"What to do? What to do? What should I do now? My career is over. My career is over before its start. My reputation is tarnished. My revenge is over. How can I be so stupid? Argh! How can I?"

Su Yuchen calmly looked at the girl who was panicking in front of him. Her eyes held so much fear and nervousness. Her forehead had lines of frown. Sweat was dripping down from her forehead and traces of fear were evident of her face.

"How can I be so stupid to get planted by someone?"

Panicked voice of Xin Mei run in the ears of Su Yuchen who was looking at the face of Xin Mei with l.u.s.t. It was like her lips were calling for him to be kissed.

Within a second, he was imagining a lot of things which he wanted to do with her.

"What are you thinking Su Yuchen? It isn"t you. How can you get mesmerized so easily?" he chided himself.

With a lot of guts, Su Yuchen controlled his emotions. He clutched his fists tight and looked at Xin Mei. He wanted to reduce her panicked state but didn"t know-how.

With much hesitation, Su Yuchen held her shoulders.

"Don"t worry. Nothing will happen to you and your career. Trust me. No one will know about all this mash up. I will save your reputation and your career."

Voice of Su Yuchen held a determination which moved something in Xin Mei to stop her from panicking. Xin Mei looked in the eyes of Su Yuchen and didn"t know why but she trusted him.

She trusted this man who claimed to save her reputation.

"I will s.h.i.+ft out of this room immediately. You can take this room as yours. If someone asks you about the same then you can say that it was the staff"s mistake. Ok."

"Ok, but what about CCTVs? What if someone...….."

Before Xin Mei could complete, SU Yuchen interrupted her, "I will take care of everything. As I said, trust me. I will save your reputation."

Xin Mei gave a slight nod to the man in front of her. She knew that he was a rich man and she knew that now only he could save her. If someone caught her in his room, with him then her career was over. She was well aware of this unspoken role of the movie industry.

Many actresses had lost their blooming career because of their scandal of sleeping with some stranger, rich man or married man. She didn"t want to be among them especially before the start of her career.

Su Yuchen looked at the s.h.i.+vering hands of Xin Mei and felt like something was pinching his heart. He felt fear and panic of Xin Mei to be his fear and panic.

He shook his head before standing up from the bed. He turned on all the lights in the room and started to search for the source of this enchanting smell which in his knowledge was making him hazy.

After a search of five minutes, he found burned fragrance sticks near the window. He shook his head with disgust. He opened the window and threw the sticks out of it. He let the window open for ventilation purpose.

He let the cool winds from outside cool down the fire which was burning in his body. He turned and glanced at Xin Mei. He found her sulking on the bed sheet which was covering her body. A smile left his lips and a flash appeared in front of his eyes.

"What should we do Chen?" A nervous Mian looked at her Chen. Her eyes held so much fear. Her hands were clutching the bed sheet hard and she was biting and sulking on the sheet.

Maybe she was his Mian…..a thought crossed the mind of Su Yuchen to which he shook his head. There was no need for him to become hopeful. He had already faced a lot of failures.

After inhaling some fresh air, Su Yuchen returned back to the room. He picked up his mobile phone and called Huang Chu. After summarizing the situation, in short, he hung up the call.

"My a.s.sistant will be here soon. He will s.h.i.+ft out my luggage and will take care of the other things." Su Yuchen informed to Xin Mei.

Xin Mei sighed on hearing him. His words acted like a huge relief on her. Her grip on the bed sheet loosened involuntarily.

Su Yuchen again walked towards the window to have some fresh air. But this time, eyes of Xin Mei were also trailing him.

Xin Mei was appreciating this stranger man who was helping her in this situation. If he wanted then he could have thrown her out of his room. He could have complaint against her. He could have finished her career.

But here he was, he not only understood her situation but was also helping her out. Xin Mei chided herself that she had cursed this man in the hospital. He was a man with a big and kind heart.

Xin Mei not only praised his kindness but his body also. His upper nude body seemed very tempting to her. He was a G.o.dly specimen! She felt attracted to his chest and back.

She had already seen the body of her brother and Qian Fan but they were nothing in front of the body of Su Yuchen.

Xin Mei looked at the back of Su Yuchen which was flexing with his every move. His muscles were contracting and extracting, inviting Xin Mei. She looked at his mark-free back which was so strong. His biceps seemed so powerful. In her knowledge, they could easily carry 100 pounds.

Xin Mei wanted to move her hands on his back and hands. She wanted to have a feel of his body on her hands. She felt tempted to run her fingers on his abs. She wanted to scratch her nails on his back.

Su Yuchen was also ogling at Xin Mei from the corner of his eyes. He was well aware that Xin Mei was planning to eat him. But could he say anything? No, because he himself was looking at her like an animal.

When Xin Mei had woken up, top two b.u.t.ton of her s.h.i.+rt had been opened accidentally and due to her weak grip on the blanket, Su Yuchen was able to see her clear white skin of the chest.

The straps of her pink bra were in the full display to the eyes of Su Yuchen. He could imagine her small mounds which could fit perfectly in his hands. Looking at her white milky skin, Su Yuchen could feel himself turning on. His lower part was aching badly.

He had seen many advance and bold women, the one who loved to display their bodies, during his stay in America. Heck! He had seen nude women too but he never felt so affected the way Xin Mei was having on him.

He was never so hard. His body never desired someone the way he desired for Xin Mei. This strong feeling in his body felt foreign to him.

The trail of their thoughts broke when there was a knock on the door.

"Don"t worry, it"s my a.s.sistant only." Su Yuchen spoke before Xin Mei could panic. "And please pull the blanket a little up."

Su Yuchen pointed toward her breast hesitation was clear in his voice. Xin Mei blushed hard when she realized where Su Yuchen was pointing. Her chest and bra were in full display to him.

Xin Mei quickly pulled up the blanket and covered herself. She blushed harder when she realized that Su Yuchen was looking at her intently.

Su Yuchen took a deep breath and made his way towards the door. He opened it and let Huang Chu in. Huang Chu walked in with some bellboys who quickly s.h.i.+fted the luggage of Su Yuchen to the adjacent room.

"Why aren"t you leaving now?" Xin Mei questioned when she saw that Su Yuchen wasn"t taking the name of leaving her room when his luggage was already s.h.i.+fted to his new room.

"I am waiting for the bellboy to s.h.i.+ft your luggage here. I am a gentleman and a gentleman can"t leave semi-naked women alone.

We can"t know about the intentions of a poor bellboy."

Xin Mei smiled upon hearing him. The rich man was so caring and gentle. No one would do what he was doing for a stranger.

"What have I seen in Qian Fan that I was so madly in love with him? There are so many men who are better than him." Xin Mei thought to herself. "Look at this rich man he is a hundred times better than Qian Fan."

Su Yuchen himself supervised the s.h.i.+fting of luggage in the room of Xin Mei. He a.s.sured that no bellboy casted their eyes on the bed where Xin Mei was sitting.

"Thank you so much for your help." Xin Mei thanked Su Yuchen with full grat.i.tude.

"No need. Now, you should sleep. Don"t worry about anything. Ok."

Xin Mei nodded her head and watched as Su Yuchen went out of the room. After so long she was feeling this content in her heart.

"If possible, I will love to marry a man like him." She thought before falling asleep.

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