The next day, Xin Mei and Su Zixin were called to film for the chocolate advertis.e.m.e.nt. That advertis.e.m.e.nt was to be shoot in the school where a story of teenage love was to be described.

Su Zixin and Xin Mei both were wearing the school uniforms provided to them. They were looking young and cool just like normal students.

"Xiao Mei, you are looking so different from the way you looked during your school days." Su Zixin commented and looked at Xin Mei from up and down.

He had seen her two or three times in her school uniform before she left the schools for higher education.

"How so?" Xin Mei asked and raised her brows.

"In school, you were a dummy who used to wear those ugly long skirts, those big of yours, not to forget the braces around your teeth. You looked so ugly and nerd back then. But now you are looking like a real hottie of school." He grinned and winked in her direction.

"You…stop teasing me." Xin Mei rolled the script in her hand and slapped with the same roll on the head of Su Zixin. "Stop disturbing me, focus on your script."

Su Zixin chuckled and started to read his script.

Then when both were sitting in the cla.s.s, ready to give the shoots, Su Zixin got the feeling to remind the naughtiness which he used to do during his school days and his target was Xin Mei.

He started to move the bench of Xin Mei and pulled her ponytails a multiple of times. Later, he took a chalk from the chalk box and started to target her with them.

"You…stop playing with me." She gritted her teeth before throwing chalks in his direction.

Both started to fight like school kids and it was TingTing who separated them away from one another. 

Later, Xin Mei and Su Zixin gave their best performance in the chocolate advertis.e.m.e.nt and that was because Song Zhang had warned Su Zixin that he would not give him his cheque from this advertis.e.m.e.nt if he didn"t act seriously.

After the filming of the advertis.e.m.e.nt, Su Zixin was very happy to receive his pay check where Xin Mei was happy to receive the card using which she could buy unlimited chocolates.

When Su Yuchen and Su Zixin made their way towards the dining table to have their dinner. Both were shocked to find the table decorated with chocolate items.

There were m.u.f.fins, cakes, brownies, cookies…everything was made of chocolate. Even the milkshake.

"What is this, Mei? Is it the chocolate day today?" Su Yuchen asked and took his seat.

"Nah, it"s not a chocolate day. I had told you about my chocolate advertis.e.m.e.nt and today I got their card. So, I visited their showroom where I bought a lot of chocolates and decided to use them for baking some delicious treats." Xin Mei licked her lips and Su Yuchen chuckled.

That night, they ate a lots of chocolates, imagining it to be the chocolate day!

Later that night, Su Yuchen received a call from Huang Chu that he had found the person who was behind his attack. Su Yuchen asked him to come to his study.

Su Yuchen went to his study when Xin Mei followed behind him. Su Yuchen didn"t want her to follow him but she was nowhere to listen to him.

"Yuchen, I also want to know the name of the person who dared to plan a murder plan on you." She declared stubbornly and Su Yuchen sighed and let her follow him.

"Huang Chu, tell me the name of the person who was behind my accident." Su Yuchen ordered. 

Huang Chu looked at Xin Mei with conflicted expressions on his face. On getting permission, he started to speak.

"Boss, after our thorough investigations, we have found that Jiang family is after your accident."

The whole persona of Su Yuchen changed when he heard the name of the Jiang family. He could not believe that the Jiang family was after his accident. That family….!

"Huang Chu, are you sure?" he threatened which made Huang Chu s.h.i.+ver. He was feeling glad that he came prepared with all the evidence.

Xin Mei beside Su Yuchen also s.h.i.+vered when she heard the coldness in the voice of Su Yuchen. All of a sudden he had become the G.o.d of coldness. Aura around him had completely changed.

"I am sure boss, one hundred percent sure. The driver behind your accident woke up and after our torture, he took the name of Jiang Family. From our research also, we have found that the driver"s father was very close to Jiang"s."

"Huang Chu, I think someone else is trying to frame the Jiang family. Why would they use the son of their driver to attack me? They know it is a clear cut prove against them." 

Su Yuchen was not ready to believe that the Jiang family was behind his accident. He leaned against his office table and started to take a few deep breaths.

"I also thought about the same boss. But on further investigations, we have found that the driver was ready to kill himself and his car was also special, if we had delayed for even a second, then he would have exploded the car, ending himself as a proof."

Su Yuchen was still in denial when Huang Chu placed some more evidences in front of him.

Huang Chu gave him the evidences like bank statement of the driver where there was huge money transferred from Jiang"s, a CCTV video in which head of the Jiang family was giving orders to the driver to kill Su Yuchen.

There were also reports that Jiang family was trying to investigate about Su Yuchen in secret. Now they had also started to investigate about Xin Mei. They were again coming on the surface and their target was Su Yuchen.

"Boss, according to some reports, all the problems in country S were also created by the Jiang"s. They wanted to bring you there and plan this murder. They had planned many other schemes which our guards were able to stop on time."

Huang Chu pa.s.sed a report to Su Yuchen which held all the data that indeed Jiang"s had planned the murder plan on him.

Till now, the body of Su Yuchen had started to shook hard in rage. His eyes also turned dark and lines appeared on his forehead.

"Boss, any order to act against the Jiang family?"

"No, you may leave." Su Yuchen ordered and Huang Chu left without any further word.

"Yuchen, who is this Jiang family? Why are you in pain after hearing their name?" Xin Mei asked. 

Maybe no one would have identified the pain in his eyes or his heart but Xin Mei knew he was more in pain and agony then feeling angry, after hearing the name of Jiang family.

"Xin Mei, I am not in the right state of my mind. Can you please leave my office?" Su Yuchen spoke. 

He tried to control himself but Xin Mei could hear coldness and rudeness in his voice, caused by his pain. His hands were s.h.i.+vering and he clutched the table top hard to control his anger.

"How can I leave you when…."

"Please, leave, right now, Xin Mei." Su Yuchen yelled and looked at her with dark red eyes. Xin Mei s.h.i.+vered when she saw his dark eyes and heard his angry voice. She could feel those devilish vibes around him. She could also imagine red horns on his head.

"Xin Mei, I don"t want to say you something which will make me regret in the future. So please. Leave." He again yelled and pointed towards the door.

His voice was so authoritative and strict that Xin Mei meekly nodded her head and rushed out of the office. Her heart was beating fast because of the look on the face of Su Yuchen which she had seen just now. 

The very next second, she heard a loud crash from the office of Su Yuchen. He was breaking everything in his office because of his anger!

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