By the time director Zhang reached the CCTV room, rumors had already spread among the cast that Xin Mei was accused of sleeping with a stranger, a stranger who could be a VIP of the hotel.

Everyone collected outside the CCTV room. They all were waiting for the drama ahead.

"Tang Min, do you think Xin Mei really slept with a stranger?" Manager of Tang Min asked to him.

"I don"t think so. I don"t think any investor have arrived till now. According to my knowledge, they will be coming on the last day only."

"Then maybe she has slept with a stranger? Some guest of the hotel perhaps?"

"If she really slept with a stranger then where was he when the director had barged into her room? I think those so-called actresses are trying to frame her," Tang Min concluded.

He was also standing outside of the CCTV room. He also wanted to know the truth.

"Director Zhang, I am saying the truth. We are wasting our time and sleep by investigating. I don"t know what seniors want from me. Why are they trying to accuse me?"

Xin Mei looked at director Zhang with sad and innocent eyes.

"We will know the truth once CCTV video is played. We will know that you are lying. You can manipulate director Zhang with your innocence acting but not us."

After getting permission, director Zhang asked the security to play the recording of the camera outside the room of Xin Mei.

Everyone watched the screen with concentration. They saw when Xin Mei entered the room. They all were waiting for a stranger to enter her room especially Zhou Mingyu but nothing like that happened.

They all saw an empty corridor before the two actresses arrived in front of the door, followed by a waiter.

"No, this is not possible. With my own eyes, I have seen a man entering the room." Zhou Mingyu panicked.

"We have seen the CCTV Mingyu and no one entered her room. Don"t tell me that you are also trying to frame your junior." Director glared at Zhou Mingyu.

"I am saying truth, director. I have seen a man with my own eyes. Maybe someone has manipulated the CCTV recordings."

"Not possible ma"am. We are sitting here from the night. If there was any interruption in the recording then we should have known. But we don"t know about any interruption. The recording is exact," one of the security guards informed.

"This…this….." Zhou Mingyu wanted to yell. She had thought that they would be able to catch the stranger in CCTV but…Alas!

"Director, you believe in me now? I have told you that no stranger entered my room. My parents have taught me some values and I respect them. I can never sleep with any stranger."

"I am sorry Xin Mei. I trusted you. But we needed to clear the doubt in the mind of others. Now that we have cleared with CCTV, no one will raise a finger on you."

Director Zhang patted on the back of Xin Mei. He glared at the other three actresses in front of him.

"Xin Mei is a newbie. This doesn"t mean that you three can accuse her without any proof. You can"t bully her, not only her but any artist under me. Otherwise, get ready for the consequences."

After his warning, Director Zhang stepped out of the room.

"What are you all doing here?" he addressed the crowd which was collected out of the CCTV room. "Actress Xin Mei was falsely accused. Now, everyone go back to your room. We have a shoot tomorrow."

The crowd immediately dispersed and everyone made their way to their own room.

Zhou Mingyu was cursing Xin Mei who was able to come out unharmed from her well-planned plan.

"Xin Mei, you were lucky this time. But no one will save you the next time!"

In the room of Su Yuchen

"Boss, I have done my work. I have changed the CCTV recording and have bribed the security. I have also found the staff who was behind the change in room keys. Apparently, they did it for money which was paid to them by actress Zhou Mingyu." Huang Chu reported to Su Yuchen.

"What should I do now, boss?"

"First, I want you to hurry the process of transfer of owners.h.i.+p of this hotel at my name. Then I want you to fire the staff. And about actress, leave her. I don"t want to get stuck between the fight of two actresses."

"Ok Boss." Huang Chu nodded his head before he left the room of his boss.

"Zhou Mingyu," Su Yuchen murmured and swirled the wine in his gla.s.s. Sure he wasn"t going to mingle in-between two actresses but that didn"t mean that he was going to forget this name. He would have revenge…but that was to happen after some time.

At five in the morning, the next day, Xin Mei was sleeping very calmly. Her limbs were spread on the bed like an octopus where her hairs were covering her face and pillow. She was sleeping, unaware of the happening of the world.

But in the room adjacent to her, Su Yuchen was having a very tough time to find asleep. A hope was burning in his heart. What if Xin Mei was really his Mian? Was his search completed?

He closed his eyes and an image of smiling Mian appeared in his sight before that image was replaced by the face of Xin Mei. Su Yuchen crushed the pillow hard. A smile left his lips.

Oh, how he wished if she was here!

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