Xin Mei was set on the mission, "Find out who this Jiang family is." She wanted to know who was this Jiang family which had planned a murder plan of her husband and why was Su Yuchen affected so badly with them.

She also wanted to know why Su Yuchen had not taken any action against the Jiang family till now.

At first, she decided to use google to find about who the Jiang family was and the result was, there were many Jiang families around the world, one was political family, one a famous family with automobiles business, another family lived overseas from last fifty years…there were many families like that.

Xin Mei could not find any family which had any link to Su family or Su Yuchen. 

"Argh, google is always a failure whenever I need something important." Xin Mei groaned and glared at her laptop and at google site where she did not find any useful information about Jiang family.

She then asked Gu Nan to search for some Jiang family which was in relation to the Su family. Gu Nan was confused at her demand but still promised to attempt the search of Jiang family.

Xin Mei knew she would not find about Jiang family from her silly tricks so she dared and called Huang Chu.

"Huang Chu, can you tell me who this Jiang family is? I know you know who they are. I eagerly want to know about them." She pleaded over the phone.

Before Huang Chu could reply, his phone was s.n.a.t.c.hed away by Su Yuchen.

"Mei, if I am not telling you about Jiang family then there is a reason. I do not want you to become a detective and b.u.t.t your nose around everywhere. Stop searching about Jiang family and me. You will not find anything."

Voice of Su Yuchen was blank without any emotion. Xin Mei pouted and sighed.

"Yuchen, I know you are in pain and I want you to share your pain with me. I want to know what relation you have with the Jiang family that it is bugging you so much."

"But I don"t want you to know anything." He whispered yelled at her. "Mei, please, I am pleading you to stop being a detective. I will tell you everything once I am ready."

Even after the warning of Su Yuchen, Xin Mei did not stop. She searched throughout his office in search of the file which was given to him by Huang Chu.

Finally, she found the file in his locker which opened with her date of birth. She grinned with victory and was about to open the file when Su Yuchen s.n.a.t.c.hed the file from her hand.

She looked up and saw Su Yuchen was angrily glaring ay her.

"Can"t you understand one simple thing?" he looked at her with disappointment. "I don"t want you to know what relation I have with the Jiang family. Now leave my office."

Upon seeing that Xin Mei was not ready to leave his office, Su Yuchen personally pushed her out and closed the door on her face.

"What"s your problem?" she yelled over the closed door. "I only want to know about the Jiang family to share your pain. I want to know about the people who dared to plan your murder. Don"t I have this simple right to know about them?"

She stomped her feet hard on the floor and left for her room. 

That night, Xin Mei and Su Yuchen slept on their separate side of the bed, without touching one another. They had so many things in their hearts.

Su Yuchen was feeling h.e.l.l guilty that he could not share about this small thing with her but somewhere he was afraid that Xin Mei would start to hate him after knowing a secret of his past.

Later that night, when Xin Mei thought that Su Yuchen was asleep, she again made her way toward his office to retrieve the file.

"Argh! Why has Su Yuchen  changed the pa.s.sword of his locker?" Xin Mei groaned when her attempt at the pa.s.sword got failed.

"Did you take me as a fool, Mei?"

She s.h.i.+vered when she heard the voice of Su Yuchen. She turned and found him leaning against the door. His eyes were dark with anger which made her gulp in fear. 

"Xin Mei, is your brain so small that you can"t understand one small thing?" He gritted his teeth and glared at her.  "Have I ever asked you about your past life, never right? Then why are you poking your nose in my past, in my secrets."

He yelled at her and she jumped in fear.

"I don"t want you to muddle in my business."

Xin Mei looked at him with a guilty smile but soon she became angry. What huge crime had she done that he was so angry at her?

"Why should I not muddle in your business?" she yelled. "We are a married couple for G.o.d sake. And as a wife, it"s my right to know what is bugging you and I must solve all your problems."

"I am not doing some crime by searching about the Jiang family. I only want to know about them and the relation they have with you. I want to give you the mental support which you need. But you...…."

She glared at him and clutched her fist tight. "If you don"t want to tell me about them then don"t but from now on, stop expecting anything from me as your wife."

And with that said, Xin Mei left the office of Su Yuchen. Su Yuchen sighed and looked at the closed locker.

"Mei, you can ask me anything but please don"t ask me about the Jiang family. I don"t want you to hate me after knowing what grievances I have with them."

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