when he saw two guards who had stuffed themselves inside the backside seat of the car, squeezing Su Yuchen in the centre.

"Orders of the missus, boss. She had asked us to always sit on either side of you during each car ride."

Su Yuchen groaned and closed his eyes. 

That wasn"t it, four black cars, full of guards was also following behind his car. When he reached his office, his guards formed a human wall around him. They didn"t let him take a single step before inspecting his area carefully.

Not only that, but in his cabin also two guards were on duty all the time. They were continuously taking security rounds of his cabin in full alertness.

His office staff also started to murmur seeing this sudden increase in the security around Su Yuchen. Everyone had their a.s.sumption and no one-legged behind in sharing about those a.s.sumptions with others.

"Do you know that boss have received a death warning from the mafia?"

"I have heard boss had angered the daughter of mafia head. Now he is after the boss"s head."

"I have heard that the security forces of country S is after the boss. He has angered the president of the country S with his att.i.tude."

In his cabin, Su Yuchen was feeling headache due to the gossips about international attacks on him and on seeing two guards standing beside his head all the time.

"I free you from your duty. Now you can leave." He dismissed the guards.

Within one day, his guards were able to p.i.s.s him off very badly. That was why he always let only Shadow guards follow him. Not some other guards.

"But boss, it"s the order of missus." The guard looked at Su Yuchen with a conflicted expression on his face.

"I will deal with her, now leave, hurry and go." Su Yuchen hurriedly sent off the guards.

If only he had known what commands his wife had given the guards then he wouldn"t have dared to agree with all her instructions. 

"Where are your guards?" Xin Mei looked behind Su Yuchen when she didn"t see any guard following him.

"Do you want them to follow me in the house also?" Su Yuchen raised his right brow.

"Yup." Xin Mei nodded her head. "They are to follow you till you reach to me."

Su Yuchen sighed when he heard her. "Mei, I don"t need so many guards to follow after me all the time."


Su Yuchen walked behind her and back hugged her. "Don"t worry. I have called my team of special shadow guards. They are experts, and they would not let anything happen to me. I can"t let other big men follow after me all the time. You don"t know but many gossips have been formed in the office within one day."

And with that, Su Yuchen told her about all the gossips which made Xin Mei chuckle.

"Ok, I will let your guards to not follow my instructions but at one condition!"


"I want to meet your special guard"s force."

"Ok." Su Yuchen smiled. "Now let me help my Mei in preparing dinner."

And with that, both started to prepare dinner. They were in between preparing the dinner when Su Yuchen received a call from his lawyer who wanted to see him. Su Yuchen let the lawyer inside the house.

"Mei, there are some papers for you to sign." Su Yuchen pushed forward the paper which his lawyer had brought for him.

"What are they?" Xin Mei frowned when she saw the agreements in the file given to her by the lawyer.

"Stop reading them and sign." Su Yuchen stopped her from reading the doc.u.ments. He pa.s.sed her a pen to sign the doc.u.ment.

Xin Mei frowned but nonetheless she signed the doc.u.ments. She lifted her head and looked at her husband who was giving an evil smile to her.

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