The next day, Xin Mei returned on the sets. Filming of the movie was to be continued and the environment all around the studio was very jolly.

The current studio were located at a different location from the last studio. Also, this studio was huge in comparison to the last one. There was a huge ground in the middle of the studio where the battle scenes would be shoot. Tents were also set around the ground to give it a proper historical look.

Director Zhang had invited many experts who had already taken part in the shooting of battle sequence. Even though he had invited the experts in the field of visual effect but still he had recruited many extra casts who would be playing the role of soldiers. 

The studio was all packed up with the extra cast. Everyone had to share their changing room with some other cast except for the main leads. They were given their private resting area and changing room.

"Xin Mei, ready for the last schedule of revenge." Director Zhang greeted her with an excitement-filled smile on his lips.

He could not wait for this schedule to end, after this schedule, he was eagerly waiting to help in the post-production of the movie and he also had to film the movie "the flying women." He had already made all the preparations for it.

"Yes, director. I can"t wait to film this last schedule." Xin Mei smiled brightly. "After that, I can"t wait for the filming of the flying women. After all, it will become my first movie."

Director Zhang nodded his head.

Xin Mei really could not wait for revenge to pack up. She was waiting for the release of both of her movies and then she would start face slapping Zhou Mingyu one after the another. 

Today, every main lead gave their single shoot, the scenes in which they were to be introduced in the war scenes.

Tang Min was introduced when he was killing five soldiers, all at the same time.

Chen Bai was introduced when he was running around on the battlefield and then he climbed on the shoulder of two men before firing the arrows in the direction of a man sitting on an elephant.

Xin Mei was introduced when she was hiding behind her horse and was firing three arrows at a same time, from a single bow.

And about the scenes of Zhou Mingyu, well, the director had already shot her single scenes before. He did not want her to be present on the sets, to affect the mood of others.

After filming the single scenes of Tang Min, Chen Bai, and Xin Mei, director Zhang was very impressed. All the three of them had given their best performance. 

The extra cast or the third-grade actors and actresses were also very impressed upon seeing their powerful performance. No doubt that they were receiving so many praises from everyone.

After giving her scene, Xin Mei returned on her seat. Quickly two-man rushed towards her and helped her in removing her two hundred pounds heavy armour. Xin Mei sighed in relief once the armour was off from her body.

For the battle scenes, Xin Mei had to wear an armour which was very heavy. She also had to carry a heavy bow and arrow with herself all the time.

"Xin Mei, have some water."

Xin Mei nodded to Fang Lin and took the water bottle from her hand. She finished the bottle within one sip. She slumped down on the chair and breathed heavily.

Why was it that she had to wear heavy dresses only when it was hot and warm weather?

Not only that, they were filming in open, under the sun which made Xin Mei feel hotter. Her whole body was covered with the sweat.

"Miss Xin, you have again received a delivery." The production a.s.sistant rushed towards her with a package in his hand. There was a teasing smile on his lips. "Your admires can never forget to send you a gift, not even for a day."

Xin Mei shook her head and took the package in her hand. She gently ma.s.saged her head and looked at the package. She opened it to find a tub of ice-cream.

"Wow, ice-cream." Su Zixin commented when he came from behind her. "Who sent it?"

"Who else, it must be my admirer." She rolled her eyes.

Su Zixin very shamelessly took his seat beside Xin Mei. He s.n.a.t.c.hed the ice-cream tub from her hand.

"You are not going to eat it, so give it to me."

Xin Mei rolled her eyes and at the same time, her mobile pinged. Her heart started to beat fast when she received the message. Her eyes became wide and she pulled out her mobile to find the message was from an unknown number.

"Ah, you changed your mobile number but see, I still find it. I am great, right?

By the way, I have sent some ice-cream for you. I hope you will have it instead of sharing it with someone."

Xin Mei gasped and looked around herself. She was sure her stalker was somewhere around. He knew that she had shared her ice-cream with Su Zixin, but who could he be. 

"Chen Bai," Xin Mei nudged Su Zixin and showed him her mobile. "Look at this message."

Eyes of Su Zixin also went wide when he read the message. He also looked around himself.

"Geez, this stalker is dangerous. He has come on the sets, following after you. He also got a hand on your number even when you have changed it. Geez!"

"Who do you think he may be?" Xin Mei asked with a trace of nervousness on her face.

Xin Mei had changed her number after getting multiple messages from her admirers. She had given her number only to a small number of people.

"Anyone, we have many new people on the set. He can be anyone from them. About the number, your number is saved in the register of director Zhang. Anyone could have taken it from there."

Xin Mei ma.s.saged her head upon hearing him and took a deep breath. Who was this stalker of hers?

Xin Mei kept receiving ma.s.sages and gifts on each day, from that same admirer. She had started to feel crispy. Many times, a gift or package was also placed in her room whenever she went there to get changed.

Feeling fed up, she had also reported about the same to Su Yuchen.

"I am fed up with all these gifts. Can you ask my guards to search for that stalker?"

"I am already on it." Su Yuchen smiled at her. "How can I let a stranger gift my wife? It"s only that, there are so many people on the set, so many people to enter in your room for one or other reason. That"s why I am still not able to find that person."

Xin Mei sighed and nodded her head. She prayed that the stalker would be soon caught by her guards.

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