The next day, when Su Yuchen woke up, his grandparents, family of Xin Mei, Xin Mei and Su Zixin were surrounding his bed. The moment he opened his eyes, everyone started to sing the birthday song for him.

Su Yuchen smiled and thanked everyone one by one. He also received the gifts and felt overwhelmed because it had been so long that he had received a gift in the early morning itself.

After getting greetings from everyone, he was pushed into the bathroom by Xin Mei. She was the one who selected the dress for him which was a simple pair of shorts and t-s.h.i.+rt.

"What have you planned, Mei?" Su Yuchen spoke to himself and leaned against the cold wall of the shower. Cold water was was.h.i.+ng over him. He let all the worries, all his heartache from last week washed away with the cold water.

He did not want to think about his feelings and foolishness from last one week. He wanted to enjoy his birthday with Xin Mei.

When he arrived at the dining table, where everyone was having their breakfast, he was happily welcomed by everyone.

"Come here Chen"er, let your grandma and grandpa feed you." Bai Yue called Su Yuchen towards herself and to the vacant seat in between herself and Su Lingtian.

Su Yuchen smiled on being treated like that. He did not know when was the last time he was treated like a real birthday boy.

After breakfast, Su Zixin who was wearing a cap and a whistle, commanded everyone towards the buses which were waiting for them outside the mansion. 

He Lin, Xin Jin and Xin Yan were confused at the presence of Su Zixin at the birthday celebration of Su Yuchen but they did not question about the same. They thought he was here as a friend of Xin Mei, to help her.

"Where are you taking us?" Su Yuchen asked to Xin Mei with surprise when he saw the buses. "And what are my guards doing on the bus?"

"For your first answer, the place where I am taking you is a surprise. And for the answer to your second question is, I have invited every guard and their families, for today"s occasion. They are also coming with us. I had also invited Huang Chu and his family but he got some work."

Su Yuchen nodded his head in understanding. Now he knew why most of his guards including Huang Chu were acting weirdly from yesterday. They knew what was their missus planning and were having a tough time to hide her plans from him.

He also knew why Huang Chu was asking for a break today, he was eager to attend his birthday celebration!

Everyone climbed on the bus and took their seats, Su Zixin who was acting as a conductor, gave commands to the driver about the location. Their bus first stopped at the orphanage ran by Xin Mei because Xin Mei had decided to include the kids in the celebration of his birthday.

"I thought you will remember your childhood if you will spend your birthday with the kids." Su Yuchen smiled at Xin Mei in understanding.

He tightened his grip around her hand and took a deep breath.

"I am sorry, I had to lie to you a multiple times in the last week. But I didn"t want you to get any idea of your birthday surprise." Xin Mei placed her head on his chest.

"Truthfully, I was hurt when I got to know that you were lying to me and were hiding something from me. Then now that I know what you were doing, I am feeling very happy and blessed."

Xin Mei looked up and smiled at him.

"I hope, you will like my surprise."

Their busses stopped in front of an amus.e.m.e.nt park and everyone stepped out of the busses.

"Amus.e.m.e.nt park." Xin Yan commented. "I didn"t expect this from you, sissy. I thought it will be some unique place."

"It is a unique place." Su Zixin replied for Xin Mei. "This place isn"t an amus.e.m.e.nt park. It is a memorial park that will refresh your childhood memories. And Xin Mei is the one who is behind the building of this amus.e.m.e.nt park."

"Really?" Su Yuchen asked with surprise to which Xin Mei nodded her head.

"She had worked very hard," and with that Su Zixin started to explain everything in detail.


Xin Mei was very disturbed with the sad mood of Su Yuchen. So, she decided to give him a surprise, to make him happy. She planned to confess her love to him. She knew that would make him very happy.

On the night when she visited the room of Su Zixin for the first time, where he commented, "Don"t tell me you are here to seduce me at this hour of the night."

She was there to discuss her plan with him.

"Zixin, I need your help. I want to confess my love to Su Yuchen." Xin Mei looked at Su Zixin with wide and excitement filled eyes.

"Why don"t you confess your love on his birthday itself? It will make him very happy."

"Birthday?" she asked with surprise.

"Don"t you know, his birthday is after one week?"

Xin Mei grinned widely when she heard him. Quickly a plan cooked in her mind.

"I have a plan and I need your help in it."

"And why will I help you?"

"If you help me then I will give you my share from the live video game stream and chocolate advertis.e.m.e.nt." Xin Mei bribed to him.

Eyes of Su Zixin became wide and he started to think about how he was going to utilize the said money. He would visit try country I for vacations, he could buy all the latest editions from brand J and would do many more things which he was unable to do from the last five months.

"Ok deal, I will help you."

From then onwards, Xin Mei and Su Zixin were eagerly searching for an amus.e.m.e.nt park that could have every fun-filled activity. They visited many amus.e.m.e.nt parks but Xin Mei was not satisfied with anyone of them.

She knew Su Yuchen had enjoyed a magical show, cultural dance show, circus, photography booth, various types of fun rides, carnival, animal rides and many other things as a child and she wanted to bring everything at the same place. She wanted him to remember his childhood days!

On not finding such a place, Xin Mei had taken it upon herself to create such a place and it was there in front of their eyes. She found a barren amus.e.m.e.nt park and had contracted magicians, cultural dancers, and everyone and had brought them all in one place.


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