Xin Mei returned on the sets after two days. Her foot got healed properly within one day, due to the ointment and tips given to her by doctor Yang. But Su Yuchen was not ready to let her join the filming until he was completely satisfied.

When Xin Mei arrived at the set, nearly everyone came to meet her and asked about her ankle. She was carefully observing the behaviour of others because she thought her stalker would for sure come to ask her about her feet.

"Xin Mei, I hope your foot is alright now

" Director Zhang asked with concern. "if you still feel some pain or anything then you can take some more leaves."

"I am all well now, director. Thank you for your concern." Xin Mei thanked him and made her way towards the changing room when she was stopped by mister Gong.

"Xin Mei, are you going to your room?" he asked.

"Yes, mister Gong."

"Then please give this script to Fang Lin. This script has your scenes for the day." He pa.s.sed her, her script from the piles of scripts in his hand.

"By the way, how is your foot?"

"It"s all fine."

"Glad to hear that." Mister Gong nodded to her before making his way towards the other cast member or their a.s.sistants.

Xin Mei made her way towards her changing room when she was again stopped, this time it was the prop manager.

"Xin Mei, I was waiting for you." And with that, he forwarded a bouquet of blue lilies in front of her.

Eyes of Xin Mei widened when she looked on the flowers. The prop manager also became embarra.s.sed and scratched his head.

"Don"t take me wrong, Xin Mei. These flowers are sent by my sister for you. She is a big fan of yours. She s.h.i.+ps you and Su Zixin. When she got to know you got injured, she bugged me to give these flowers to you..."

Xin Mei was looking at him with wide eagle-like eyes which made prop manager quite embarra.s.sed.

"Xin Mei, I know you already have many admirers and I promise, I don"t want to be one of them. These flowers are sent by my sister only. Please accept them. If not then she will kill me."

Xin Mei accepted the flowers but still, she was feeling doubtful of prop manager.

Could he be her stalker?

Who knows!

"Give my thanks to your sister."

"Sure, sure," prop manager nodded to her before leaving Xin Mei alone.

Xin Mei entered the room where she happily met with Fang Lin. Fang Lin took the script in her hand. she helped Xin Mei in getting ready according to the scene.

Meanwhile, she also gave some hot gossips to her.

"You know the nature of Zhou Mingyu had changed completely." Fang Lin spoke in such a manner that it created curiosity in Xin Mei.

"What do you mean?"

"Yesterday, she had a scene with Tang Min. So, she was invited to the set and my G.o.d, she looked so changed. She was completely different. She wasn"t wearing those glorious clothes or makeup like before, instead, she was wearing a simple dress and no makeup on her face."

Fang Lin continued with surprise in her voice. "She was also speaking softly to everyone. You know, I accidentally collided with her. I expected a lecture from her but no, she apologized to me. Can you believe it, she apologized to me!"

Fang Lin squealed in the end before mimicking Zhou Mingyu, "I am sorry, miss Fang. I was not focusing on where I was walking. Please forgive me."

Xin Mei chuckled when she saw the facial expression of Fang Lin. "Oh G.o.d, I can"t believe you. Zhou Mingyu cannot change like this. I am sure she is acting."

"I also think so." Fang Lin scoffed. "Her good girl acting yesterday was so good. If she started to give the same performance in front of the camera then I am sure she will never get any scolding from the director."

Xin Mei again chuckled when she heard Fang Lin.

Both gossiped about one thing or another. Meanwhile, Xin Mei got ready for her scenes. 

Xin Mei arrived on the sets and looked at the scene which was taking place. She started to admire the acting of Su Zixin who was acting in front of her.

"How are you, Xin Mei?" Tang Min stood beside her and asked her with a small smile on his lips.

"I am all good now. What about your toe fingers? Fang Lin told me how you dropped your s.h.i.+eld on your feet."

"It"s all good. Luckily, I pulled back my feet out of reflex action." Tang Min informed her.   

They talked for some time before both were called for their next scene!

When Xin Mei returned to her room, after her scene, she was feeling h.e.l.l tired. Without waiting for any other second, she removed her armour and untied her hair. She threw her head back against the chair and started to take deep breathes.

She still has one more scene left. Good for her, in the next scene, she would not need to wear the armour.

"Xin Mei, drink this. You will feel good after drinking it." Fang Lin gave a cooler to Xin Mei and she smiled in grat.i.tude.

Fang Lin was helping Xin Mei in getting ready for her next scene when director Zhang called her. He wanted to discuss something important with her about the next few scenes of Xin Mei.

"Xin Mei, I will come after some time. Then I will help you with your hair."

Xin Mei nodded her head and closed her eyes in relaxation. She started to move her feet on random beats that were running in her mind.

She opened her eyes and took the water bottle and started to drink it. Same time, the lights of the studio turned off. She then heard the sound of her room door getting opened.

"Fang Lin, is that you? Can you please turn on the flash on your mobile? I don"t know where I have placed my mobile?" 

Xin Mei moved her hand over the dressing table to look for her mobile.

"Fang Lin, can you please turn on the lights?"

She frowned when she did not hear any reply. She was sure someone was here in the room. She could hear footsteps.

"Fang Lin, is that you?" Fear filled in her heart when she did not hear any reply. "Who is here? Who is here?" she yelled.

And the very next second, a handkerchief with chloroform was placed over her nose.

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